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Even in my insignificant country we're not safe anymore


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Brussels airport and metro station have been attacked by terrorists, I am shocked really perhaps it is not the place to share my feeling but I need to say what I am feeling and I think it is better here than on facebook.


I am jealous of you USA people, really, because you have the balls to take appropriate measures after being attacked, no rights anymore for people known as being part close or far of IS, they're killing our people, our kids, our brothers.


My soul is teared between hate, rage and sadness.

When our dirigeants in Europe will have the balls to kick them out


sorry to bother you

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Yes I awoke to this news. How much more?

The perpetrators are completely mad....and stupid. Nothing but hate.


But Belgium is not insignificant, especially in World Wars.

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Awel, you have my condolences, I'm afraid no one is safe from those people, we respect their "Human rights" but they don't have any respect for anyone.

We in the U.K are used to this sort of thing, I grew up with the IRA blowing everyone and everything up, but it never ceases to shock me how people can do this sort of thing, unfortunately they only know one language.




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I had the pleasure of briefly visiting Brussels on business a couple of years ago - it seemed a very unlikely target for attacks. Quiet and refined place.

Sorry for your troubles in Belgium. Ignoring these %*&@#'s and just going on with life with renewed resolve seems an appropriate response to my view. Take care.

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We all feel your pain in Brussels and Belgium at large


Belgium is a beautiful country with history and Flemish culture to enjoy.... [thumbup]


Brussels has become a centre for European government and unfortunately in this tragic case...a symbol for any perverted extremist jihadist action


International sharing of intelligence is crucial and will be intensified as a result


There are many attempts at this type of terrorist outrage which have been foiled by the police.....





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we have to stop pretending this isn't what it is.


there is no "religion of Peace" as people who try to setup the smoke screen like to say.


we all know what this is all about.


yet, some people still don't get it.

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When a person is willing to kill themselves in order to do harm to others the only thing that can be done reduce it is to limit freedom for all.


Makes me angry...


When it is possible to pinpoint the group of people who are "willing to kill themselves in order to do harm to others" - it is only necessary to limit their freedom. In case of Europe, it is possible to tell who are suspicious for performing such type of acts. It is unbelievable how leading politicians of some countries could go by the fact, their countries developed parallel societies with separate laws and authorities(!!!).


Or, instead of limiting the freedom, providing more access to means of self-defense to people, will increase security. That is a proven fact. There are excellent examples of functioning, well-regulated firearm policies around the world. Liberalization of firearm policy is long-long overdue in Europe.


To begin with, we need to get rid of the insane, despotic regimes in West-Europe - who set Europe on a track leading to ethnical/cultural catastrophe.



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I agree, I feel anger too.


But what makes me even more angry is that the governments seem to make the same mistake the did with Hitler, look the other way!


Lot's of countries mine included spend gazillions on inteligence agencies, and military.

With the technology we have today how can those psychos act that freely?

How can they have boot camps to wash brains and create tose living dead bombs?

Wtf they recrut almost anybody, is it really that hard to infiltrate a spy?


Probably it's impossible to eliminate the sick ideology from those heads who only believe in fanatism.

But the so called free world should at least strike them hard.


I feel sorry for all the victims and their families, and I feel sorry for all the muslims that have nothing to do with terrorism, but get all the hateful looks.

I feel sorry for this whole stupid human race.

We managed to fly to the moon, and all the wisdom of ages lies on the palm of our hands readily available with one touch. And still we can't live peacefully together respecting each other.

It's a fukkin shame!

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The influx (invasion?) of migrants into Europe is a joke. When you see them, they're 95% men. Gadaffi said Islam would take the West without a shot being fired.

It's looking like he might be right. We are so politically correct, if we had a mass attack, the police would protect the attackers because it's their human right to attack. I say things like they are. I live in Birmingham UK and when I go into the city I feel intimidated. It's like Baghdad central. We are swamped with foreigners and if we say anything they call us racist. I just want to live in a peaceful free country, but it's being given away.

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some politicians call a "Syrian Refugee Crisis" that we MUST lend a hand to,,, while others more correctly call it "ISIS Troop Movement"...


yep great idea, who thought of that? I say lets reward them,, with a one way trip to Damascus..



(gotta get my shots in before the lock you know...)

