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Sgt. Pepper

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This guy is such a douch, I am too, but he has money, so people listen to him, and believe him, and people care about what he thinks. He is one of the s-hittiest bassist in R N R, and yet he yaps like he is Jaco Pastorius. Gene, Geddy could play your simple bass lines with his toes blindfolded. Good on you for wearing a costume, and riding open E for 2 hours live. 

Let me think, would I rather listen to guys in costumes make terrible music, or guys in regular street clothes make good music? Survey says no costumes. Geddy doesn't need to play dress up to play circles around an aged sad rocker who's glory years were 45 years ago.


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IMHO, I never liked KISS. I cannot think of one song they have produced I can enjoy listening to. Are all the theatrics necessary too? I don’t really get into Rush either, but I’d rather listen to Rush than KISS. Quite possibly I’d rather SEE in concert Rush than KISS too based on music alone. It’s not just eyes at a concert that are needed to enjoy…

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3 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

I don’t really get into Rush either

Wait what???  How is that even possible?  !LOL!  Just kidding Chris..

I've seen Rush more times than any other band hands down.  They've always hit a chord with me,  wups, that was a pretty bad pun wasn't it?

I sort of got into Kiss when they first came out, when I was in High School but I soon tired of their "schtick"   The makeup and stage stuff was fun to watch, but that's not part of the experience when you're listening to the album

Personally -- I never thought as musicians, they were able to hold a candle to most of the other bands I spent my time listening to back then

(Kansas, Deep Purple, Zepplin Yes, Tull,  Allman Bros, et al)

Yet they've been around forever, so they've gotta be getting it right some how.

When it comes to Gene Simmons,  I think the guy is a total  A$$.  But, we aint friends so I don't care.


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I never got the allure KISS had on some people.  My ex had a half sister whose kid just LOVED them when they came out.  But, HE was 11 years old !  So that explains some of their appeal. [wink]

I thought the whole costume/make-up thing was ridiculous.  Never got into that.  Didn't really like Paul Revere and The Raiders for much the same reason.  But to their credit they at least made music  I didn't mind hearing.  

10 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

 Gene, Geddy could play your simple bass lines with his toes blindfolded.

And probably with his EYES blindfolded as well!  [wink]

3 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

 It’s not just eyes at a concert that are needed to enjoy…

Yeah, it's fun to see some of your favorite artists, but true, it's not really necessary.  I remember my ex's kid brother, after he went to a concert( by who I don't recall now as this was over 35 years ago).  I had to ask him FOUR TIMES before he finally got around to telling me how they sounded.  First few times he went on about the light show, pyrotechnics and the outfits they wore.  He thought that was all great.  But in finally mentioning the music he simply said, "They sounded OK I guess."   [confused]

OK???    🙄

I have a simple method for determining the quality of a concert.  I go in with the attitude:  I'm Stevie Wonder.  I can't see the costumes, flash pots or the laser lights.  So, what's going to impress me about this concert?  [cool]


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If its 1977, I'm in my bedroom with my Koss headphones on rocking Kiss - Destroyer, but its not. I've seen Kiss four times (the originals once), and they do put on a great SHOW. Lots of s-hit blows up, Gene spits fire ect ect. There music looking back is ridiculous. 

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I grew up in the 80s, but always liked the bands my dad did - from 60s and 70s. I learned to play guitar learning Zeppelin and such. So I don’t really know jack about KISS but their music I’ve heard never turned me on to them. They aren’t the worst - BY FAR - just aren’t my cup of tea. Musically, Rush far superior. For crying out loud, they had (RIP) Neil Peart. 

People can love what they want. Was Gene trying to put an unseen value on his gig by what he had to do to make his millions saying someone as respected as Geddy would even have a hard time doing the whole KISS thing. So if this be the case, I don’t agree really because it almost seems like 2 different things - theatrics vs musicianship. 

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Never liked Kiss either.. And they never were that big over here so we thankfully missed most of it..  As said they wernt for me, I hated the whole theatrical thing and their music was just not that great.. Not terrible but there are just much better bands and acts I would rather spend my time listening to. They never added anything musically to the scene.. All they were was an exercise in how to exploit rock n roll... And well lets face it they did pretty well at that.

I did have to do some learning on them once though as we were doing a Kiss computer game so I did my research..  Found out about the so called Kiss Army blah blah..  Nothing I learned during that time ever made me like them any more.

As for his comments about Geddy..  What a joke...... He wishes he had even a quarter of the skill.

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I agree with Rabs and I was too old for them.  

But Kiss and Gene have been good subjects for threads on this forum for years, some very funny.   Anyone remember Kaleb?  If you were the right age, they hit you lke a ton of bricks.  Ask GG.  And  like it or not, they have a place in rock history as they have been influential on many HM bands and guitarists.

I had to try and transcribe some Vinnie Vincent Invasion soloing once, for a guitar student.  I did my best but couldn't make sense of it at all.  What Steve Miller once called "a load of spaghetti upstairs"!  

