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Wait, what century are we living in…?


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As long as the media gives these "Terrorists" an outlet for their heinous acts,

they'll never stop! Greed, fame (regardless of how it's attained), power! Then,

some one "caps" them, and then it starts all over again. Man is a killer! Nothing

new here, except the 24/7 coverage, in Hi Def surround sound and Hi Def widescreen TV!

Take away that "fame" and there's less need to do those kinds of things. Not saying

they'll stop, entirely...man's a killer, but I'd dare say they'd diminish considerably.


Religion, even politics, is/are just excuses! Mankind loves to kill, it's as simple

as that! Look at how much is spent on developing weaponry, compared to curing Cancer,

Aids, E-bola, whatever! And, when he's rewarded with fame, and money, and goes down

in history, for his crimes, all the more enticing, to those who would perpetrate that

insanity, anyway.


The Middle East, is "Hate Central!" They've been going at it, for thousands of years,

and will continue to do so, as long as they continue to teach their children that same

hate, and intolerance.


"It's A MadHouse, a MADHOUSE!!" [scared][cursing][crying]



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Ya,, that only exists in your back yard. As a species we suck.


Yes we hear about it because the media is constantly in our face.

No it is nothing new and has been going on since we picked our knuckles up off the ground.

No it's never going to change.


And now for the biggie. For the most part, it's all based on religious beliefs.

Betcha wish ya had that minus button now.



Nope, it's not just in my back yard. It's all over the place. And most but not all of these awsome things are being done based on religious beliefs. That's why even though I'm a nonbeliever I donate to the Nashville rescue.

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People hate what they can't have! And, they can't (don't want to) have, what they hate!

If they'd spend as much time, and energy, on learning, accepting, and tolerating,

as they do "hating," then a lot of what they "think" or have been "taught" they

should hate, because they can't have it, would evaporate, and they'd more likely

be able to attain that which was not attainable, before. But, it's much easier,

to just hate, than to love and work together, apparently. But, a lot of that hate

is as much a part of their culture, as any other aspect. So...it's self-fulfilling



"It's all DLck!"



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Two points for me here...


1. Modern "media" has a feedback effect, but it's not the cause. The St. Louis area "thing" almost got me chuckling when the talking heads were howling about the "low income problems" in that suburb that helped folks riot. Their "low income" is the town's household income here, too - and such rioting is less than unlikely. We're talking an entirely different cultural perspective that, IMHO, is impossible to understand unless you're part of it.


2. Even as kindness to others is infectious, so also is inhumanity and its various excuses, and that's where a lot of the violence we see nowadays occurs.


The problem, of course, is cultural. The problem for those culturally inclined to a "liberal democratic secular" governance is that some folks define "liberal" and "democratic" quite differently. Ditto even more for the word "secular."


The Epi side of this forum notes how immigration from cultures friendly to "European" money but not "European" culture is an increasing problem. We're seeing that everywhere.


So the dilemma is how to keep being "liberal democratic secular" in any sense will be possible when votes are given to those who are anti-liberal (in the broadest sense, folks, even most US, Oz, Brit and European "conservatives" are "liberal" in that sense) and anti democratic and definitely anti-secular governance.


Asian leading nations, OTOH, functionally make it impossible for such folks to immigrate and become "citizens" in any sense.


Then again, perhaps the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans value their own cultures more than we value ours. Such does indeed seem to be the case.



Spot on,,if one does the research,,and theres plenty of sources to get "agenda free" info,,is quite alarming whats really at work,,from ,,really a very small group{s},,pushing a "globalist" agenda,,take a look at Agenda 21 out on the web,,,truly scary stuff. Eventually,,actual truth will surface,,now,,,am I getting "too political"? No,,not really,,I just like to be aware of whats really out there,,and how it may effect me directly,,and others. There is a significant agenda behind the scenes recently that will effect our country,at some point,,IE,,the BRIK nations are planning on dropping the US dollar as the world currency,,if that happens,,things will change in US greatly, and not for the better{ think collapse of our economy!},,,not the best news ,,but it is reality,,sadly. Just have to keep your powder dry,,and keep an eye on things,,thats really all one can do just now.
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Puhleeze... elephants? Yes, I understand that the African elephant is almost extinct, and I'm all for saving them and the polar bears. But right now, there's just too much sh!t going on for me to really care. Media overload!

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Glass half full? Most compassionate? Most ruthless and (self) destructive? The media makes it hard to view the world through rose colored glasses. There probably is power in positive thinking. Tell it to the Taliban. The cheetah kills the antelope to survive, ISIS for their god and for power. Public beheadings as a demonstration and for political gain. Who is more compassionate? An entire species is wiped out for money. Where is the compassion? An unarmed man pleading for his life gunned down in the middle of the street... 50,000 kids seeking refuge...


It is what it is, and the world keeps spinning.

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Middle ages brutality. The news of the beheading was gruesome and so disturbing.

Perhaps so. But look up the video of Americans in Iraq blowing up a people that are carrying cameras, or think back to the Crusades. History is littered with barbaric acts. We are a terrible race. We are the only ones to kill for fun and profit. But, I fear this insane multicuturalism thing is going to blow up in the West's face. They are the enemy within and I think we'll lose.

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Yeah, multiculturalism is quite a mess, at this stage anyway.

But as i see it, it´s our only chance to learn how to get along, if we stay at different sides of the fence, we never stop to throw molotows on each other.

I may be wrong but i can´t see another solution, if there are any, that is.

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I really believe that what we are seeing is just the start of a decent into Holy war, in fact I think the war has already started, it's just the West doesn't know it's at war yet. Hear in the U.K there has been a steady stream of immigrants from the Indian sub Continent who are still living in the middle ages and are intent on continuing to do so. I was talking to one educated young Woman from the sub Continent who had nothing but contempt for her fellow Countrymen describing them as "nothing more than tribal goat herders". I do believe the trouble has only just started and the civilised world as we know it had better watch out.



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