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HAPPY NEW YEAR, What do you do for a Living?

Steven Tari

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I've been with this Forum a couple years now. Most of the people I came here with are gone, SOOOooo, What do you do for a living? I work and haved worked in a Private owned Navy shipyard in Norfolk Va.. I am a Pipe Fitter, Plumber, HVAC Tech. With the Knowledge I have in the yard taken care of heavy Equipment, and other such things, and being of Seniorty I work Graveyard shift to take care of the Navy Ship's and personel. Also the equipment to keep things on line. What do you do? http://www.memach.com/ A little something to show my job to people that have never delt with the Navy or water front. [thumbup]

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Happy New Year Steven.......Great job you have..............


I'm 47 and am retired.........I study law, I play guitar, not currently gigging, I have my own recording studio, but it is mostly (98%) in storage waiting for a new home; a goal for this year...


I do 'studio work for hire' whenever I want, which these days isn't very often at all......So, I study law, guitar, and do whatever I want whenever I want, as long as it's legal..............


I keep it nice and simple, peaceful, etc........Got my gal, my cats, more guitars than I can count, and I avoid any and all stress...............


I do advocacy work for disabled people, as time and health allows....it furthers my law studies......I study, I learn, and I grow old......

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IT... or used to. I retired at 43, decided it was boring as hell and went back to work. I'm 48 now... soon to be 49 and starting Monday, I'm going back to work for Xerox as a contractor. Nice 8 to 5 job, no pager, weekends free....










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Umm....................what do I do for a living?eusa_think.gif........................well lets see here..........theres a few things I can think of..............first off, I'm awesome! I also kick @ss on Call Of Duty and play guitar!


Therefore I win! Which renders your argument invalid! msp_razz.gifeusa_dance.gif


















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Umm....................what do I do for a living?eusa_think.gif........................well lets see here..........theres a few things I can think of..............first off, I'm awesome! I also kick @ss on Call Of Duty and play guitar!


Therefore I win! Which renders your argument invalid! msp_razz.gifeusa_dance.gif

















Being good at a video game will get your far, even better when you c@mp!

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I'm a student, currently studying without a major although I'd say the strongest potentials are English, philosophy and/or film. Heck, maybe I can work out a way to be a triple-major? Nah...I'd love to, but I'm certain that if I took seven or eight courses in a semester tried to do well in all of them, I'd end up doing well in none of them, so, perhaps I ought to study in moderation. [biggrin] Still considering that physics minor, though...


After college? I dunno. It's funny, though, that for most of my life people have told me that 1) I should be a writer or, 2) they imagine me being a writer when I grow up. One person even commented that I "speak like a writer," which in ways strikes me as bizarre, but I'm willing to consider the possibility that writers do, indeed, speak a certain way. They certainly write a certain way. Anyway, I enjoy writing (when I get inspired,) so I've been thinking long and hard about the possibility of pursuing that discipline.


As to what I'll write? Maybe I'll dust off all of those unfinished science-fiction epics I started and later abandoned from way back in high school. [biggrin][unsure]


Let's see...The Titanian Dwellers sounds like something I could polish up. Then again, while part of me wants to believe I could make a living as a science-fiction writer, the rest of me wants to find a real job that won't put me into poverty...



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Been in the adult beverage business since 19 (you can handle the product at 19 in some states). Everything from delivering beer, to selling it, to wine, to spirits now (just starting to dabble), analyzing data, distributors, suppliers....etc etc.


And yes...sometimes I get "samples".


Oh yeah...was a Criminal Justice major in college...go figure.

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Electronics engineer - specializing in control systems/industrial automation - mining, oil and gas etc.


My last job involved designing power distribution and automation systems for USA Navy vessels (JHSV and LCS).

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I retired this last year at 51 after working for many years in the Technology Field And (10 years in law enforcement) my last job that I retired from was as the CIO/CTO for a large local government agency. I retired (with a pension [biggrin] ) to pursue art full time again doing print graphic work, jewelry, sculpture, stained glass, art glass. ceramics, fine art litho's and painting/drawing. My agent keeps pushing me so I need to decide if I'm retired or if I'm a full time artist again, and pretty soon since I'm having trouble keeping up with commissions and have two large offers on the table for gallery work. I have a Masters in fine art and one in Mathematics/technology - also so I also do some teaching at the college level - so someday soon I really need to decide what I want to be when I grow up.

