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What lessons have we learned in the past three years?


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5 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

Free Speech ?    Yeah - like a  "Free Lunch".    No Such Thing.  Nothing is free.  Ukraine is finding that out now.     As we let the small but vocal "Woke Progressives"  shout down our concerns for their attacks on our values -  we also give up free speech.    We remove our bumper stickers in fear our employer will fire us.    The First Amendment -   wasn't  "Free" to the Founding Fathers.  Most who signed the Declaration of Independence suffered because they did.    

Universities in the previous century bent over backwards to encourage 'free speech'.   Students For a Democratic Society, etc.   Now those who protested to support Free Speech back then  are in charge and are trying to shut it down by labelling it  'Hate Speech'  etc.   So, they were for it, before they were against it.    

I guess another thing I learned in the past 3 years  is that HYPOCRISY  enables all other types of nefarious, egregious behavior.   

I pull in to my employers parking lot with a bumper sticker that says “F*** Bob Blingly”. The company owners name is Bob Blingly. Does the company have the to right tell me to remove the sticker, my car or myself from his property? 
I worked for a company fixing stuff. The other companies service techs in the same field were able to wear casual clothing to work in. My company required everyone wear a suit and tie to keep  a certain image for the company. Does the company have the right to tell employees what to wear?

So yeah, if I like my job and want to stay working for the company I’m removing the sticker.

A private company has every right to tell you what to wear, how to act, how to look etc. to stay employed with them.  Why do your rights take precedence over someone else’s?

Sounds like you have been “woke” to something that has been going on forever since the beginning of private sector employment.

Edited by gdecant1
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With rights come responsibilities.

Language that may be appropriate in a back-alley with your gang-banging boys from the hood is not appropriate in a school setting, a church (not that those who have a propensity for cussing and swearing will ever end up there, except of course maybe their corps) or at work.

I try to tell this to the at-risk students I work with daily.  Some get it.  Others, well stupid is as stupid does.

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Things I believe all of us have learned or at least been reminded of.

1.  Don’t believe it can’t happen to you.

2.  History DOES repeat itself.

3.  Government leaders continuously lie.

4.  There are the “elites” who make the rules, and then there is “us” who must follow them.



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An interesting take on "woke " or cancel culture,  what would happen if a white person just got on a stage and repeated  verbatim a rap song that uses the "n" word and the "B" itch word and all the other terrible language that is presently accepted for blacks? 

Did Martin Luther king Jr really die just so blacks could have the exclusive rights to foul language? 

Doesn't that cheapen everything African-American's have been fighting for ?

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“Wokeness” knows no bounds these days.  The irritating part of the Yale incidents is that those clowns were not a bunch of clueless freshmen, but law school students.  These idiot are potential officers of the court and will be required to take an oath to uphold the Constitution, not just provisions they agree with.  And I’m sure many aspire to be judges.  I found the response by Judge Silberman of the U.S. Appeals Court from the D.C. District encouraging.  

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Agree. Reminds me of an OpEd I read 30 years ago from a law school professor complaining that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas was not ruling  to support his people.  This LAW  professor believed judges should make decisions based, not on the law, but that they had “constituents” they represented and should favor.  Imagine all the screwed up lawyers this “professor” educated.  

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45 minutes ago, jvi said:

the current term "woke" means being aware of reality not being in denial of it,,,to me anyway...its a good thing.

You left off the rest of the description, 

The current term "woke " means being aware of THE reality AS WE DEFINE IT.

You will agree with the Woke or you will be cancelled,  in some countries that have gone down that road the next step is re-education camps. 

Mao and Stalin would be so proud 

Edited by jaxson50
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My neighbor has a jacked up Silverado and on the back window in bold letters it say "HEY SNOWFLAKES. F@CK YOUR FEELINGS". Originally it said "TRUMP 2020. F@CK YOUR FEELINGS" but he changed that part. And it's not censored like I typed it. He works for Penske and I believe also the county. I guess his employers doesn't care if he offends snowflakes, or liberals or woke people or parents with children in the car behind him or whatever. As long as it's his personal vehicle I guess it doesn't matter. :-k 

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7 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

You left off the rest of the description, 

The current term "woke " means being aware of THE reality AS WE DEFINE IT.

You will agree with the Woke or you will be cancelled,  in some countries that have gone down that road the next step is re-education camps. 