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35 minutes ago, brad1 said:


I was talking to Sgt. Pep


Man when I was 11, I lived for Kiss. I did mention I saw them 4 times. Now Gene is just a sad old terrible bassist who can stand up for 2 hours in a costume. Poor Geddy with all his talent in Gene’s eyes would pass out doing it. Gene your not the only one who has ever done it. Gwar does it to name one other band who play costume dress up. I did play Destroyer a few weeks back. It’s got a good song or two. Gene should just stick to what he’s good at - poking his wee wee in women and making $. Anyone see the YT vid of him getting schooled by Carol Kaye on bass? It’s been taken down Probably at Gene’s request cause it embarrassed the hell out of him. Gene didn’t even know where the one is. Wait and your a so called bassist.

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[laugh] Hatred generally seems to be self-directed I’ve found….and often with good reason [wink]

I’m not big on Kiss, their songs never seemed to have any real edge and the costumes are gimmicky, but they are a bit like Motörhead (who I DO really like) in that their hardcore fans seem incredibly loyal to the band, more so even than to the music, so they must strike a chord with many people (Kiss Army).

Rush - seem popular here on the forum but I can honestly say I have never heard even one of their songs, seen any of their albums or know anything about them except their guitarist had a signature amp advertised in guitar magazines at one stage and they are Canadian (?). None of my musician friends has ever mentioned them or to my knowledge own an album (not that we sit around discussing Kiss either…) but I’m guessing they just never got any oxygen down here in Oz - weird, cos from what you guys say I’m assuming they are rocking.

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1 hour ago, Big Bill said:

Keep in mind that Kiss was never in it for the music....

Maybe partly true. 

Genes story is one everyone who moves to America wants. He came to America at age 8 with his mom with little to no money, and neither one spoke English. Now this is all stuff I got form watching Kiss docs. Gene said I live in America, and in going to learn to speak English. I applaud that. Then 4 guys form NYC form a band. And if your a musician you know if you can play or not. Kiss probably though and knew they were a sub par band. Then they decided on a gimmick. OK let's play dress up. Paul you dress like a campy porn star, Ace you dress like a space guy, Peter your gonna be a cat, and Gene will be a demon. Why not its the 70's, Elton dressed like Donald Duck. Well along comes a 1975 live album, and now they are gaining momentum, and in a year or two will  be one of the biggest acts in music. Ace and Peter are the drinkers and druggies of the band and they come in and out cause their playing was not what the Gene and Paul though it should be. Then Kiss took off the make up and made many more lamer albums than in the 70's and now they are saying good by to us, in a tour that wont end. Let it end Gene. Anyone see the YT footage of Paul singing, or better yet this is more accurate, his vocals are coming out to the crowd, and he is no where near a microphone. Opps . . . busted you cheaters. And if you think they didn't bring in studio musicians to play for Gene at times, well you would be dead wrong. 

Now Gene is worth $400 million. He is a great businessman, you gotta give him his props for that. Playing the Bass not so much. I though you can the Rush guys were tight and your busting Geddy's balls. A guy who is 1000 x's a better bassist than you Gene.

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8 hours ago, 'Scales said:


Rush - seem popular here on the forum but I can honestly say I have never heard even one of their songs, seen any of their albums or know anything about them except their guitarist had a signature amp advertised in guitar magazines at one stage and they are Canadian (?). None of my musician friends has ever mentioned them or to my knowledge own an album (not that we sit around discussing Kiss either…) but I’m guessing they just never got any oxygen down here in Oz - weird, cos from what you guys say I’m assuming they are rocking.

Well, that's what the TUBE is good for....    [wink]



Dang, wouldn't embed it.


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On 7/10/2022 at 7:33 AM, Murph said:

Pop band.

Who cares?

He made his money selling dolls.


True, and every time he makes a crazy *** statement he sells a couple more...

Gene has claimed a lot over the decades (more just in the past), this is just another.

I , like Sgt, loved Destroyer in 1977 and saw the originals twice.  Fun band but never any substance - which might have been the point with them all along.

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13 minutes ago, nhwildbill said:


True, and every time he makes a crazy *** statement he sells a couple more...

Gene has claimed a lot over the decades (more just in the past), this is just another.

I , like Sgt, loved Destroyer in 1977 and saw the originals twice.  Fun band but never any substance - which might have been the point with them all along.

I remember when I saw Kiss for the second time. It was my birthday present form my wife and she reluctantly went with me. I told her look you may not like their music, but it will be a great show, and they are gonna blow stuff up. She called her brother and mentioned we were going to see Kiss and she really wasn't looking forward to it. Her brother said to her on the phone without any coaching form me "Their gonna blow stuff up". I laughed when she told me that. I also told here tons of people will be dressing up. We walked form the parking lot to the car and saw no one dressed up, and my wife was yapping in my ear about it. As we handed out tickets to the lady I said to her "there are lots of people who came dressed up tonight right?". She answered "Yes". About 5 mins later we were walking to our seats and of course we started seeing tons of people dressed up and then my wife started asking all of them if she could take their picture. She did have a good time. Saw them twice with my son after that. The first time I saw Kiss it was the original 4.

Kiss may not make great music, but their concerts are entertaining. Of that there is no doubt.

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