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Well, when Hungary shut it's borders first of all European countries, we were called with all kinds of names... Even, some pointed out to: "what if, other countries did that in 1956, when Hungarians had to flee?"...


First of all, who are refugees? Let's assume the nightmare that one has to leave His home due to tragic events. What would You do? Walk for thousands of miles in herds? Throw away all Your documents, and pretend You are Syrian? When entry is not granted attack on border security? Travel back and forth in Europe, seeking the best place with most benefits? Really? Those who behave this way are not refugees.


In 1956, Hungarians fleed to nearby Austria. They crossed the border and surrendered to the border security. They had their documents at hand and cooperated with authorities. They were settled in camps where the Red Cross workers form different countries interrogated them individually about their skills. The Red Cross workers came with lists of positions waiting to be filled in their countries. That's how refugees got distributed between recipient countries. They did not had the chance to look for the country with the best benefits, nor did they arrogantly attack on people securing the borders.


Now, everybody is building fences in Europe... but noone dares to tell the truth. They struggle with their own chains of PC.


Excuse me for this. I am angry watching what is being done to Europe and not able to do anything. All these men coming, who pretend to be Syrians, if they were sent back and armed, they could drive out the enemy within a week.



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Sorry to hear of this latest attack on innocent people. We stand with the people of Belgium. I just wish we would turn our military lose and let them do what they do best and take out Isis. I know it is not a simple solution and will cause us to lose more American lives but if we leave them alone and not attack them we are only allowing more people to die.

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Sorry to hear of this latest attack on innocent people. We stand with the people of Belgium. I just wish we would turn our military lose and let them do what they do best and take out Isis. I know it is not a simple solution and will cause us to lose more American lives but if we leave them alone and not attack them we are only allowing more people to die.


I really think all the countries that want to fight for their freedom should be brother in arms and kick ISIS out everywhere Siria, Liban, Irak, ...

For ISIS there is no Belgian, no France, no Europe, nor Russia, nor USA so we should act accordingly and use all the army of these nations to fight them and not only fight them but exterminate them, I might be tough but think about it when you're fighting a virus, you don't want to control it, you want to kill it.


you know what scares me the most is that one of these days, they will do an attack on a nuclear power plant and then it will not be 30 or 100 peoples killed but the 200.000!!!

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Brussels airport and metro station have been attacked by terrorists, I am shocked really perhaps it is not the place to share my feeling but I need to say what I am feeling and I think it is better here than on facebook.


I am jealous of you USA people, really, because you have the balls to take appropriate measures after being attacked, no rights anymore for people known as being part close or far of IS, they're killing our people, our kids, our brothers.


My soul is teared between hate, rage and sadness.

When our dirigeants in Europe will have the balls to kick them out


sorry to bother you


I just wanted to speak on this. Immediately after one of these sort of attacks it is human nature to want to seek revenge. I would warn to tread carefully, as you can find your nation bogged down into the longest war in your nation's history in a region that least needs to be destabalized.


In fact, If not for the US/Iraq war, this attack may well have not occurred.

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if they were sent back and armed, they could drive out the enemy within a week.


They don't want to go back


Arms are waiting for them, stashed away in local Mosques.


They ARE the enemy.


In fact, If not for the US/Iraq war, this attack may well have not occurred.


no disrespect Jay, you have not been paying attention. There's plenty of examples of terrorist attacks well before the (Second) Iraq war, what you are forgetting to realize, is Sept 9, 2001 is when the US finally said, "enough of this" and we sent troops to Afganistan to deal with the Taliban and Bin Laden.


Truth is the chem weapons that the second war was all about, did indeed exist, most are now in Syria. the liberals can say otherwise all they want, pack of lies. Hussien spent months moving them. plenty of surveillance to prove it.


The Islamist extremist started this, decades ago, when the PLO started hijacking planes, and we stood by wringing our hands about what to do.


if you look BACK through history, Muslim Fundamentalist have NEVER EVER gotten along with their neighbors. Many are still illiterate, and they only know what their Imams tell them.


Coexisting, is NOT their way............

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if they were sent back and armed, they could drive out the enemy within a week.


They don't want to go back


Arms are waiting for them, stashed away in local Mosques.


They ARE the enemy.


I wonder how long it takes for Martin Schulz, and Angela Merkel to understand that.



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