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Why do you make music?


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Is it mainly for pleasure, for money, to please others?


Is it to impress you peirs of musical knoledge and power or is it simply to feed your soul?


Because you see some else playing and you want to play?


You devote time to harness your skill, but why do you do so?








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I think therefore I JAM


when I started it was to impress the fairer sex, later it was to make money to support the fairer sex I had impressed in the manner she deserved. now I play for myself and friends with a small gif a couple time a month. I play a write just out of the love of music it seems wrong to not perform after all these years, tears and beers

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To exercise the noises in my head. Some one or something keeps inserting melodies up there and the only way to quiet them is to play them out on the guitar and work them into full on songs.


It's a lot of fun too. Better than any drug.

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It's fun. That's really it in a nut shell and why I play in a band today. If you had asked the same question 20-25 years ago, I might have said "because I want to be a rock star" but, even then, it was still a lot of fun just as it is today.

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It gives me a chance to turn off my brain. Since my NASA days I routinely get up in the middle of the night thinking about equations and derivations of new ideas. But I'm getting to the age where it's taking a toll on my body. So I use music to relax my brain. Great therapy (better than drinking!).

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To me playing is divided enjoyment wise into two areas, The first area is between being very reclusive and playing for my own enjoyment. The second is playing to a audience, small group, family/friends it doesn't matter!


With myself it is a combination of being fun and something I cam compelled to do.


I have done concerts before that everything went wrong and afterwards, in a post concert depression I have asked myself "why do I do this to myself?, that was awful!" but even then I know deep down this is the risk and gamble when you play live.


Oppositely when you pull it off, and risk everything, and you exceed your expectations it is the best feeling in the world.


I think one of the reasons I am so fond of Henrdix and Page on the electric guitar, and Julian Bream on the Classical is they were all huge risk takers. Often they fell flat on their arse, their fingers not quite making the notes...when they did break through though..boy was it worth it!


Their guts inspires me to push myself and not be afraid of playing live.



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I like music more than anything. It's cathartic. When I have a bad day at work, I can go hammer out some riffs, or listen to a band I like, and all that stupid b.s. just goes away. Besides my mom and dad, music has definitely influenced my life more than anything. It kept me out of trouble when I was younger, made me valuable friends, and took me to cool places. I just write and play because I love it. Anything else that happens is secondary. Writing something, playing it, and having people dig it is just one of the most awesome rewarding things.


Besides maybe sex, is there really anything better than hitting some chords through a cranked half stack? I guess perhaps a full stack. I dunno.

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Ever since I was a small kid, I've loved music of all kinds. When I reached a certain age, I decided I wanted to be able to make some of these sounds that I love listening to so much. I realized at a fairly young age that the guitar, for me, offered the most expressive and wide variety of sounds/tones.

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Why do I play music?


1) Bliss - it transports me to that place where there is no space or time, it removes me from myself, and makes me feel euphoric -- it's a drug.


2) Money - I play music for a living. So I'm on stage, in my bliss, having a great time, and I can make enough money for food, shelter and a few luxury items.


A wise man once said, if you do for a living what you would do for free, you will never work a day in your life. And other that a few straight jobs I've had, I've never worked a day in my life.


Insights and incites by Notes

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I think it was Graham Nash that said "Anybody that tells you they didn't start playing music to get chics, is lying."


I think the "cool" factor probably weighed in with most of us, at least with me. The idea (hope/dream) of being rich & famous came along later for a brief moment, then I came back to reality.



I guess the reason I still perform after more than 35 years for the following reasons:


I love music, many types of music, and being able to play it well is a gift (after a lot of hard work). I am fortunate enough to be able to share that gift.


I love to entertain. I love to see/hear the reaction of people enjoying my music. Music is full of emotion, and the emotion you put into your music is carried into the audience, then fed back to the stage just to be magnified and sent back to the audience.


As a performer or listener, music can take you away to fantasy land, if only for 3 minutes and 42 seconds at a time. It always smoothes out the bumps of reality.


AND..... once your hair starts turning gray and falling out, for some reason the "cool" factor returns.

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I'm pretty much with Rocketman on his... it takes you lands away, it's cheaper than booze and there's no hangover.


But I've been playing music since I was a kid. Can't and don't want to stop. It's part of who I am.


sex was mentioned. Well, singing a duet with a special girl is just as special in a different way and makes everything else better, in this old guy's opinion.


Yeah, I've made a couple bucks playing and even teaching music


But the bottom line is kinda like this: a friend who was on the road for years calls himself an entertainer. I call myself a guitar player.... Interesting difference there...

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I think it was Graham Nash that said "Anybody that tells you they didn't start playing music to get chics' date=' is lying."<...>[/quote']


When I was young, my favorite toys were the musical ones, even waaaaay before puberty.


I started playing sax in junior high as I loved to make music. I didn't do it to get chicks, as that never crossed my mind. Not that I wasn't into females. But as much as I tried to hit on chicks, I didn't put the music and the attraction together (duuuh).


Then I got in this rock and roll band. We were terrible, but so was everybody else back then. We practiced in the drummers house, worked up a few dozen songs, and booked a junior high school dance.


So there I was on the stage, playing music with my friends, having a great time, and suddenly I noticed that cute girl who wouldn't look at me in English class was making eyes at me!!!!!!!!!!!! And at the end of the night, they actually paid me money!!!!!!!!! Little did they know I would have paid them [-o<


I've played music all my life (so far), in about 45 of these United States and quite a few "foreign" countries (all the way to China and back) and I have had the opportunity to be intimate with many lovely ladies. Being of average looks, and average personality, I could have never scored with the caliber of women that I have shared a good time with if it wasn't for my sax, bass, and later my guitar.


Every woman I ever dated was introduced to me through my musical instruments, including the best one of all, my present wife and the singer in my duo (when I met her she was singing in another band).


So even though I didn't start playing to get chicks, I certainly discovered that advantage very soon and I couldn't have been more delighted.


I know that by today's terms, I would have been called a womanizer, but I don't think I did anything wrong. I found women that I got along with, we had a good time together, I always took precautions so nobody got hurt (or pregnant), and hopefully the ladies remember me with as much warmth and delight as I remember them.


And milod, I call myself either a musician or entertainer (sax, wind synth, guitar, flute, vocals, bass, keyboard, drums, and front person on the microphone) depending on the occasion. I find the two interchangeable for me since I make music to entertain an audience.


Insights and incites by Notes

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i just like to have fun. what other explanation is there?


Mainly for pleasure' date=' Although i would not mind fame and fortune.[/quote']




To exercise the noises in my head. Some one or something keeps inserting melodies up there and the only way to quiet them is to play them out on the guitar and work them into full on songs.


It's a lot of fun too. Better than any drug.



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