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France killings.


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I thought this would already be on here. The atrocities in France last night are awful. I know politics aren't allowed on here, but I just want to send my thoughts to those affected by the killings. Without doubt, Americans will be in the death toll as the American band playing last night said they can't find some of their crew.

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Unscrupulous backers abuse desperate fighters sacrificing themselves for sending people to death who just want to enjoy their lives. It is the most evil perversion of faith in my opinion. How brainwashed do they have to be to do this?


My thoughts and my sympathies are with the victims and their families.

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Guest Farnsbarns

I've typed this post 5 times and I don't seem to able to put it into words.


All I can do is express my sympathies to those who have lost.

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This thread should be safe because this has NOTHING to do with politics. Politicians are bottom dwelling scum suckers intent on TAKING your stuff, your money and your rights. Sometimes they give some of it to other people. Most of it they keep.


These radical terrorist simply want to kill us. That's it. They don't want our stuff. They want us DEAD. If we don't believe like they do, they have ZERO intentions to live together in perfect harmony, or buy us a Coke.


Pretty simple.

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Yeah a tragic and pointless waste of life... My heart goes out to the families and people effected by this...


And yes... If they think they are going to break us apart, I think all they will do in the end is bring us together against them..


Im going out tonight to a fairly large venue and will be going through central London cos it leaves you thinking, whats coming next.. And I will say here and now, they can kiss my arse, it wont stop me living my life....

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This thread should be safe because this has NOTHING to do with politics. Politicians are bottom dwelling scum suckers intent on TAKING your stuff, your money and your rights. Sometimes they give some of it to other people. Most of it they keep.


These radical terrorist simply want to kill us. That's it. They don't want our stuff. They want us DEAD. If we don't believe like they do, they have ZERO intentions to live together in perfect harmony, or buy us a Coke.


Pretty simple.



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This isn't politics, this is news.


Also, ISIS isn't politics, it's war. Big difference.


Discussions about politics are not allowed, but nothing says we can't share news, or have discussions about a current or pending war, whichever way THAT is viewed.

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Sadly there's some inevitability to this sort of thing, it won't be the last time. Europe is a soft target. It comes as no surprise to me that one of the terrorists has been identified as an asylum seeker who crossed the Mediterranean sea and as quite a few people have been pointing out, the vast majority of those "refugee's" are young men of fighting age. Let's face it the authorities have no idea who's coming, there being swamped by the numbers.

May the innocents Rest In Peace.




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Horrible. Time to Eradicate the vermin from the earth. The drones are in the air. Jihadi John met his fate on Friday night and Isis leader in Libya this am. Sadly this insnt enough. In a free society things like this may be a tragic sign of the times. I have no answers and I am not a war hawk. Sadly, death = more death. I dont think anyone knows any other way to deal with a believe system that labels innocent people, women and children as infidels and blows them up with nail bombs. I guess the US has had its hand in dirtly little wars also. Right or wrong. I dont know. god bless all of our servicemen, I get the inkling they are all about to get a little busier.


I need a drink.

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Appalling, Insane, and (unfortunately) not at all surprising, given what's going on, with the so called "Islamic Extremists,"

and the unprecedented, overwhelming influx, of Syrian "refugees," most being young men of fighting age, who seem to cause

trouble, the minute they cross the borders, into European countries. There is NO "dealing" with these extremist people! They're

Hell Bent, on destroying anyone, that's not Muslim, or just of their own ideology(s)! Their perversion, of "Islam," is

only their disgusting Excuse!


And, the idiots in charge, here, are importing the very same types, with no background checks, AKA "Vetting" process of ANY kind,

as near as we can tell! So, IMHO, it's only a matter of When, not If, they will do the same thing, here! [cursing][crying]



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I actually had this discussion with a friend of mine on FB yesterday. I have a gut feeling that this attack was to bait the U.S. into going over there, thus, leaving our defenses lowered for an ambush here. They hate America more than any other country, really.


