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2 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

Vaproization works well - not the PG vape stuff.  Think volcano with the balloon... 

Vaping works too, but who knows in 20 years what the stuff other than what is in the vape pen besides the cannabis is going to do to your lungs.

Ever dab. Its almost pure THC and the first time I did one, I could not speak for 5 mins, and was the highest I had ever been. I have learned how to get pasts the paranoia aspect of weed. Some times I like to get so high I get scared.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Vaping works too, but who knows in 20 years what the stuff other than what is in the vape pen besides the cannabis is going to do to your lungs.

Ever dab. Its almost pure THC and the first time I did one, I could not speak for 5 mins, and was the highest I had ever been. I have learned how to get pasts the paranoia aspect of weed. Some times I like to get so high I get scared.

lol, yeah I know what you mean about the dabs.  It made me scared high - like the first time getting high.  Vape pens work great, but I usually use my glass piece - or use my friend's volcano when I see him.  My friends smoke a lot of weed.  But in our band, we learned that it's better to smoke after practices.  Not that the high sessions aren't any fun...  Just don't make as good of music, haha!  You think you do though. 

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On 2/7/2022 at 7:44 AM, fortyearspickn said:

If I were to try that,  there'd me a chalk outline in my music room.  

Haha.  Deb gave up hitting me Lol. Used to be when I worked out all the time weight lifting, She would give me a punch. It always hurt her hand bad as she told me, I felt like a solid rock.  Not anymore though,  Shhhh?  Don't tell her that. 

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19 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

lol, yeah I know what you mean about the dabs.  It made me scared high - like the first time getting high.  Vape pens work great, but I usually use my glass piece - or use my friend's volcano when I see him.  My friends smoke a lot of weed.  But in our band, we learned that it's better to smoke after practices.  Not that the high sessions aren't any fun...  Just don't make as good of music, haha!  You think you do though. 

There's an amusing story about be-bop sax player supreme Charlie Parker.  He was under the delusion that playing while "riding the horse" made him play better.  His bandmates knew better.  So at one session, and without Bird knowing it, Mingus recorded him playing while high.  When  they played him the recording, they told him it was some guy that was trying out for the band.  Bird got livid, claiming listening to that guy was a waste of time, "He plays like $hit!  He couldn't blow his way out of a wet paper sack! Why you wasting my time listening to this no talent motherf**ker?" 

Diz asked him didn't he recognize the riffs, since it was what HE was playing the night before.  "While you was HIGH, $hitwit!" 

It's said Bird never played while high again.


Edited by Whitefang
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3 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

There's an amusing story about be-bop sax player supreme Charlie Parker.  He was under the delusion that playing while "riding the horse" made him play better.  His bandmates knew better.  So at one session, and without Bird knowing it, Mingus recorded him playing while high.  When  they played him the recording, they told him it was some guy that was trying out for the band.  Bird got livid, claiming listening to that guy was a waste of time, "He plays like $hit!  He couldn't blow his way out of a wet paper sack! Why you wasting my time listening to this no talent motherf**ker?" 

Diz asked him didn't he recognize the riffs, since it was what HE was playing the night before.  "While you was HIGH, $hitwit!" 

It's said Bird never played while high again.


lol, I don't play high because it doesn't work for me as I said.  Although, the only times I really smoke these days is when I'm done practicing with the crew.  I don't drink much because I usually drive and getting older, it seems like it just makes me feel like crap.  Other drugs, I don't mess around with.  I played around with hallucinogenics back in the teen years, but stopped that after a few "trips".  The craziest thing I've tried was ecstasy (rolling on 'E') - and this blew my flipping mind!  Did it a couple times and drugs that were that good weren't meant to be taken a lot.  But overall, I haven't tried coke (surprisingly), H, nothing other than primarily cigarettes, some booze here and there, and a lot of weed back in the day.  Just an average stoner haha!  So yeah, I'll smoke a little weed today.  I don't buy sacks of weed anymore, but if it's going around, I'll partake.  It's "legal" here as we know.  I just make sure I don't drive afterwards. 

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4 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

 I don't drink much because I usually drive and getting older, it seems like it just makes me feel like crap. 

Most of us reach a stage where the hangover outweighs any good buzz we got. I reached that point in 2003 and never went back.

It's nice to not have to cringe when looking at my credit card statement or browser history.

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I gave all that up years ago too.  For several reasons.  Weed because it quit getting me as high as it started to just make me sleepy.  And being hypoglycemic made me constantly sleepy enough.

All coke did was make me want to do more coke.  Never really di get any kind of "high" from it.

And meeting the woman who became my second wife helped as her ex was a drunk(why she divorced him)  and I figured since sobriety would make her happy, and when she was happy the rewards were fan. TAS. tic, then that's the route I'd take.

And I didn't really drink much as I never liked the feeling of being drunk.  And hated the recovery time.  Maybe a glass of wine every blue moon or glass of Champaign or Asti  at New Year's, but that was about it.


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1 hour ago, Whitefang said:

There's an amusing story about be-bop sax player supreme Charlie Parker.  He was under the delusion that playing while "riding the horse" made him play better.  His bandmates knew better.  So at one session, and without Bird knowing it, Mingus recorded him playing while high.  When  they played him the recording, they told him it was some guy that was trying out for the band.  Bird got livid, claiming listening to that guy was a waste of time, "He plays like $hit!  He couldn't blow his way out of a wet paper sack! Why you wasting my time listening to this no talent motherf**ker?" 

Diz asked him didn't he recognize the riffs, since it was what HE was playing the night before.  "While you was HIGH, $hitwit!" 

It's said Bird never played while high again.


A great story.... I once tried to play drunk, (not 'high',  but drunk).... I was so bad the rest of the guys MADE ME sit out the rest of the gig..... we were playing at the original Castlewood Country Club Clubhouse.....was the mansion of Phoebe Hearst designed by Julia Morgan.... was a BEAUTIFUL place.... but it burned down in 1969....wish I'd stayed sober to enjoy it.

Edited by DanvillRob
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5 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

Not being into sushi ...   I never got started.  

I ate sushi before I got stationed in Japan, and when there I never touched it. I could smell it when I walked past sushi restaurant and turned me off. I eat it again. Love me a spicy yellowtail roll. 

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4 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

Most of us reach a stage where the hangover outweighs any good buzz we got. I reached that point in 2003 and never went back.

It's nice to not have to cringe when looking at my credit card statement or browser history.

I'd even post fanciful tales on here and see them and wonder what the hell I was talking about the next day. 

Yeah, the hangovers last, like, four days these days. It probably takes a good two weeks for the brain to... I don't know what it does. Start producing dopamine again? 

I occasionally forget, a few times a year, and then I don't do that for the next six months or something. 

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