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41st Anniversary.


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I wasn't going to say anything but some consider 41 years together a mile mark.  So yes, Today marks Debbie & my  41st wedding Anniversary. We plan on ordering a steak dinner out and bringing it home due to the covid numbers so high here. The Outback isn't far from our home and they bring it to the car.  Sundance also turns 8 years old today. I used to show Doberman Pinschers and thats how Deb & I met, through the dog shows. Sundance is from Georgia and was born on our Anniversary and was supposed to be flown to our house on Valentines Day, so Debbie said, "Oh Butch, We Have To Get This One." Then she named him Sundance because I'm Butch.  The brains of the outfit, Haha.  I told her on one condition!  She make a sign for my art room / Guitar room, that says:

The Hole In The Wall Gang.  Yep, Thats our hangout.  Art table, 9 guitars and 8 guns.  I keep them up here so they don't tarnish in the gun safe being they are nickel  plated.  

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4 minutes ago, uncle fester said:

Congrats to you and your wife - a great milestone.  I think a nice steak dinner is a great way to celebrate - hope it comes with a guitar. 🙂

Well, actually I'm getting  new car Lol. Not that I wanted one, my 14 year old SUV is nickel & dimming us to death as I'm told, Lol.   Thanks Uncle Fester. 

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24 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:

41. That's a success story alright. So I got 40 more years of catching up to work on...

Heartiest congrats to both you & Deb, and bon appetit 🥩

Thank you Evans. I better get off here for now and clean up, We also have to babysit Reagan today as her mom is still in training with her new job. 

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4 hours ago, mihcmac said:

Congratulations for making a good selection on a good life partner, just keep enjoying each other..

Thanks, Yeah, I almost went with the one with the really big Yaboos but she couldn't carry on a conversation and Deb never shut up so she won out, Lol.

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4 hours ago, rct said:

Good deal brutha, Congratulations to you both!

We celebrated our 40th on the 8th.  Blink of an eye, 40 years, same thing.


Congrats to you both also RCT, I've noticed there are many on the Gibson forums with long marriages. The day I retired I was so happy but then thought, 60  years of my life is gone now, Wow. And that was 7 years ago.  Where does it go? 

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36 minutes ago, SteveFord said:

WOW!  Congratulations!

How do you do it?   That's a hell of a long time.


Do you want the truth? Haha.  Well, before we married, Deb had 2nd thoughts.  She told me, it had nothing to do with me, She thought I would get tired of her and divorce her.  So I told her to make up your mind now this day because there will be No Divorce! Then I told her, If you try a divorce after we're married, Then I will Have To Shoot You!  To that she was shocked and she had her mouth open like a fish cod and both eyes bugged out.  I was laughing, and told her.  "Won't The Pastor Say during Our Marriage Vows,  'Till Death Do You Part?" Haha.

Actually she tells me I make her laugh every single day and she loves it.  So I guess humor is the secret.  Thanks Steve. 

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