Mao and Stalin would be so proud 

woke to the lies corps and oil barons and war mongor polluters want us to buy, woke to the evil the enemy is spreading about us to make us hate each other, woke to foreign gas and plastic and pollution, woke to the fact that the right is wrong  we can have a better world if they get out of the way of progress. 

just an opinion folks, please no pant pooping....

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20 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

I pull in to my employers parking lot with a bumper sticker that says “F*** Bob Blingly”. The company owners name is Bob Blingly. Does the company have the to right tell me to remove the sticker, my car or myself from his property? 
I worked for a company fixing stuff. The other companies service techs in the same field were able to wear casual clothing to work in. My company required everyone wear a suit and tie to keep  a certain image for the company. Does the company have the right to tell employees what to wear?

So yeah, if I like my job and want to stay working for the company I’m removing the sticker.

A private company has every right to tell you what to wear, how to act, how to look etc. to stay employed with them.  Why do your rights take precedence over someone else’s?

Sounds like you have been “woke” to something that has been going on forever since the beginning of private sector employment.

Bob Blingly !   I know Bob's uncle - Fred Hyperbole.  

I wasn't talking about bumper stickers that use graphic language to insult your employer. I was talking about having a bumper sticker that said  "Coexist",   "Trump 2024"  or equally mild middle of the road comments.  You risk getting your car keyed if you have a "I back the blue.'  bumper sticker. 

I've worked for several uptight companies - in middle management, you were only expected to wear a sport coat and tie, not a suit.  I think I'd find a new job if a were a repairman in the field being required to wear a suit.   Voting with your feet is the other side of  'freedom'  - the response to an overly controlling work environment.  

A private company has every right to tell you how high to jump and when you can come down,  but they'll eventually wind up with lemmings who are less than qualified for their jobs.  I don't believe a private company (which is usually a lawyer and an HR weenie who convince senior management they know what they're doing (sort of like a Dr. Fauci) has the right to go into your Social Media to look for reasons to fire you.  As we use to say -  "It's not work-related."  Best solution - is to sue them in civil court. 

Nope -  I'm not 'woke to something going on since the beginning of private sector employment'.   I'm  "woke" to something that has grown out of control in my lifetime ...  like a cancer.   Like 'De-fund Police' ,  Open Borders,  "Don't admit people to hospitals if they haven't had the CV19 Vaccine"  and People wearing two masks while driving alone in their cars.   (Well, maybe I heard that last one from Fred Hyperbole.  No one could be that intimidated.) 

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48 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

I wasn't talking about bumper stickers that use graphic language to insult your employer. I was talking about having a bumper sticker that said  "Coexist",   "Trump 2024"  or equally mild middle of the road comments.  You risk getting your car keyed if you have a "I back the blue.'  bumper sticker. 

I get where you're coming from, but the person who vandalizes is the one in the wrong.  I don't see this as taking away your free speech necessarily, I see this as a stupid person reacting like a child because they aren't getting exactly what they want.  Case in point, there are a lot of people out my way who still have a ton of Trump stuff on their lawns.  Stuff has stayed there since he was in office and has remained intact to this very day.  If this bothers someone where they feel they need to tear it all down, then they need to rethink about when this should happen to them on the other side of things. 

I DID see people with Joe stuff on their lawns get vandalized though...  My next-door neighbor had his signs stolen several times.  He ended up putting up a billboard type sign to say FU to those individuals who decided taking down Biden signs was necessary. 

I have learned that violence begets more violence.  Let the good beget the good.  That's what I have believe in.  Violence defeats your purpose IMHO. Why do we need to hate each other because we disagree on someone that isn't "their" guy?  I don't hate Trump supporters.  Why hate on me because I don't like Trump - someone who everyone most likely has NEVER MET?  I have interacted with all of you more than any politician... I probably have more in common with everyone else here than some person in our political space. 

Edited by NighthawkChris
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Another thing I learned is it is near impossible to try to convince others to agree with your politics.  It is futile.  People need to see s*** for themselves to change their views.  Say what you have to if you must then leave it at that.  Discussion is welcome, but pi$$ing matches are stupid. 

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I see part of the  problem too is too many people feel an obligation to some arbitrary title.  Like "conservative" or "liberal".  Once they claim to be in either camp, then they start to sound robotic.  All chattering the same "out of the handbook"  soundbites and catchphrases.  It's how idiot speech like "woke", "snowflake" and "cancel culture" and "re-thug-lican",  "neckbeard",  "conspiritard" and "Trumpkin" permeate the lexicon of people who otherwise pretend they know better.  

