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I Feel Old


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Seeing the great second albums thread, I realized I didn't recognize half the bands mentioned.

In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Mastodon, Candlemass, etc. Never heard of 'em, and judging by their names, I have no intention of giving them a listen. I'm 46 and wonder what would have been the equivalent to these bands when I was younger. Motorhead? Some of the obscure punk bands from the 70s like X?

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Seeing the great second albums thread' date=' I realized I didn't recognize half the bands mentioned.

In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Mastodon, Candlemass, etc. Never heard of 'em, and judging by their names, I have no intention of giving them a listen. I'm 46 and wonder what would have been the equivalent to these bands when I was younger. Motorhead? Some of the obscure punk bands from the 70s like X?



no point in posting a "bullet for my valentine" vid then? 46 ain't that old rocky? [confused]

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I'm 57 and I think I lost touch with newer bands at around 40. Before then I was in touch with most all music and the bands that went with it. These days, it's a full time job keeping up with it, and I'm not a kid any more.

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I'm 57 and I think I lost touch with newer bands at around 40. Before then I was in touch with most all music and the bands that went with it. These days' date=' it's a full time job keeping up with it, and I'm not a kid any more.




maybe when you reach a certain age you get stuck in the past and refuse to accept new music? [rolleyes]

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Get out of the box.


Vanilla ice cream is good. But there is a whole lot of stuff out there.


True, but when I look to broaden my horizons (not metal, but something else) I'm overwhelmed. There is so much out there. Some stuff will catch my ear and I'll leave no stone unturned trying to find out who it is. I remember when I was younger, I heard Tulls' Minstrel In The Gallery once on the radio. I knew it was Tull but didn't have a clue what the song was called. I bought about four albums until I figured out it was Minstrel.

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I'm 31 and don't like a lot of the new stuff that is out, nor do I even know half of the new stuff that is out....


The music scene moves a lot quicker now than it used to due to the information age. It is so easy for music to reach the masses now via the internet, etc....so as a result there is a boatload of it to sift through, which is a good thing, but it also means that it's hard to find the gems in all of the rough, but at least it is more accessible.


Here's a new band for you that may be interesting to some of you..check out Graveyard at www.myspace.com/graveyardsongs


They formed in 2006, but you'd think they formed in 1976. They are older school stoner rock similar to Black Sabbath, etc...it's very cool if you like the hard rock of the 70's....

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Seeing the great second albums thread' date=' I realized I didn't recognize half the bands mentioned.

In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Mastodon, Candlemass, etc. Never heard of 'em, and judging by their names, I have no intention of giving them a listen. I'm 46 and wonder what would have been the equivalent to these bands when I was younger. Motorhead? Some of the obscure punk bands from the 70s like X?



Well.....I'm 17...and I haven't heard of these nor want to listen to them...


I'd much rather listen to blues, rock, jazz, stuff like that.

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maybe when you reach a certain age you get stuck in the past and refuse to accept new music? :-k


I think in my case I had to move around a lot and have not always gravitated toward others who were really into music or newer music. I also moved to small towns away from progressive radio. Plus, my favorite forms of music are blues oriented rock and jazz, so essentially modern music moved away from my musical tastes. And honestly, I don't see a lot of musicality in most modern rock. Maybe that's one reason I check out this forum- to find out what guitar players are listening to.

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I've heard of Mastodon' date=' but never heard them. I've never heard of the rest of them.


One of the ages thrown around in this thread are three times mine, also.[/quote']


Hell I grew up with Mastodons, they taste like chicken. :-k

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Depends...have your balls reach your knees?

If yes' date=' then your old.

If no, your fine.[/quote']



Yeah, that and looking forward to a "good" dump or full bore leak as opposed to just dribble . . .


Has nothing to do with musical preferences really. That's just a matter of taste.


Hardly wait to break out the diapers again . . . :-k


But I suspect I'll still be playing and probably still $ucking at it.

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As for feeling old... I have a friend who plays guitar with a pretty big name country act. He's probably 40. Sometime back he was playing on stage and smiling at this young lady, who was really smiling back. After the show, she came up to him and introduced herself, and he's thinking "it's ON." Then, she says, "I just had to find you...I want to introduce you to my MOM. You two would be great together."


(Sonny boy, will you hand me my walking cane? [biggrin] )

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