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Sneezing fits


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Does anyone else suffer sneezing fits?


I never used to. This strange behaviour has been with me these last 15 years or so. It is one sneeze after another. A gap of some 20 to 45 seconds between sneezes and uncontrollable. It lasts for up to a full 5 minutes (sometimes longer) and ends with a good nose blow. Interim nose blows are ineffective.


I don't know what the hell starts it off. I used to be convinced it was to do with my smoking and sometimes I think it plays a role. However, a friend of mine has also developed the self-same symptomology and he has never smoked in his life.


Is it something in the air which is different from how it used to be?

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Yeah, but that traces the cause surfpup. This condition is with me year round so although hayfever type conditions probably play a role during the summer months they can't be the underlying causative path.

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Yeah, but that traces the cause surfpup. This condition is with me year round so although hayfever type conditions probably play a role during the summer months they can't be the underlying causative path.



Must be something in your daily life. Any pets?

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I sneeze 3 or 4 times in a row every day.


Far worse are the yawning fits (I'm not tired) which occur after a period of concentration - playing guitar, looking at computer - and go on for 20 mins or so.

Much nose-blowing involved, twice a day at least.

Have had these since about 2003-4 which is (about) when I started taking eye drops for glaucoma.

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It sounds like an allergy.


I used to get uncontrollable sneezing about once a month and would use up a WHOLE BOX of tissues in a night. I got allergy tested and discovered that dust, rape seed pollen & a couple of other things could spark this off.


I was prescribed an antihistamine spray which cleared this up immediately. It was like magic, but it didnt last, but Piriton did. Nowadays I keep anti histamine tablets handy and use them every time I feel that sneeze reflex kicking in. It stops it.


Try some over-the-counter tablets and see if it works first. Good luck.

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I've never been diagnosed with allergies, nor have I suspected I had them. However I do have occasional sneezing fits and they absolutely suck. I sneeze violently, one right after another, often gasping for half a breath between them. Scares the crap out of me and they are painful. My record is 27. No nose-blowing seems to help. It can take hours before I feel okay again.


Sometimes if I am working with ebony and breathe some of the dust, I'm in trouble. I just figure ebony dust is an irritant rather than some kind of allergy.


When I used to drink, I would frequently have a sneezing fit just about the time I was good and sloshed. Quite the buzz kill. That all ended 15 years ago. Come to think of it, I don't know if I've had a cold since. If I have, it's not been as severe and I haven't had the sinus headache/pressure. Probably no relation other than my immune system is a bit more healthy.

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Does anyone else suffer sneezing fits?


I never used to. This strange behaviour has been with me these last 15 years or so. It is one sneeze after another. A gap of some 20 to 45 seconds between sneezes and uncontrollable. It lasts for up to a full 5 minutes (sometimes longer) and ends with a good nose blow. Interim nose blows are ineffective.


I don't know what the hell starts it off. I used to be convinced it was to do with my smoking and sometimes I think it plays a role. However, a friend of mine has also developed the self-same symptomology and he has never smoked in his life.


Is it something in the air which is different from how it used to be?

Not sure about the cause, but this sounds like me. I only sneeze a couple of times a week, but can sneeze about 6 8 times, maybe 25-30 seconds apart. I'm allergic to cats (we don't have any) and that's not one of my symptoms anyway (eyes watering, throat closing, etc. are). Google sneezing and you'll find as much + as - on why it's a good or bad thing. I've just learned to live with it since it's not a major issue, all things being equal. As always, YMMV.

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Guest Farnsbarns

I've never in my life sneezed more than twice in a row. I've always envied people who have those batches in quick succession. Must be quite satisfying.

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I get these from time to time. usually every couple months or so. I do have allergies. I use a nasal steroid for that on a daily basis. Sneezing though is usually due to histamine release which is most often from allergies but can be from other things. My sneezing attacks almost always occur right after a hot shower, right before going to bed. In my case I think it is heat induced. Antihistamines would be the best treatment for that. My problem is that the attacks are infrequent and unpredictable so I don't want to take a daily medication for them. Once an attack starts, it lasts for about 5-10 minutes and can be fairly dramatic. problem is that they don't last long enough for a antihistamine to take effect. One thing i have thought of that I have never tried is something like Oxymetazoline (Afrin). It's not an antihistamine, it's a vasoconstrictor. But, it should reduce vascular permeability which could reduce overall antihistamine release, and it works very fast. One day I may try it.

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Thanks for the replies people.


I think my fits are allergen based but God knows what and why. I have never been able to pinpoint anything definitively or even half-definitively. It just comes and goes and seemingly at random.


Not at all pleasant and a real nuisance when in full flow.


I am reluctant to go down the medication route considering that I am swallowing enough pills as it is for various things.


I can live with it (just) at the moment but if it worsens then I will have to consult the quack.

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I never used to but but honestly after (Once again, that dumb blasted brain tumor surgery and cancer and all the treatments and crap) I picked up allergies. Pollen, dust, weeds or whatever and have gotten into sneezing fits, I can't stop either and it makes me mad. Blowing the nose and getting rid of all that crap a few times does help. It gets bad mowing and pulling weeds and I know dust is bad. When I was working at the Railroad, inside the buildings got dusty and grinding dust, welding smoke and such set me off. I got so bad even driving to work in the mornings from Omaha to Lincoln I used around 30 some clean-x blowing my nose, coughing couldn't breathe very good. Guess the early morning pollen? But I was always fine going home, weird?msp_confused.gif The Doctors and Nurses Got a big laugh asking me if I was allergic to anything and I told them, "Just Work!!" Couldn't wait for that 3:30 whistle to go home. msp_thumbup.gifmsp_flapper.gif

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I do that too. I never have one sneeze. It usually starts with one big sneeze, followed by 6 to 10 more, and it usually lasts for a few minutes. I never have just one sneeze. My wife doesn't even do a full sneeze. It's just like, "Ahhhh..." and not followed with anything, usually. How frustrating would that be?

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