While I am not one to cry "War!" over everything or anything, I think all other options have been exhausted. You can't make peace with people who want you dead. The only option is to go anhiliate them, but it can't be just the U.S. doing this - the entire International Community has to step up too. We need to eradicate those perpetrating these acts of cowardice and hatred along with anyone and everyone who provides safe harbor and supplies/funding for these cowards. We do, however, need to keep in mind that we have to be careful what we wish for because we just might get it. Once we cut off the head of this monster,who knows what new head will sprout up. Isis is far more sophisticated and organized than the Taliban and Al Qaeda ever were, Isis makes the other groups look like grade school children.


I pray for all who were caught up in these attacks, but make no mistake, this is just a small sample of what is to come. We need to all band together to stand up to these animals.


Praying for everyone in Paris.

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On the slightly better side of this its nice to see the support around as well.. As I say, this will bring people together more than scare anyone..


I went to Wembley Arena to see Megadeath and next to it is Wembley Stadium who had these lights up




And then during the gig, between bands the stage looked like this



Each band mentioned what had happened and we all said a big F.U. to the terrorists.. Then at the end Megadeath played Peace Sells, then the French national anthem on guitar which then lead into Holy Wars (a very appropriate song)... I know all of this is pretty insignificant in light of whats happened, but its also good to see the peoples support (all over the world) be it bands that keep on playing or normal every day people going about their lives wondering what comes next.

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It would be impossible to make a post of this nature without becoming political. I am not the first on this thread to make political statements.


While I am overwhelmingly sympathetic to the French people for this most awful act of terrorism, I cannot say that I'm at all surprised. The West is involved in a conflict that we cannot win.


We have been involved in a long history of bad policy decisions made by the US going as far back as the Carter administration, and perpetuated by every president since, beginning with our alliance with Saudi Arabia. This is not even to mention alliances made by US and British oil companies with tribes and sects of Arabs in attempt to control oil fields in the middle east dating back to 1914. Decisions made by W Bush and his evil cronies (including the sycophantic Tony Blair) are costing the west more dearly than the poor decisions made by the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations with Viet Nam, since there can be no final, peaceful outcome in a far wider area of the world. Our big and powerful militaries are not capable of producing a peaceful outcome and wiping out fanatics who view the west as the great Satan and resent that we want to impose our culture, values, and religions on a people and culture that is even older than Europe's.


Sometimes the only way to win the game is not to play. The safest stance for the US is to withdraw and protect and defend ourselves, and when possible, use diplomacy in negotiations we become involved in and stop fighting wars for Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, and moderates too timid or peaceful to defend themselves.

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It would be impossible to make a post of this nature without becoming political. I am not the first on this thread to make political statements.


While I am overwhelmingly sympathetic to the French people for this most awful act of terrorism, I cannot say that I'm at all surprised. The West is involved in a conflict that we cannot win.


We have been involved in a long history of bad policy decisions made by the US going as far back as the Carter administration, and perpetuated by every president since, beginning with our alliance with Saudi Arabia. This is not even to mention alliances made by US and British oil companies with tribes and sects of Arabs in attempt to control oil fields in the middle east dating back to 1914. Decisions made by W Bush and his evil cronies (including the sycophantic Tony Blair) are costing the west more dearly than the poor decisions made by the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations with Viet Nam, since there can be no final, peaceful outcome in a far wider area of the world. Our big and powerful militaries are not capable of producing a peaceful outcome and wiping out fanatics who view the west as the great Satan and resent that we want to impose our culture, values, and religions on a people and culture that is even older than Europe's.


Sometimes the only way to win the game is not to play. The safest stance for the US is to withdraw and protect and defend ourselves, and when possible, use diplomacy in negotiations we become involved in and stop fighting wars for Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, and moderates too timid or peaceful to defend themselves.



Very well said.

Try as I might there is not a single thing said here I can argue.

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... Our big and powerful militaries are not capable of producing a peaceful outcome and wiping out fanatics who view the west as the great Satan and resent that we want to impose our culture, values, and religions on a people and culture that is even older than Europe's.


