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S H O V E L ! ! ! ! !


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For Northern Illinois and NW Indiana.




354 AM CST MON JAN 31 2011





Could they find any more adjectives to describe this Blizz-zilla? [scared]


Supposed to begin winding up Tuesday afternoon and falling off towards Wednesday afternoon.


We've heard 12 - 24 inches. And... a 40 MPH wind.


Better get another gallon of gas for the snow blower... just in case.

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TommyK, we've got the same forecast for the St. Louis area. The freezing rain has already started (10:00 a.m.), although our ice/snow forecasts are about half of yours. Downed trees and power lines are expected and they are warning us of MAJOR power outages.


I stocked the indoor firewood bin this morning, and my wife is currently standing in the "panic aisle" at the grocery store. The local meteorologists are already comparing this storm to a combination of the 1982 20" of snowfall on top of the 2007 ice storm that put a half a million people out of power in the greater St. Louis area.


Hunker down, here comes the BIG ONE.

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We do a fair job of 'stocking up' year 'round. We have some garden goods canned up and a freezer full. The only thing I need to do is make sure I have enough gas for the snow blower. I've got 5 gals of kerosene for the Ker-o-sun heaters. I bought them new back in '93 and needed them twice since. So, we'll just dress warm, crank up the Ker-O-Suns, cook on a camping stove and drain the water lines if necessary (never had to yet).


Looks like the Winter Storm is going to track between the Ohio river valley and the great lakes. Not a blizzard past Gary, In., but you guys already have more than your share. Good luck!

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Welp, we've had two cold winters in a row - temps below the season average, which around here means below 26°F. We've only had a couple nights below zero, but we've had plenty in the single digits. Brrrr....


We had more snow last winter - no thaw. It was on the ground the whole winter. This year we had a thaw in January and at one point, the snow was more or less all melted. That only lasted a day or two - we've got about a foot now. And with this storm bearing down, and the predicted snowfall (up to 14"), we might catch up to last year's snowfall.


So yes - - - S H O V E L - - - all though I prefer the snowblower. B)

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TommyK, we've got the same forecast for the St. Louis area. The freezing rain has already started (10:00 a.m.), although our ice/snow forecasts are about half of yours. Downed trees and power lines are expected and they are warning us of MAJOR power outages.


I stocked the indoor firewood bin this morning, and my wife is currently standing in the "panic aisle" at the grocery store. The local meteorologists are already comparing this storm to a combination of the 1982 20" of snowfall on top of the 2007 ice storm that put a half a million people out of power in the greater St. Louis area.


Hunker down, here comes the BIG ONE.

I'm thinking about leaving work early today and work the rest of the day from home. I can connect to our server over the internet to complete my work. Hate driving on ice. [scared]

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We're supposed to be getting 18 inches+. God I hate shoveling, but I must. I hear a lot of people who live in tropical areas tell me I must love snow. What could ever give them that impression? Isn't it just wonderful when it turns that lovely brown color! Its a freaking pain! <mutters under breath>

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This is no joke nationwide. Here in NJ we're expecting minor snow but then major ice for two days. Prayers and best wishes to those who need to clean this stuff up for a living (myself included)!! I'm WAY past happy to make the extra money at this point. C'mon spring!!

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I guess I picked the wrong week to have a double hernia surgery.


Well I can watch my wife use the snow thrower.


Unless Fred wants to come do it, I would be willing to pay up to $3.00 + .50 travel time

Let me know I cant be throwing money around like this all day.

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I can see the snow in the Sierra Mountains from home but I don't do snow anymore. I used to run up to go skiing back in my younger days but now I stay in the flat lands and play a little golf instead, sunny and 60 something tomorrow. We keep up with the winter storms across the plains as my in laws live in South Dakota. They call it heart attack weather, you get a heart attack from shoveling all the snow. I love the little town of DeSmet and would like to live there, except for the snow.


Good luck all with this storm and stay warm,



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It's been a pretty mild winter here in Buffalo (yep that's right). We actually missed all those East coast storms. But we're not going to miss this one coming up from the Texas area. It's headed here this Wednesday and we're expecting 8 to 12 inches. But it'll all be clear on Thursday. No mad dash to the supermarket. I always laughed about that when I lived in MD. Even the hint of a little snow would clear out the grocery stores several days in advance.

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