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Just a little accident yesterday.


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Our old Christmas Tree blew out in the middle section & after 2 days, with replacing fuses and bulbs, I still couldn't get the problem solved. It's one where they have the light bulb stands all tied in there good so it's very hard to remove it & put a new one on. Deb said;  "Lets just get a new tree as that ones old and didn't cost too much." So off to Wall Mart and we bought another one even bigger. I was decorating it when Deb went to her step dads. She thought We needed more decorations on it so when I had all what I had upstairs on it I went to the basement for another storage bin. It was on top of a shelf and staked 2 high. Too heavy to pull both together as I could hardly reach them.  Needed something to stand on.  So I looked around and nothing available down there but this one hard plastic bin that took my weight fine. I got it pulled out stepped off when at the last second it flipped on me. (Too much weight on just one side.) And I fell, hitting the back of my head on the basement concrete floor.  Laying there a minute, There was no pain, Thought I was fine but felt something wet on the back of my head. I reached back and got a whole handful of blood. Well, off upstairs to check the damage and the top of my head, my face and neck was all covered in blood. I grabbed paper towels to hold on the back and washed off some blood. Then called Debbie but no answer so Then I called our son who rushed over and helped to get it to stop bleeding. (He did a little time in the Navy he said with medics.)  About that time Deb showed up as he got ahold of her and we went to the Emergency where we spent the next few hours there. Most of the time was just waiting for the doctor to show up.  Thought he would never come. Haha, I was mumbling, Where is he at? Driving up from Kansas? By the time he shows up, this thing will heal on its own! Haha, This guy I thought was an orderly sitting at a computer for 2 hours outside my door came in and asked if he I needed anything? "Just waiting on the doctor to show I said. He was the doctor. I wanted to say..."About  time." They were treating COVID patients there all day long I was told and I just wanted to get out of there.  Anyway, I received a few staples in the back of my head and we got home around 10:00.  We had to find someplace to pick up a late dinner on the way home.  The worst part was trying to find my lost hearing aid that fell out when i hit the floor. Thank God Deb finally found it using my tracker on the cell phone. 

Edited by Retired
misspelled word
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1 hour ago, Retired said:

Our old Christmas Tree blew out in the middle section & after 2 days, with replacing fuses and bulbs, I still couldn't get the problem solved. It's one where they have the light bulb stands all tied in there good so it's very hard to remove it & put a new one on. Deb said;  "Lets just get a new tree as that ones old and didn't cost too much." So off to Wall Mart and we bought another one even bigger. I was decorating it when Deb went to her step dads. She thought We needed more decorations on it so when I had all what I had upstairs on it I went to the basement for another storage bin. It was on top of a shelf and staked 2 high. Too heavy to pull both together as I could hardly reach them.  Needed something to stand on.  So I looked around and nothing available down there but this one hard plastic bin that took my weight fine. I got it pulled out stepped off when at the last second it flipped on me. (Too much weight on just one side.) And I fell, hitting the back of my head on the basement concrete floor.  Laying there a minute, There was no pain, Thought I was fine but felt something wet on the back of my head. I reached back and got a whole handful of blood. Well, off upstairs to check the damage and the top of my head, my face and neck was all covered in blood. I grabbed paper towels to hold on the back and washed off some blood. Then called Debbie but no answer so Then I called our son who rushed over and helped to get it to stop bleeding. (He did a little time in the Navy he said with medics.)  About that time Deb showed up as he got ahold of her and we went to the Emergency where we spent the next few hours there. Most of the time was just waiting for the doctor to show up.  Thought he would never come. Haha, I was mumbling, Where is he at? Driving up from Kansas? By the time he shows up, this thing will heal on its own! Haha, This guy I thought was an orderly sitting at a computer for 2 hours outside my door came in and asked if he I needed anything? "Just waiting on the doctor to show I said. He was the doctor. I wanted to say..."About  time." They were treating COVID patients there all day long I was told and I just wanted to get out of there.  Anyway, I received a few staples in the back of my head and we got home around 10:00.  We had to find someplace to pick up a late dinner on the way home.  The worst part was trying to find my lost hearing aid that fell out when i hit the floor. Thank God Deb finally found it using my tracker on the cell phone. 

