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New Model

Dusty Myles

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Alright does anyone else think it would be nice to see gibson, of course KEEP producing the classic in the same bursts/colors ect. BUT come out with a new guitar? I'm talking totally new shape totally new colors maybe different scale length/neck or even pup configuration idk. I'm sure it would be a bad business move but I think it would be cool to see...

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Personally, I'd like to see not only Gibson, but ALL makers drop that acoustic "cutaway" design that looks like someone ran into a tabletop with a clay model.  I like a Florentine cutaway better.

New shape?  What do you have in mind?  Only thing off the top comes to my mind is slicing those semi-hollows thinner, sort of like the old Mosrite Combos. 


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They do sometimes.... And usually any new models dont go down that well..

The sad fact is a lot of guitar players (electric) are very conservative in their equipment...  Its why they can sell a 59 Historic for 10k..

Heres some examples and to be honest with some of them you can see why they went very popular 🙂

Modern Double cut from only a few years ago


The infamous Firebird X.. Propbably the most hated Gibson ever


This was called the Shark or something


And this one the Shark Fin I believe



And for fun..  This was the fate of many of the Firebird X models



Edited by Rabs
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Oh Jeezus Rabs,, you're gonna start a holy war with that last clip..

Before everyone goes bezerk,, these guitars had batteries in them that Gibson discovered only much later, as they aged, they became very unstable and in some situations catch fire. 

So,, yes,, they destroyed what ever they had laying around and sent to rubble to the land fill.  I can't imagine someone NOT sueing the s---t out of gibson if one did catch fire and burn their house down.  (and from a guy who's had his house burn down,, you don't want that to happen... ever...)

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1 minute ago, kidblast said:

Oh Jeezus Rabs,, you're gonna start a holy war with that last clip..

Before everyone goes bezerk,, these guitars had batteries in them that Gibson discovered only much later, as they aged, they became very unstable and in some situations catch fire. 

So,, yes,, they destroyed what ever they had laying around and sent to rubble to the land fill.  I can't imagine someone NOT sueing the s---t out of gibson if one did catch fire and burn their house down.  (and from a guy who's had his house burn down,, you don't want that to happen... ever...)

For that to happen someone would have to defend the Firebird X..  I doubt thats gonna happen  🙂 

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There was also a VERY cool (well I thought so anyway) new LP type design possibly a decade a go...  I thought it was pretty nice but it never made it past the few prototypes that were made (from what I remember).





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36 minutes ago, Rabs said:

For that to happen someone would have to defend the Firebird X..  I doubt thats gonna happen  🙂 

this vid surface a few times in the past, and people went nuts *****in about how "horrible" and "shocking" it all was, and these guitars should have been given to schools and kids in poor communities...  which of course, knowing the back story would have been a horribly bad idea.


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1 hour ago, Rabs said:



I saw one in a GC when they came out. The body looked like plastic. It is a fitting end to the t-urd that it was. To bad King Henry wasn't under there. I hope he get buried with one of those POS.

There are no need for new models. 99 times out of 100 everyone just wants J-45's and LP's. I think the best thing Gibson ever came up with is the ES-335. Nothing that thing can't do except be a Tele or Strat.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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3 hours ago, kidblast said:

this vid surface a few times in the past, and people went nuts *****in about how "horrible" and "shocking" it all was, and these guitars should have been given to schools and kids in poor communities...  which of course, knowing the back story would have been a horribly bad idea.


Well I am not sure of that battery story... Not heard that one before..  What I remember hearing was it was something to do with insurance or a tax write off or something.. Which is why they made that video, to prove the destruction of them and is why they couldn't give them away..  It was done when they closed the Memphis factory (theres some other videos of them destroying some really nice looking CS stuff).

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For several years people complained and complained that Gibson should stop building so many different models and just concentrate on the fundamentals.  Now that they have cut back people ask why they don't make more different stuff.  Can't have it both ways.  Personally I don't think the expanded model line-up was that great and there are plenty of other makers out there is you want a really pointy guitar with extra strings, battery powered pickups, and built in effects.  Stick with the basics and concentrate on quality.

