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Everything's Getting Smaller....


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When will it effect guitars?

Coffee cans/packages have been shrinking for years. The smallest (in the USA) USED to be 1 lb for you youngsters. The next size was 3 lbs.

Potato chips and Frito bags are obvious. The "Family Size" will now fit into a kids lunchbox.

Paper towel rolls have been shrinking for quite some time. The last roll has 4 less sheets than the one before it. They don't think I notice this stuff. 

I haven't bought an electric guitar in a while. My 2017 J-15 is almost the same size of my 2003 J-45, but it is a touch thinner.

I need to go count my eggs....

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We were just talking about this at the grocery the other day. Things keep getting smaller all the time. The Hostess Cupcakes are like mini cupcakes. They're making them smaller so they can charge close to the same so we think prices aren't changing as much as they are. 

A sales guy at Guitar Center mentioned how the newer Gibson Flying V's are smaller than the old ones. I disagreed and went home to measure mine. I measured an '81, '07 and '18 and they're all the same size, except for the headstock which is shorter on the '81.

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Story of my life...

But seriously folks...back "In the day" Wendy's single burger was a meal w/a ton of fixin's on it...you'd take that first bite and a salad would fall out onto the paper wrapper...now they look like they belong on the budget menu...

Not only are sizes of each item shrinking, so are the amount in packages, while maintain the same price...

As far as guitars, I don't expect it, but would be none too surprised if it happened...

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We went to a restaurant over the weekend and I ordered my usual grilled chicken. Everything was about 2/3 the size I was used to. I asked the waitress and she said that's how it is now. So it's the same deal. They don't charge more you just get less. Plus, it leaves you still hungry so maybe you'll order dessert. 😋

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Used to be a web page Grocery Shrink Ray.  You could report things you found in the store that had changed size down but not changed price.  5lb bag of sugar comes to mind, quite some time ago now.  They don't update it anymore I don't think, but here's a link to some of it.  It was good fun, but if you do the shopping in your house as I always have, it is maddening what these jokers get away with.  If you and I did it it would be fraud.  Put the letters INC or LLC behind your name and it's just fine.



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17 minutes ago, rct said:

Used to be a web page Grocery Shrink Ray.  You could report things you found in the store that had changed size down but not changed price.  5lb bag of sugar comes to mind, quite some time ago now.  They don't update it anymore I don't think, but here's a link to some of it.  It was good fun, but if you do the shopping in your house as I always have, it is maddening what these jokers get away with.  If you and I did it it would be fraud.  Put the letters INC or LLC behind your name and it's just fine.



If you look on the 5th page they show my Johnson's before and after!

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Over here we call it shrinkflation .  How they do it is, they put the product on a sale price but at the same time they shrink it, the sale comes to an end but obviously the product size remains the same. When they are challenged about it they say they've done it to help reduce childhood obesity! 

I think they believe the general public are stupid. 

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On 11/19/2019 at 12:23 PM, rct said:

Used to be a web page Grocery Shrink Ray.  You could report things you found in the store that had changed size down but not changed price.  5lb bag of sugar comes to mind, quite some time ago now.  They don't update it anymore I don't think, but here's a link to some of it.  It was good fun, but if you do the shopping in your house as I always have, it is maddening what these jokers get away with.  If you and I did it it would be fraud.  Put the letters INC or LLC behind your name and it's just fine.



Interesting site, rct. Thanks!

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The main thing that is getting smaller is the small print.


I can't read it (the small print) now. 

I have 2 sets of glasses, (stable) glaucoma and cataracts forming in both eyes.... that's ok.  

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