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I'll do the same thing as the Cookie Monster as I posted this in the acoustic forum before!

My first song on my new J45 custom that my wife gave me for Christmas. Mother Nature's son Beatles cover. Vocals aren't great but what the hey.


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I'll do the same thing as the Cookie Monster as I posted this in the acoustic forum before!

My first song on my new J45 custom that my wife gave me for Christmas. Mother Nature's son Beatles cover. Vocals aren't great but what the hey.




Excellent T!

As you've said before we must be brothers. Loved it!!!!msp_thumbup.gif

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Some of the old timers here may have heard some of the stuff at either site below, I've been posting at Soundclick since 2005 or 6, there's something like 98 original songs there, and a couple at Soundcloud because I've only been using that site since September of this year...

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I'll do the same thing as the Cookie Monster as I posted this in the acoustic forum before!

My first song on my new J45 custom that my wife gave me for Christmas. Mother Nature's son Beatles cover. Vocals aren't great but what the hey.



Loved it Tman....


Your warble is better than mine!! [thumbup]


Lovely sounding guitar!! [thumbup]

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I am still somewhat new to the forums here.


I recently recorded a rough version of a song I am going to be working on during the holidays this next week. It's for my buddy to hear so he could get the idea of the song as he'll be doing the drum tracks.


I typically record at home just to get thoughts out for others who I might be playing with to hear.


So here it is:






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I've never recorded me playing anything other than purely as tone/sound demos. Just mucking around, really.


FWIW, here are a couple. Shortest first.


Les Paul into Music Man 2x12.



This was the day I bought my Strat and wee practice amp. Recorded for an inquisitive pal;





Great playing here, Pippy. Love finding out someone I've "seen around" has some serious chops!

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A dodgy iPhone recording of true angst!! It is a tongue in cheek 'when a pupil fails to show' blues (earlier this afternoon LMAO)







Thanks for sharing Matt. Glad I've finally gotten to hear you...(I must have been lazy about clicking the links in your sig). I even brought the girlfriend over onto the couch to have a listen with me...


I know I've shared my SoundCloud link/s here before, but here's a recent-ish acoustic song I did not too far back. No flashy playing or leads, but I did throw a harmonica in on this one...and I've never played a harmonica before. It's nice when your song is in the same key as a harmonic you coincidentally own...can't hit a bad note and always sounds like you know what you're doing!


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I know I've shared my SoundCloud link/s here before, but here's a recent-ish acoustic song I did not too far back. No flashy playing or leads, but I did throw a harmonica in on this one...and I've never played a harmonica before. It's nice when your song is in the same key as a harmonic you coincidentally own...can't hit a bad note and always sounds like you know what you're doing!



That was really good Evan

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Here's a little track I spent some time on while "on vacation" from the forum...2 versions:


1) With samples from "A Dramatic Reading of a Break Up Letter" from YouTube (an old meme that makes me laugh)




2) Instrumental version for those who are not down with the samples....




Both of these versions are a little bass heavy...i've fixed this in Pro Tools but have yet to export the updated less bassy versions..


Hopefully y'all enjoy!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Great playing here, Pippy. Love finding out someone I've "seen around" has some serious chops!
Pippy - WOW! Your playing drips with feeling - lets have a Gibson forum British invasion "ahhhhhhh" (okay I am the only one - I am now running in retreat :) )

[blush] Thanks very much guys. Sorry it's taken me so long to say thanks, too. I haven't been here for a while. But the clips were just intended to demo the respective guitar/amp combi's. Nothing more.


Matt; we really MUST get a wee jam arranged for sometime soon! I've even tuned the Manouche!


Speaking of which; I posted a thread with these two a short while back but I suppose this is a better place to post them FWIW. Nobody booed them last time; Now's your chance! LOL! (I hope).


My c1940 Antoine Di Mauro 'Special Chorus' the day she came back from major surgery to a knackered neck. After one of Matt's adjectives in an earlier post I suspect she will be called 'Djangly'...


One's mucking about with John Martyn's 'May You Never' and the other is a cartoon version of 'Minor Swing'.




Matt, 2 guitar players from London, British Invasion it does not make....

Ahhh......just wait 'till we get flight959 stirred! He'll more than compensate for our apparent lack of numbers!





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