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I can't think of one new model past the Firebird that I'd care to buy.

It seems like the guitar manufacturers all ran out of appealing ideas at around the same time.

Maybe the 339  series but does shrinking a 335 really count as a new idea?  Does making a Les Paul a semi-hollow body count?  

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I would love to see a new model guitar from Gibson. Its always risky though.

The great thing about Gibson is the continuity. You can trace it all the way back to 1900. Its also the unfortunate thing. When the Gibson impetus is to move the product line forward (or sideways if you like) the faithful don't like it. It them/us that mire them in the past. 

This guitar description is lifted directly from the Gibson site:

"vintage-accurate gold paint, authentic replica parts, Historic narrow/tall frets, and hot hide glue construction". 

I cant think of any other maker that describes their product like this. So I suppose relicing is a logical option. If you want guitars like they were in the 50's then maybe make them look like that too?




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20 hours ago, Rabs said:

There was also a VERY cool (well I thought so anyway) new LP type design possibly a decade a go...  I thought it was pretty nice but it never made it past the few prototypes that were made (from what I remember).





I’m with you on that one. Love the shape and the way they carved the back and heel

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22 hours ago, Dusty Myles said:

I do agree with the cutaway on the acoustics, they are quite freeing. I didn't really have an idea on a shape just thought it would be cool for them to experiment. A lighting bolt maybe??? Lol

I'm not sure you got my drift.  I'm not against  cutaways on acoustics.  Just not liking the way many of them look.  Like on the Songwriter Standard EC.  

I prefer a Florentine cutaway.  Like on the Gibson ES-175.  Or the Epiphone PR-5e.


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Bring back the Nighthawk - not just the Epiphone NH.  I'd be geeked to buy a new NH, but probably will never happen in the Gibson lineup.  And if they were brought back, do it like they were in the 90s.  I don't like those 2011 or 2013 models and I don't like the Epi-hawks. 

While they're at it, bring back the Blueshawk. 

It's a love it or hate it guitar, but I know the used market is pretty hot for NHs - if they're priced right.  The rare ones go very fast.  I was lucky when I bought my CST3...  Literally SCOURED the web to find a shop that had one.  I ended up finding one backwoods shop in Montana that had a CST3.  Total luck, but glad I found it  It's my avatar FYI. 

Here's a better image of my 3 NHs.  Hard to see the figuring on the one in the middle because the red is so dark, but up close it has some nice patterns going on like it does in the amber finished spot.  The one with the trem is pretty plain, but still it is a nice player.  The one on the left has a flamed top like CSTs do, but it's one of those flames that only comes out in the right lighting.  This one is a little bit more beat up than the other 2. 


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1 hour ago, NighthawkChris said:

Bring back the Nighthawk - not just the Epiphone NH.  I'd be geeked to buy a new NH, but probably will never happen in the Gibson lineup.  And if they were brought back, do it like they were in the 90s.  I don't like those 2011 or 2013 models and I don't like the Epi-hawks. 

While they're at it, bring back the Blueshawk. 

It's a love it or hate it guitar, but I know the used market is pretty hot for NHs - if they're priced right.  The rare ones go very fast.  I was lucky when I bought my CST3...  Literally SCOURED the web to find a shop that had one.  I ended up finding one backwoods shop in Montana that had a CST3.  Total luck, but glad I found it  It's my avatar FYI. 

Here's a better image of my 3 NHs.  Hard to see the figuring on the one in the middle because the red is so dark, but up close it has some nice patterns going on like it does in the amber finished spot.  The one with the trem is pretty plain, but still it is a nice player.  The one on the left has a flamed top like CSTs do, but it's one of those flames that only comes out in the right lighting.  This one is a little bit more beat up than the other 2. 


This was the one I wanted because of the pcikup combo..  The day I went to buy it they had just sold the last one so I ended up with a Gary Moore BFG instead (cos it had a similar pickup combo)

Nighthawk 2009 - Gibson Nighthawk 2009 - Audiofanzine

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