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3 Years Sober.....


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Today is my anniversary.


For the newbies, I started playing bars at age 12. It was a different time. Raised by bikers and moved around a lot, at age 16 I was gigging (front man/lead player) for $25.00 a night, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and everything else that would burn.


Musicians were not only allowed to drink while working, it was expected.


Somehow, by the Grace of God, I pulled this off for over 35 years.


For those of you just getting started, and those of you winding down your musical career I just say "best of luck" and "be careful".


For anyone I offended back in the day, or even just yesterday, I humbly apologize.



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Today is my anniversary.


For the newbies, I started playing bars at age 12. It was a different time. Raised by bikers and moved around a lot, at age 16 I was gigging (front man/lead player) for $25.00 a night, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and everything else that would burn.


Musicians were not only allowed to drink while working, it was expected.


Somehow, by the Grace of God, I pulled this off for over 35 years.


For those of you just getting started, and those of you winding down your musical career I just say "best of luck" and "be careful".


For anyone I offended back in the day, or even just yesterday, I humbly apologize.



Congratulations Murph! Keep on keepin on.

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3 years here too...I never been a hard drinker, maybe 2-3 beers a day a few times a week, but had to stop it entirely due to health issues. Not if I miss it, just would be nice to have one on a hot day. That's life.


Keep on. I am with You! Cheers... Bence

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Congratulations Murph!


I went on the Atkins diet in late 2003 so the Colt 45 had to go. It was weird for a few weeks but I haven't given it any thought in years. Once I hit the "one year" mark I figured I'd keep going. Haven't had a sip since about the first week of December 03.


After a short while and a little reflecting I realized that most every bad move I did in life probably had alcohol involved.

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Congrats Murph! Seven years here. Anytime is a good time too stop whatever. 28 Years ago this month for me stopped smoking of everything. I'm amazed I survived the 60's, to get to my 60's. Hang in there.



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Congrats, I turn 60 next fri. and like the old joke, "If I'd have known I would have lived this long, I would've taken better care of myself" Nothing to smoke for over 16 yrs and nothing to drink for 20. I finally figured out why I felt like crap in the morning....it was the night before. Stopped that and saved a lot of money & brain cells [thumbup]


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You Da Man! Except for the being raised by bikers part, and playing since age 12, sounds like I have a twin! Actually played in a cage once!I gave up smoking in 1975, drinking to much in 78, but couldn't play in clubs after a while, I found I have a intolerance for drunks when I'm sober.Any way,,God Bless you man, keep up the good work!

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You Da Man! Except for the being raised by bikers part, and playing since age 12, sounds like I have a twin! Actually played in a cage once!I gave up smoking in 1975, drinking to much in 78, but couldn't play in clubs after a while, I found I have a intolerance for drunks when I'm sober.Any way,,God Bless you man, keep up the good work!


I was playing in bars at 15.... but like Murph said, was a different time.


Back in 1965 or so, we were playing in all the Military Bases around the Bay Area, Moffett Field, Alameda Naval Air Station, Hunter's Point, Treasure Island, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, and several places I'm forgetting.


They were 4-hour gigs..... either in the Officer's club or the Enlisted Men's club...so there was plenty of drinking/drunks, even back then, and we were there at a minimum of 2 nights a week.


REALLY helped us establish our stage presence.


Where do bands get that experience these days?



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