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Age is just a state of mind.


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Well today is my birthday (51 years young). Time markers such as this give me moments to reflect on the miracles and wonders I've witnessed for the past 50 odd years.


Tragedies and triumphs on a worldly scale for sure but deeper than that is the happenings on a personal level.


Being raised in the early 60s was probably the last age of innocence. We could still leave the house after breakfast and not be heard from till dinner and our parents didn't worry about us.

The woods were still a safe place to play. Neighborhoods were sort of small countries. Everyone new everyone and supported each other.


The world spins faster these days. There's no time for lazy Saturday afternoons. A catch in the backyard. Taking a drive on a Sunday just to see where it leads. My old man throwing batting practice to me on his one day off till he could barely raise his arm. Mom's fingers combing through my hair to try and ease the pain of a headache. Just quick flashes of days gone by.


I've been blessed to say the least. Married 30 years to my beautiful wife. Three great kids and 2 adorable grands. All healthy and productive.


So thanks to you guys and this forum for helping to slow the pace down a little bit. Taking my mind off the daily trials of work and world and making me feel like a kid again just discovering music and guitars.

Rock on! Cookiemsp_thumbup.gif

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I remember my father sayng to me on the occasion of his 80th that the odd thing was he didn't feel anything like that old, so I asked the obvious question...


After giving the matter serious consideration he announced "Twenty-eight."


Many happy returns of the day, Cookie!



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happy B day man !! cool post !! I can relate, I'll be 53 this year :rolleyes: times sure are different then when we were kids !! 2010 was a tough year for me personally, hard times in Florida and I lost my job, never thought in my years that would happen to me at this stage in life, gotta roll with the changes though, keep puttin one foot in front if the other, different times indeed !! Thank God for music and my guitars though !! [thumbup] Rock on dude !! [thumbup]

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I still say you guys are all awfully young, including the young and eternally beautiful longtime lady guitarist from the home of the Stampede.


That's a bit of teasing for Karen, and a certain line of theatrical verse came to mind. Then I got to thinking that perhaps a paraphrase of the immortal bard might not be inappropriate for this venue...


Though age may indeed wither us, may we offer thanks it is only a parallel to the seasoning of a good flattop giving it yet a more attractive face and a warmer tone; and may we all play in an infinite variety of chords and notes celebrating a musical score every young but always mature.


Oh... and I was in better shape at 35 to perhaps 45 than at 28... so such tends to be my self image until I shave and see that darned 3-D topographical map.



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Then I got to thinking that perhaps a paraphrase of the immortal bard might not be inappropriate for this venue...



Milo, can you beat the Duke's reasoning in "Merchant" when he grants Shylock a pound of Tony's flesh...but nothing else?


And of course, who can't laugh when Iago tells The Senator that his daughter is "Making the beast with two backs" with "The Moore", aka Othello!

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... so such tends to be my self image until I shave and see that darned 3-D topographical map.




The self-image is an interesting thing.


My contemporaries and myself are going through the stage where our hairstyles are, erm, changing, shall we say?


Some of my mates are going quite thin on top. I've been going grey since my late 20s but it's taking a long time to take over fully. It's not something I've ever been remotely bothered by and, having seen the silver-tonsured Jimmy Page on 'It Might Get Loud' I'm now actually looking forward to that stage of my life - which is just as well really as I have no choice in the process!


A very attractive ladyfriend who is herself in her mid-sixties (and a very good friend of the wife, I hasten to add...) has started referring to me - in a nicely mocking manner - as 'The Silver Fox'. LOL!


Mind you; I hope she doesn't mean I look like the old Steam Engine of that name........"The Old Boiler" hasn't quite the same ring....





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