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The only band in the world


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Ok, imagine you are in a ship wreck and you end up on a deserted island… Luckily washed up on shore with you is a mp3 player and a life time supply of batteries… If you could only have the total collection of music from one band to listen to, who would it be?


I would have to go with the Beatles… Their spectrum of music is so wide, going from simplistic, to complex, to mystical, I think would they would keep me entrained the longest…


What about you?

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Ok, imagine you are in a ship wreck and you end up on a deserted island… Luckily washed up on shore with you is a mp3 player and a life time supply of batteries… If you could only have the total collection of music from one band to listen to, who would it be?


I would have to go with the Beatles… Their spectrum of music is so wide, going from simplistic, to complex, to mystical, I think would they would keep me entrained the longest…


What about you?


I had to really think on this for a minute, if they had a larger current catalog I would have to say these guys......








All over the spectrum from what's being call Proto Punk, To full blown Psychedelia.


They currently are working on a new album and the documentary chronicling their inception, rejection by the record co.'s, and their rediscovery By the Bassists son. Has garnered lots of recognition and a few independent awards.


It's available on Netflix.

If you haven't seen it I HIGHLY recommend it.

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I'd have to say the beatles, and I don't listen to them that often anymore....just so much combined greatness.



If we ruled them out, I could do with Social Distortion, The Offspring, or Buddy Holly....lol.



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A friend of mine told me he had an extra ticket to a Cowboys concert, so I went with him. The opening band was Foghat. They played hit after hit after hit and drove the place wild. They played for 2 hours and the Cowboys only played for about 15 minutes, not wanting the follow them.


So Foghat, or Pink Floyd, but that Justin Bieber idea definitely has merit... [thumbup]

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