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Hey Jocko.....


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Jocko, I don't know what happened, but whatever it was I am sorry this has happened. You have made this forum a great place to hang out. I'm sorry we couldn't get together during the Blue Angels Airshow this weekend. Feel free to PM me any time you will be back in Pensacola and we will try to get together.


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Everytime I take my sleep I miss the things that matter, so it seems...:-

Whatever happened last 8 hours, ...Jocko did a hell of a job by cleaning up a messy place and turned it back into a internet forum, which is per definition an online discussion site! 'Discussion' is back restored, where members show respect to the subject of the thread and to each other. I would like to have it that way, always, so thanks Jocko for your great work and I sincerely hope all goes well mate!


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I second what Kris (DeVeeWee) said, on all counts.

We go to sleep Europe time and stuff happens during our night, and we take a peek on here

in the morning to find "developments" have run their course.

We see the dust settling and no more.


As for guitarest - he did a good job - quieted a lot of inappropriate stuff

and put some interesting things in place.

Thankless task Jocko.....

Thanks mate.


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I must say that I never had any problem with Guitarest... I thought he was doing a great job and as mentioned by several people he did make this a better place. I'm sorry whatever happened, happened.... I hope Jocko comes back as a member... In fact now that he is no longer a mod he could be a Member of the Month... Just sayin'....

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Everytime I take my sleep I miss the things that matter' date=' so it seems...[angry']

Whatever happened last 8 hours, ...Jocko did a hell of a job by cleaning up a messy place and turned it back into a internet forum, which is per definition an online discussion site! 'Discussion' is back restored, where members show respect to the subject of the thread and to each other. I would like to have it that way, always, so thanks Jocko for your great work and I sincerely hope all goes well mate!







Respect to the man. I've no idea how this place was before but I'have always found his observations to the topic and interesting. As a mod, I can't really comment, but as a forum member he is definitaly needed and appreciated.


I hope he gets back in here ASAP!



As for the time difference and missing the good stuff, I've already started a ''VERY ANGRY AT MY FATE [laugh] '' thread already...

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I would also like to say that Jocko did do a good job in some areas on the forum. I do believe that his efforts contributed to helping the forum come back on track. It is also because of him that we are doing the MOTM, and it should continue. Being a moderator is a thankless job, and everyone knows that. I believe that it can wear on the best of people. I even find that I have to remind myself to be objective in matters. I do hope that Jocko will return to being a contributor to the forum.




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Jocko was a one man clean up committee and this place was knee deep in sewage at one point. We all know what a tough job he had trying to restore some kind of order around here. He always explained the actions he took and why.


Sometimes he would respond with personal emails to explain his position on certain post that might have gone too far.

Gotta respect that.


Hope he comes back soon.

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I would also like to say that Jocko did do a good job in some areas on the forum. I do believe that his efforts contributed to helping the forum come back on track. It is also because of him that we are doing the MOTM' date=' and it should continue. Being a moderator is a thankless job, and everyone knows that. I believe that it can wear on the best of people. I even find that I have to remind myself to be objective in matters. I do hope that Jocko will return to being a contributor to the forum.







To echo what you and other said, he did a great job of cleaning up this board. And, yeah, being a moderator can be a thankless job but also a rewarding one but, man, does it ever wear thin sometimes.


Hope you decide to hang around, Jocko.

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You guys know what I hate?


I hate it when some ******bag dies and all of a sudden people talks only about what a good person he was.


Guitarest (and I have told him this in PMs and am posting here where he can read it so that no one can say I talked to his back) was a ******bag with lots of people here, some of you guys thought it was great because you didn't like those people, but that's not being fair. If he was a ******bag to someone I didn't like I would still have called him a ******bag.


He was rude to noobs and to some people that didnt share his views. He flooded some people's inboxes with nonsense about a long gone member.


He sent more PMs with rants about god knows what.


That was uncalled for.



I for one, am glad he is not a mod anymore, he was a cool guy when he was just our pal jocko, maybe he will be a cool guy now that he is just an advanced member again.


Shadow did good.

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You guys know what I hate?