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I'm 54. I'm a civil engineer and land surveyor and I help land developers plan their projects and get them approved by all the government agencies. My wife owns a catering business and I help her with that.


We never make any money, but it keeps us from having to get real jobs. [biggrin]


I like to make stuff and tinker with stuff.


I just recently started giving guitar lessons, but I'm really an ameteur musician - just a hobbyist.

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i'm 47, and i'm the final processor/packager/shipment preparer for the world leader in the recycling of "platinum group metals" from auto and industrial catalysts.

i've been in the same building for almost 26 years, and survived a buyout and 2 massive layoffs in my time here.

I not only prepare the product, but I make sure the ops. mgr's and CEO/Pres's paperwork is up to date and correct, so they can take credit for it when the owner sees it.

i'll probably never retire, our only debt is our home mortgage, no car payments etc. but i'd really not know what to do without my job.....I set my own hours and have unlimited OT available, get a monthly production bonus and a yearly profit share thats always 5 figures......

I don't even have a H.S. diploma.........i'm lucky

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I'm a student, currently studying without a major although I'd say the strongest potentials are English, philosophy and/or film. Heck, maybe I can work out a way to be a triple-major? Nah...I'd love to, but I'm certain that if I took seven or eight courses in a semester tried to do well in all of them, I'd end up doing well in none of them, so, perhaps I ought to study in moderation. [biggrin] Still considering that physics minor, though...


After college? I dunno. It's funny, though, that for most of my life people have told me that 1) I should be a writer or, 2) they imagine me being a writer when I grow up. One person even commented that I "speak like a writer," which in ways strikes me as bizarre, but I'm willing to consider the possibility that writers do, indeed, speak a certain way. They certainly write a certain way. Anyway, I enjoy writing (when I get inspired,) so I've been thinking long and hard about the possibility of pursuing that discipline.


As to what I'll write? Maybe I'll dust off all of those unfinished science-fiction epics I started and later abandoned from way back in high school. [biggrin][unsure]


Let's see...The Titanian Dwellers sounds like something I could polish up. Then again, while part of me wants to believe I could make a living as a science-fiction writer, the rest of me wants to find a real job that won't put me into poverty...



I've written some sword and sorcery fantasy, I always threw it away though, because I felt it was terrible.

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that guy looks oddly familiar. :-k[scared]


Dude, I recognise him too. Looks like my biology teacher :L


Im 17, 18 in Feb doing A Levels hopefully off to university soon. But with all the acceptence grades being put up u never know. I play guitar and m currently trying to get out of a bangra band i did 1 gig with for charity event at my local corn exchange.


The attached pic is from the gig I did and as you can probably tell, I'm the guitar player :)

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I'm 50 and have been in sales since 1987. I was a sales mgr for regional snack food company until 2000. Moved on to one of the countries largest breakfast food manufacturers where i remain to this day. Played weekend gigs from 1979 until mid 90s when my job, wife and kids needed more of my time.


happy new years boys

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i'm a furniture sprayer, started of polishing antique reproduction furniture spraying cellulose, pre-cat, two-pack lacquars and hand finishing...my current job is spraying pine bedroom furniture ie beds and chest of drawers and wardrobes ect, been qualified since 15 yrs old...18 yrs B)

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I'm 47 and have worked in the rolling division of a steel mill for 22 years. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have landed a steady good paying job with no college education. Outside of having to get up around 3;45 am to get to work, I don't have too many complaints.

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I'm 18 and hope to make a living playing guitar and writing songs. Seeing as the probability of that happening is very low, I originally went for journalism, but am changing my major to English Education because I discovered my favorite parts of journalism were editing and helping people out, I thought why not become a teacher where I could do that, without all of the journalism BS, just teacher BS [flapper]


I love to write and study poetry (its essentially lyrics guys) so I guess that its kind of logical.


Still hoping on the music thing though [biggrin]

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