Once you hear or read any of these words used by ANYBODY it's clear they're not really thinking on their own(if at all).  And merely pretending they long for the days of civil discourse between people of different political bents.  


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1 hour ago, NighthawkChris said:

Another thing I learned is it is near impossible to try to convince others to agree with your politics.  It is futile.  People need to see s*** for themselves to change their views.  Say what you have to if you must then leave it at that.  Discussion is welcome, but pi$$ing matches are stupid. 

Yeah, I've been guilty of getting in pissing matches, and I've never changed anyone's mind. But, I typically react to a person who bases their opinion on disinformation- disproven assumptions that people are so willing to make and spread... " alternative facts" as Kellyanne Conway put it. There is just so much of it everywhere, and so few people are willing to do the research. 

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33 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

I see part of the  problem too is too many people feel an obligation to some arbitrary title.  Like "conservative" or "liberal".  Once they claim to be in either camp, then they start to sound robotic.  All chattering the same "out of the handbook"  soundbites and catchphrases.  It's how idiot speech like "woke", "snowflake" and "cancel culture" and "re-thug-lican",  "neckbeard",  "conspiritard" and "Trumpkin" permeate the lexicon of people who otherwise pretend they know better.  

Once you hear or read any of these words used by ANYBODY it's clear they're not really thinking on their own(if at all).  And merely pretending they long for the days of civil discourse between people of different political bents.  


For sure, no one that’s trying to reach out is going to have any luck doing so by being insulting of the other. At that point using petty names means what I wonder? To me it takes down the intelligence level of a conversation. But that might be the point sometimes… don’t know. Every situation is different. But whatever I may have been guilty of before is on me - full responsibility for what comes out my mouth or text.

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17 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

An interesting take on "woke " or cancel culture,  what would happen if a white person just got on a stage and repeated  verbatim a rap song that uses the "n" word and the "B" itch word and all the other terrible language that is presently accepted for blacks? 

Did Martin Luther king Jr really die just so blacks could have the exclusive rights to foul language? 

Doesn't that cheapen everything African-American's have been fighting for ?

Black people born in the USA are Americans. My wife has been to Africa twice, which is more times than any black person I have ever met.

White people can say bad words too.

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7 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Black people born in the USA are Americans. My wife has been to Africa twice, which is more times than any black person I have ever met.

White people can say bad words too.

The double standards that rule the land these days are incomprehensible.   I just shake my head at it all....  Can't change it, so why bother to angst over any of it.


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5 hours ago, jvi said:

woke to the lies corps and oil barons and war mongor polluters want us to buy, woke to the evil the enemy is spreading about us to make us hate each other, woke to foreign gas and plastic and pollution, woke to the fact that the right is wrong  we can have a better world if they get out of the way of progress. 

just an opinion folks, please no pant pooping....

You closed your statement with " just an opinion " 

You know as well as I do that in the Woke agenda there is no room for disagreement or  discussion, or opinion,   I applaud your attempt to sugar coat it. 

Edited by jaxson50
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55 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Black people born in the USA are Americans. My wife has been to Africa twice, which is more times than any black person I have ever met.

White people can say bad words too.

You missed my point, let me elaborate by providing an example. 

My grandson never heard the " N " word used in his home, nor in my home, nor did he hear it from any of his teachers. He never heard it used by a white entertainer.  

So where did he pick up that word? 

From black entertainers.

If we are going to eliminate the word and the imagery it portrays so that future generations refute both, it will require that nobody use it as a form of entertainment. 

I'm all in for equality, I'm have supported equal rights for all races and sexes since the 1960s when I was a teenager and became politically and socially aware.  It is abundantly clear to me that there are many racist who continue to undermine those ideals for personal prejudice or personal self promotion. 

If racism disappears from society today, that is a good thing, so why are there some blacks who keep it alive?

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14 minutes ago, jaxson50 said:

You closed your statement with " just an opinion " 

You know as well as I do that in the Woke agenda there is no room for disagreement or  discussion, or opinion,   I applaud your attempt to sugar coat it. 

Im not even sure that "woke " is a thing, I dont use the term to discribe  myself or others, its a term used to distract from real issues likely, I do believe there can be "liberals and conservatives" based on my countries political set up, Im proud to agree with my countries liberal platform, and when the conservatives are in I may cringe but I dont bellyache and obstruct them

your applaud comment is of base

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