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Silenced Fred

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I'm not sure why I'm responding to this post, I don't even know why I read it, some kind of morbid curiosity I suppose, but taking things personally in a "virtual" reality is insane. "Fuzzy Fred" can say any outrageous and even libelous thing about "grampa" and it will mean nothing. Those aren't real people.

Don't take any of personally.

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I'm not sure why I'm responding to this post, I don't even know why I read it, some kind of morbid curiosity I suppose, but taking things personally in a "virtual" reality is insane. "Fuzzy Fred" can say any outrageous and even libelous thing about "grampa" and it will mean nothing. Those aren't real people.

Don't take any of personally.


Why's everyone down on d!cks all of a sudden? I'm starting to feel unwanted around here. [crying]

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One of the main reasons I started posting on this forum was I realized it was a great way to improve my communication skills and how I deal with people. On my very first post asking about a bridge on my Explorer E/2 there was a guy that was adamant that the bridge i was asking about was aftermarket. I knew it wasn't and I started to get a little irritated but over all kept my cool and Duane actually joined in the post and was helpful not only in helping me find an answer to my question but also how I was responding back to the other person.



This really struck me in a way that I realized that I could benefit from posting here in how I respond and deal with people/situations at work and life in general. I have always had a reputation as being hard to get along with in a team environment and being very domineering as well a brash. I never liked that perception and have really worked hard to change it over the last couple of years.


I saw this forum as an opportunity to work on these skills and figured if I couldn't participate and communicate with a diverse group of people on a forum about guitars I would never improve at work.


I think during my time here I have dealt with things pretty well. I have also made some mistakes. Tried my best to admit them and move on. I have found it to be a good challenge to try to diffuse situations where I may have made somebody angry either through accident or misunderstanding and vice-versa.


I also do the reverse in that when someone angers or annoys me I try not to get mad but instead figure out a way to diffuse the situation and make the other person think about there actions and what they are trying to achieve by doing what they are doing. I have found this works about 99% of the time and the other 1% I just ignore until it goes away.


In the end communication is the key to a lot of situations you will encounter in life and how well you succeed with personal relationships, friends, coworkers, careers etc...


I cannot stress this enough!!! Communication, Listening and hearing past the "I wants" that people tend to use in their communication ( especially personal relationships) and finding out what the real " What I need is" will have a huge impact on your life, career(s) and relationships!!!!


Sincere Regards,






By the way I just had my bi-annual review at work a few weeks ago. My manager told me that I have made the biggest change in regards to communications within our global team and that he was amazed at how much I have changed and how much impact it has had and wished the rest of the team would follow suit. [biggrin][thumbup]

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you mean about going over to the ibanez forum?, ignore that thread i was just trolling [biggrin]


Yeah, um, come back and troll like a pro.....Bookeeper's Son is a BAD troller.....He ain't funny at all...


Actually, he's offensive....On the Epi Lounge as well..........We miss you STEVEO, you ROCK !!!!!!!! [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] ..

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Guest farnsbarns

Fuzzy, if you go the morons win. Since the morons usually do win these days no one would hold it against you but I believe you should stand high and be the bigger man. You'll be glad you did.


BTW, is it boyvader harrassing you? PM me if you prefer not to discuss it in public.

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