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Mr. Gibson

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6 hours ago, rct said:

But then, you come along to the Gibson forums, there is discussion of a single pickup Les Paul, and it is gone.  How about locking it and leaving it so people can see the example of what went wrong?


Please excuse me; I think you may be referring to a thread I started  which I titled "Cool".

I deleted it myself; most respondents seemed to dislike the guitar so much I removed it. 

My apologies to rct and to the mods for any confusion about this.  

Best wishes to all.

Edited by jdgm
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4 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I believe like me, you are a known button pusher. I think Ringo was too in the Yellow Submarine cartoon.

You should’ve seen me in the 60’s!

I apologize to all for being curious about stuff..

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Being a Moderater here would bite, you'd have to read every single thing to see who is misbehaving.

I do it on an audio site and have to do practically nothing which is my specialty.

If I was a Moderator on the Gibson Forum I'd just ban myself and get it over with.

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44 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

I was naive, When I went to Vietnam I thought we were fighting for our Freedom….

Damn, my father in law was over there. I was in the Gulf War. No comparison. I think we were fighting for oil prices.

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20 hours ago, rct said:

But then, you come along to the Gibson forums, there is discussion of a single pickup Les Paul, and it is gone.  How about locking it and leaving it so people can see the example of what went wrong?  It is literally a crapshoot as to what you can and can't post, because posts that clearly violate the rules linger and simmer while posts that are...well, who knows?  I get that it isn't an easy job, it just always devolves into a dark mystery as to what one can and can't say because the violations are taken down without comment, or it appears to be just plain old personal.  If two or three contributors are causing a problem, lock the thread, give them a week off, show everybody what you can't do here.  Rules are much easier to follow when they are clearly enforced, not clearly written.


Exactamundo ! 

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13 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Can we just have this one thread and delete all the others?  

Well, THAT certainly is a bloviated  arrogantly presumptuous nihilistic right-wing thing to suggest!  😉

But seriously.....

I say leave all threads to die their own agonizingly slow deaths they deserve!  Or quick deaths, as there's really nobody pointing a gun to anyone's heads forcing them to participate in them , is there?

Whitefang (who didn't mean to bring up the word "gun" and start anyone on some pointless political tangent  [wink])

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1 hour ago, Whitefang said:

Well, THAT certainly is a bloviated  arrogantly presumptuous nihilistic right-wing thing to suggest!  😉

But seriously.....

I say leave all threads to die their own agonizingly slow deaths they deserve!  Or quick deaths, as there's really nobody pointing a gun to anyone's heads forcing them to participate in them , is there?

Whitefang (who didn't mean to bring up the word "gun" and start anyone on some pointless political tangent  [wink])

You can't type gun in a guitar forum. Just as you can't say bomb on an airplane.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Natural said:

The mods SHOULD "be cut-nm-dry about it all."

I say, keep on keepin' on.

For asking a question? Seriously?

I’m not directing this statement to those who live outside the U.S.A. Because, your Countries laws may be different.. There are Countries that “Freedom of Sppeech” isn’t allowed.. I’m directing this statement to American Citizens..

I really find it hard to believe that Gibson Inc., it’s CEO & their Board of Directors wants to allow a Forum using their “Name” that doesn’t allow the Freedom of Speech in America…


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Freedom of speech isn’t exercised on a corporate forum. By the logic that I’m allowed to say whatever I want here in this exact forum, why can’t I go into my work’s office and start saying stuff I feel I should be allowed to say. Freedom of speech right? No. There’s a time and place for everything and free speech as people now a days call it isn’t for a corporate controlled forum. Why is it so hard for people to understand this forum is a program o someone else’s computer and they only want the crap they want to be on again, THEIR computer. You want free speech make your own server and let the wackos abroad say whatever they want. See where that gets ya… can someone please quote the first amendment. Let’s interpret it and figure out if Gibson is violating this. I’ll stand corrected if they are in violation. I’m going with just follow the posted rules or go to another forum that lets you add the types of “free” speech you want. 

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