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Guest Farnsbarns

Two. Rocketman and KaiserBill. Both great guys. [thumbup]


5, pippy, flight959, Rabs, Tman, garymooretribute. It's nice to meet the real person. Pip and flight live so close to me I see them both fairly regularly.

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Absolutely none and I have friend requested absolutely no one. I am here to talk about guitars, ask questions, learn from others knowledge and share what little I have. I only know any forum members by their handle and maybe a real picture if they have posted one.


I do appreciate your posting of V-picks. They are all I use now. See. Learned about a good product and have no clue who you are. If you were in a police line up I would not be able to pick you out if my life depended on it.


Well there you go. That's the same way I use FaceBook. While I know a lot of the people that are listed as my friends on FaceBook, there are a bunch that have "friended" me because of my pickup work or because of my photo work. Just this week a guy I have never met from Austria sent me his Ripper pickups for a rewind. We talk about music and horror movies and dogs a lot on my feed. I get news from my local county there and buy and sell stuff on it. I get to talk one on one with some of my favorite artists there. Last Sunday FaceBook told me that Robert Trujillo was holding a personal screening for his movie "Jaco" across town with a Q and A after the film so I went. I also use it to keep up with my family in Germany and across the US.


FaceBook is what you make of it.

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This forum seems quite different to me. there is a common interest where we are all really on the same side - we all like guitars, you don't have people coming here saying "guitars suck, you $@^&%wits should be playing piano" - wheras other places seems like venturing an opinion on a topic invites a tirade of abuse from those anti that view and support from others, which then escalates - I have seen people I like fire up over topics and I don't like it at all. Even Youtube is amazingly spiteful when you read the comments, but in the case of Facebook if that happens it would be worse because Facebook is about You. Like everything, when used respectfully it's a nice communication tool, when not it could be devestating and actually conditioning people in ways few have had to deal with previously.


Milod - if you're out there it'd be interesting to hear your view.

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This forum seems quite different to me. there is a common interest where we are all really on the same side - we all like guitars, you don't have people coming here saying "guitars suck, you $@^&%wits should be playing piano" - wheras other places seems like venturing an opinion on a topic invites a tirade of abuse from those anti that view and support from others, which then escalates...


Yeah, once in a while an upstart comes in here throwing haymakers. However, it's generally a place full of camaraderie, and most conflict is limited to a few polite jabs. [thumbup]

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5, pippy, flight959, Rabs, Tman, garymooretribute. It's nice to meet the real person. Pip and flight live so close to me I see them both fairly regularly.


But you would not have met then if it wasn't for this Internet forum.

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Absolutely none and I have friend requested absolutely no one. I am here to talk about guitars, ask questions, learn from others knowledge and share what little I have. I only know any forum members by their handle and maybe a real picture if they have posted one.



And your job...

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And by the way, I have seen threads about dogs, cats, pets, cars, food, travel, etc around here. Not to mention health issues, personal issues, and other personal stuff being openly discussed.


A lot of you may not feel comfortable with the Facebook format and that's all good but it is funny to hear complaints about a social media website on another social media website.

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I am a Marine Electrician. I was an Electricians Mate when I was in the military. I did 4 years in the US Navy and 19 in the USCG. For 6 years I was an instructor and taught about my job. I taught both basic and advanced classes. The advanced classes were about a system on a ship.


My cross-the-street neighbor is your twin - career wise only - cuz he's really old. [biggrin] Any time I need help with a major electrical appliance, he's my guy - water heater, A/C, irrigation pump - he's helped me countless times. His stories about traveling the world on ships are priceless. Ironically he hates boats now. :rolleyes:

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Never had a Facebook account and still don't. My only socialization is here, much to many's chagrin I'm afraid.


Never had a Facebook account, still don't, will prolly die without one. Going from usenet to forums was traumatic enough.



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I used to use Facebook. It was really cool at first. Just catching up with people you havent seen in years or getting up to the minute photos of your close friends lives. I even got together with a bunch of people I went to elementry school with for a cookout in a park. That would have never happened without Facebook, and it was a fun day. But as time went on, more and more people seemed to be using it as a way to preach their political or social opinions. I found that more often than not, I was upset after getting on Facebook to check in with everybody. Finally one day I just removed the app from my phone. Haven't checked in since and to be honest, haven't missed it.