I hate it when some ******bag dies and all of a sudden people talks only about what a good person he was.


Guitarest (and I have told him this in PMs and am posting here where he can read it so that no one can say I talked to his back) was a ******bag with lots of people here' date=' some of you guys thought it was great because you didn't like those people, but that's not being fair. If he was a ******bag to someone I didn't like I would still have called him a ******bag.


He was rude to noobs and to some people that didnt share his views. He flooded some people's inboxes with nonsense about a long gone member.


He sent more PMs with rants about god knows what.


That was uncalled for.



I for one, am glad he is not a mod anymore, he was a cool guy when he was just our pal jocko, maybe he will be a cool guy now that he is just an advanced member again.


Shadow did good.[/quote']



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You guys know what I hate?


I hate it when some ******bag dies and all of a sudden people talks only about what a good person he was.


Guitarest (and I have told him this in PMs and am posting here where he can read it so that no one can say I talked to his back) was a ******bag with lots of people here' date=' some of you guys thought it was great because you didn't like those people, but that's not being fair. If he was a ******bag to someone I didn't like I would still have called him a ******bag.


He was rude to noobs and to some people that didnt share his views. He flooded some people's inboxes with nonsense about a long gone member.


He sent more PMs with rants about god knows what.


That was uncalled for.



I for one, am glad he is not a mod anymore, he was a cool guy when he was just our pal jocko, maybe he will be a cool guy now that he is just an advanced member again.


Shadow did good.[/quote']

This I agree with totally.....good wording TG

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I've tried to avoid most of the drama so I can't say I've seen much of it. All I know is that there are now a lot less political, religious and other types of threads that seemed to be started just for the sake getting people worked up.


Speaking as someone who has been a moderator on several message boards, all you can do is try to reason with people in a nice way and, most of the time, they'll be reasonable. Other times, no matter how nice you are to people and how many chances you give them, they'll still resent you just for being a moderator in the first place and give you crap for it.

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I too commend jocko for his achievements here in the forum, he cleaned up this place and I said this while he was still a mod.


God knows I could not be a moderator, I would go all Gestapo SS on these grown man that cry more than a baby with a full diaper. There are a few members in here that I would whack like a mole.


Some guys have a problem with authority, even on a guitar forum, it is laughable to see this comformist pseudo rebellious attitude. Nobody is impressed.


Nice of you to take up for the long gone member TG but he was a ******bag that never got it, he got banned from multiple forums, he was the common denominator. Dude is far from being a martyr or a casualty, self-imposed failure, yes.

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At this point' date=' I believe this thread is more about Mr. Guitarest the person, not the Moderator.....[cool']



i am going to have to politely disagree. if you're just a regular member i think it is ok to have strong opinions are things. but as a mod, i think decorum must be maintained and your opinions/views/etc must sometimes be restrained because you are the one with power and are in this case, a (nominal?) representative of the Gibson guitar company.


on several threads i can think of, which have probably been conveniently lost/deleted, there was no restraint. he was the same as a mod as he was a member. like it or not, Thundergod hit the nail on the head with his post. regardless of his intentions, jocko would often appear in threads to be condescending; sometimes to the point of being malevolent. bad form for a mod. and there was plenty of hypocracy and behind-the-scenes drama going on.


has anyone ever considered why no one ever talks smack about ksdaddy? hmm, there might be something to that.

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i am going to have to politely disagree. if you're just a regular member i think it is ok to have strong opinions are things. but as a mod' date=' i think decorum must be maintained and your opinions/views/etc must sometimes be restrained because you are the one with power and are in this case, a (nominal?) representative of the Gibson guitar company.[/quote']



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i am going to have to politely disagree. if you're just a regular member i think it is ok to have strong opinions are things. but as a mod' date=' i think decorum must be maintained and your opinions/views/etc must sometimes be restrained because you are the one with power and are in this case, a (nominal?) representative of the Gibson guitar company.






I know me being a Mod at the Epi forum, my involvement definitely had to diminish from a membership standpoint, so that I can be more objective.....


Your point is well taken, but in the words of Macbeth..."what's done is done." So let's move away from kicking coffins and move forward.:-

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