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All my life a lot of people have been put off by my "no Back doors" brutally frank and honest approach and find my reluctance to sugar-coat things somewhat hard to take,so consequently my "what you see is what you get" attitude would rate me a 10 I imagine.

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Btw, I reject the notion that people are only fake online. As a gigging musician, I've been approached by tour manages, roadies for Slash, agents that handle Santana, drummers who've played for the Beach Boys and The Monkeys, friends of Ronnie Mintrose, people who could introduce me to Lou Diamond Philips (if only we were playing on day sooner), and countless recording engineers that could give me some free studio time. I'm pretty sure every one of them really worked at Kinkos.


I never said I drummed for the Monkees and it was Papa John Phillips from the Mamas and the Papas. Sshheeesh!angry.gif

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Guest farnsbarns

I'm gonna be honest here I'm probably about a 6. When interacting on a forum one can think more carefully about what one says, and how. If we all structured a thought in real life, then took the time it takes to type it just thinking about it, then, if we were happy with it, and only if, we hit a button and said it, life would be strange. This extra layer of thought changes the way I come over, can't help that, same way I won't tell a customer he's thick or has a bad product or a wig. It's also quite natural for human beings to be reflective, sub consciously or otherwise. When we are in a group and there is a status quo on behaviour and ettiquette we tend to comply.


I'm pretty full on in real life, my sense of humour largely revolves around being rude in a tounge in cheek way. That doesn't really work online.



I don't lie, or make things up, but the different medium of interaction does have an effect.


I was going to finish by saying I don't believe those that scored themselves highly but 2 things made me decide against it. Firstly, maybe I'm over thinking it and what I am getting at wasn't the point. I'm not going to tell you the other reason for fear of embarrassing someone who's posted already, I tell you this because it highlights what I'm saying perfectly.


Edit: just realized my final point there is very likely to be misunderstood. The embarrassment would be caused by a gushing complement, not by refuting what they said.

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Why are you so angry?


Shred, I think this person has 3-4 online personalities on this forum. I find it odd that these personalities seem to attack you for no reason other than to bust your chops. His next account will be named Sybil.

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Shred, I think this person has 3-4 online personalities on this forum. I find it odd that these personalities seem to attack you for no reason other than to bust your chops. His next account will be named Sybil.


*shrug* Yeah...


I even PM'd the guy to find out what he's got against me...i mean, why come in my thread and talk that kind of trash without even addressing the thread topic? He was trollin...and his mark didn't bite so he's off in a corner somewhere. :)

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Good question I'm pretty honest probably a 8 or 9 only cause Ive been around so long and the forum just isn't what it once was to me. So rather than get angry and go down in flames like so many have done I just coast along and wait for better days to return to the forum. So I probably lose a point or two because I ignore a lot of what goes on in here now. I used to be much more active posting songs etc. but's it's been quite a while since I cared enough to post a song or critique someone else's music that's not what I'm here for right now anyway like I said I'm just coasting waiting for the annoying members to grow up or move on.

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I guess I'm about a 9 - 9.5. I don't think people are 100% very often. I think perhaps in times of extreme circumstances (like an emergency), or with people that we are very, very close to, are we our true selves.

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I'm pretty much the same in both places so a 9.5-10


On the other hand when I am logged in as BuddyLight or LynyrdSkynyrd then that's another story...








































I'm kidding about the other logins

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I'm pretty much the same in both places so a 9.5-10


On the other hand when I am logged in as BuddyLight or LynyrdSkynyrd then that's another story...




I'm kidding about the other logins




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I'd say 8 because; 2 marks knocked off because I think I am far less serious than I appear in the written word on the screen [scared] , but I do deliberately use a real picture (and provide contact details) because I want to be accountable for the 'me' that is online - good and bad.


In real life, I tried different 'acts' for different conventions years ago and in the end thought 'screw it' ; I'll follow Mark Twain's advice "if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything" - so I speak to a six year old pupil, in the same manner that I do with the head of the school. Life is hassle free as a result [thumbup]


I have two accounts on my computer here, mine and my wife's (Suzo) and for the life of me I cannot understand people who have multiple accounts to say what they really want to say, but don't want to do it and be traceable. That just seems cowardly. I admire a former member here who now posts at MLP, because while i don't agree with all his views, I admire that he sticks his neck out (often upsetting people!) yet you get the 'real him' with contact details to boot etc.



I use my real picture and have a link to my Facebook Page that is kept open to the public because I'm a guitar player who wants work for himself and his band. It's hard to be an entertainer and anonymous at the same time.


But as far as being "Real" goes, that's hard to say. That's like asking someone to describe their Id as opposed to their Ego. "How do you view yourself?" is a far easier question than "How do others view you?".


"How would you like other to view you?" is a more reasonable question, but It's still a question about ones ego. And of course everyone wants to be considered "Real". How many guitar players do you know that would answer with, "I'm as real as they get, but I'm pretty sure I come off as an egotistical know-it-all." Or, "I'm a great player who has a hard time working with other musicians." Or, "I wish I was better at playing, but I'm not very good so I surround myself with mediocrity in an attempt to look better."


If you want the real deal, ask a musicians significant other the same question. "Excuse me Mrs. _________, do you think your husband presents an accurate portrayal of himself when socializing online?"

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Guest farnsbarns

Cheers, interesting points FM.


On non guitar forums I tend to do the same - re pic and contact details being available (for the reasons already mentioned).




I've got to say, while I admire your openness on this, you use your real name, you talk about where you live, and where you work, you talk about your gear and then you talk about going away for a week, with your missus. You're clearly smart enough to know the implications but I would never do that personally. It's a worry.

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