Though that's exactly what many citizens here will hope/wish/ask for.

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It would be impossible to make a post of this nature without becoming political. I am not the first on this thread to make political statements.


While I am overwhelmingly sympathetic to the French people for this most awful act of terrorism, I cannot say that I'm at all surprised. The West is involved in a conflict that we cannot win.


We have been involved in a long history of bad policy decisions made by the US going as far back as the Carter administration, and perpetuated by every president since, beginning with our alliance with Saudi Arabia. This is not even to mention alliances made by US and British oil companies with tribes and sects of Arabs in attempt to control oil fields in the middle east dating back to 1914. Decisions made by W Bush and his evil cronies (including the sycophantic Tony Blair) are costing the west more dearly than the poor decisions made by the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations with Viet Nam, since there can be no final, peaceful outcome in a far wider area of the world. Our big and powerful militaries are not capable of producing a peaceful outcome and wiping out fanatics who view the west as the great Satan and resent that we want to impose our culture, values, and religions on a people and culture that is even older than Europe's.


Sometimes the only way to win the game is not to play. The safest stance for the US is to withdraw and protect and defend ourselves, and when possible, use diplomacy in negotiations we become involved in and stop fighting wars for Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, and moderates too timid or peaceful to defend themselves.


Some very interesting observations, firstly the gulf second war should not have taken place, Saddam Hussein was not a threat to the west and never was, only a threat to sections of his own people, and, as the west was soon to find out, the only way to rule over those people is to be a complete b**tard. Why try to impose democracy, as we know it on those people, they don't understand it, they probably never will and they don't even want too.

The same can be said of Libya, and Colonel Gadhafi, Bush and Blair befriended him after the Lockerbie bombing, then aided his overthrow in the "Arab spring", now Libya is in total cause because once you've got rid of one b**tard in those places, there replaced by a multitude of b**tard's, and it's far easier to deal with one than a multitude. Lawrence of Arabia warned the British about getting involved with the middle eastern countries early the last century but they chose to ignore him (in fact the conspiratory theorists don't believe his motorcycle accident was really an accident), so as they say, you reap what you sow. It's a dirty business, but we in the West aren't completely blameless, in fact I can't see any reason for dealing with the Arab nations apart from wanting their oil, selling them weapons, oh and of course, they own half of London making it impossible for Londoner's to afford to buy property, but that's another story,,,,,,,,,,



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Appalling, Insane, and (unfortunately) not at all surprising, given what's going on, with the so called "Islamic Extremists,"

and the unprecedented, overwhelming influx, of Syrian "refugees," most being young men of fighting age, who seem to cause

trouble, the minute they cross the borders, into European countries. There is NO "dealing" with these extremist people! They're

Hell Bent, on destroying anyone, that's not Muslim, or just of their own ideology(s)! Their perversion, of "Islam," is

only their disgusting Excuse!


And, the idiots in charge, here, are importing the very same types, with no background checks, AKA "Vetting" process of ANY kind,

as near as we can tell! So, IMHO, it's only a matter of When, not If, they will do the same thing, here! [cursing][crying]



I agree 100% with you.

You hit the nail on the head. Let's not fool ourselves and put the head in the sand even deeper.

This is a war against all of us, against all humanity!

What more has to happen before we finally take action?

Do we want to watch more terror attacks?More beheadings? More people burned alive?

Do we just want to watch and feel sorry and say prayers?

Ceterum censeo Isis esse delendam!

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It would be impossible to make a post of this nature without becoming political. I am not the first on this thread to make political statements.



Yes, but you ARE the first to go ahead and make the effort to share your politics.


Seriously, if we can't have a thread about the tragedy in France by ISIS without getting political or into political arguments, it's our own fault.


As much as I am tempted, I would very much like to argue your post, because I find it offensive. But then again, I don't. I would rather do as others are doing, show my condolences for the victims in France, show my solidarity, and do my best as a citizen of this world by stating I am behind anyone who backs anyone who would stand against this kind of thing.

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