Glad you're ok Butch, got to get you one of those "Help I've fallen and can't get the fukk back up " devices.

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We had one of those trees.  Pre-wired, green on green,  I spent 2 hours hellbent on finding where the little bulb or sketchy connection was. Then another hour after I gave up trying to get the wires off.   I was not so silently cussing the person who designed a tree meant to be used for years with lights that last one season.   Glad you're OK.  I'm horrible at thinking I can do things today I couldn't do 30 years ago.   I guess it's denial. Staples in the head !?!   Sounds like you may have actually said  "About time."  out loud. 

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Glad you're OK.  Can't tell you how many times I've done something similar (although without such serious consequences).  My last five years before retiring I worked as a maintenance man at a school and I learned there that it is worth the time to always stop, go get the correct tool (in this case a ladder), and then complete the job.  Short cuts so often lead to bigger problems.  And it seems when we were young we got away with shortcuts more often, now not so much.

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Yeah, glad you’re okay, Butch!  Many of us have made similar mistakes.  I know I have.  Tried once to cut the thick plastic container off of a kids toy with a butter knife.  I knew better, but there’s “no fool like an old fool.”  I’m glad you didn’t get hurt worse.  Relax and play some guitar.

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19 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Man sorry to hear that. Head wounds always bleed profusely..


my little bro was also just in the hospital and it’s really frustrating with the COVID regulations, at least here

I noticed that, Lol. At first I thought, What the heck did I do? Blood everywhere. 

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19 hours ago, Mr. Gibson said:

Glad you're ok Butch, got to get you one of those "Help I've fallen and can't get the fukk back up " devices.

I have a Help Iv'e fallen on my hearing aid device that goes straight to Debbie but she didn't get the call this time as it didn't work for some reason? It's the first time that I wished it did. 

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15 hours ago, sparquelito said:

Man oh man. 

I'm glad you got stapled back together, Butch, and that it wasn't worse. 

Praying for a speedy recovery, and a happy Christmas. 


Yep, Old Hermie' baby was falling apart & got stapled back together again, LOL. 

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12 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Here is what I do. No tree.

Damn staples in the head.

What I thought, he was all done back there as he was playing around with it & I thought he was sewing it up. When he said, There! I said; "That wasn't bad, I didn't feel a thing." Haha, then he said: "OH No, I haven't put these in yet?"  Then he showed me a huge staple gun and I thought, Oh my God, This may hurt. Lol.

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12 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

We had one of those trees.  Pre-wired, green on green,  I spent 2 hours hellbent on finding where the little bulb or sketchy connection was. Then another hour after I gave up trying to get the wires off.   I was not so silently cussing the person who designed a tree meant to be used for years with lights that last one season.   Glad you're OK.  I'm horrible at thinking I can do things today I couldn't do 30 years ago.   I guess it's denial. Staples in the head !?!   Sounds like you may have actually said  "About time."  out loud. 

Yeah, 2 days trying to fix that tree was a waste of time. Looks like the only way to get that strand off was to cut it off.  The new tree went up fine & I had lots of decorations on it but Deb thought it needed a bit more. Funny there also as after wards when I got home from the Emergency, I mentioned I still needed to go down and get that extra bin to get more stuff on it. Then Debbie said, NO, It looks good enough and its Done, LOL.

11 hours ago, jdgm said:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery - it could have been a lot worse.

One of those things you get away with when you're young; but when you're old and the slightest thing goes wrong, lookout. 

I keep hearing that more and more from people here that I'm no spring chicken.  I'm going to put a good step ladder down there next. 

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33 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Mine was cutting up cardboard boxes with an open pair of scissors (using them like a knife because that's brilliant).   Glad to hear you didn't lose any marbles Butch!  

Thanks and I use a serrated knife for the cardboard which works great.  

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I want to thank everyone for all the kind posts, Thank you. I really was amazed it didn't hurt any more than it did. It got blood all over the the pillow gauze pad the first night as the doctor had said it would so he gave me a very thick gauze pad to cover the pillow and that kept the pillow case clean.  

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22 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Likewise, ladders fantastic for reaching high places. 😆

I took a nice wide step ladder down there today, It's actually for going up and down for cutting in between the ceiling and walls. I knew better than taking shortcuts from working at the Railroad but thought it would work at the time.  I was wrong. 

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