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My point (going back to the original post) is the amount of people hiding behind screens, looking for arguments or trying to abuse people. I get the same with YouTube. eg, I watched a car video and commented that the seat controls looked cheap (expensive car). The abuse I got was so unwarranted. Then I find, if you argue back it gets out of control. So, I just delete my original comment. All of those people sitting in bedrooms(or offices!) hiding behind a screen looking for arguments can't be good. I've met some good friends on Facebook and been out with them. I've also met up with childhood friends. One, my first girlfriend that I lost my 'Cherry' to. We are good friends now. But it's the dark side that gets me. I can see how children commit suicide if they get abuse. Society needs to wean them off it and out into the real world. Go see a band!!!!

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I use FB like I use these forums, I don't get into troll battles, I just don't.. it's pointless. I ignore posts I don't appreciate or I find are irritating or just put there to create conflict. "NEXT!" Especially politically leaning posts... Stop it already..


I rarely do much on posting my own status. But I have a lot of family on FB that live in other locations, so it's a really good way to keep in touch. had to block a few of them because they are a PITA on FB, so I just don't see their status updates. They can still message me, or tag me tho, and I'll see that.


I have to say some of the funniest stuff I've seen lately is stuff that has been posted on Facebook.


I just don't get sucked into the drama and childishness. Like anything else, you get out of it what you put in..


I guess I'm more or less a FB voyeur.. is there anything wrong with that? :unsure:

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Now we are available 24/7 on the cell phone, enough for me.


But i might have to sign up, as my family and friends use it for sharing information. And the community where i live

have asked us all to sign up. So they don't have make paper info and go out to all mailbox'es

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There are two e-mail accounts, my membership here, and at studiotrax which primarily is about Korg digital recorders which basically are past now but still work well for me. I guess I will have to join FB since studiotrax closed and moved to FB as a group.


About half of my time on the web I'm spending here, and I believe most of you know why. This is a friendly, helpful place, and most of the active members are dedicated musicians, mostly hobby players I guess. My impressions also say that, besides all excitement and inspiration going with making music, the people here are very reasonable and grounded in the best meaning of these terms.


There are very few web fora where personal taste is respected in the manner it is here. When looking into other fora, I see how people get flamed by other members trying to spread their choices and their abilities as the very ones with replies full of hatred. Sometimes I wonder in what spirit these fora are moderated.


As an example, I wouldn't want to ask a question about the authenticity of a Gibson guitar somewhere else. This is also the reason why I think that lots drive bys appear and disappear. I never found a non-commercial knowledge base about Gibson guitars that anyhow compares to the Gibson Guitar Board.


Finally, sympathy and empathy here are extraordinary. In particular due to my personal situation, being here feels like home to me. I thank you all very much for that. The feelings you gave to me are irreplaceable.

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I'm retired. I like Facebook. I like the internet. I use Facebook to communicate with friends. I like to post mostly music and artwork, and very occasionally, make social and political statements, and share sites or articles I find interesting. If I get floods of posts from anyone, I'll block them. Only friends I know and share similar interests can see my stuff, and I will not engage in fanatical dialogue with anyone. I live in a small town and have made friends of people on Facebook that have developed into friendships outside of Facebook. I'll usually check in three or four times a day.


Then I have about four or five web sites I enjoy- college sports, guitars, philosophical/religious, and other music. Plus, I do a lot of research on the internet. I'll spend about four or five hours a day on the internet, on and off, all told. Since I'm awake for about sixteen hours a day, I don't consider that excessive.

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Guest Farnsbarns

So, over one fourth of your life is now spent online............


Or a quarter. Just translating for the English speakers!



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So, over one fourth of your life is now spent online............


If it makes you feel any better, I don't watch TV, do drugs, or beat my wife. And I play my guitar for around two hours (some would tell you I'm wasting my time with that.) For eight hours a day, I do absolutely nothing.

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