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Coca Cola or Pepsi?


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1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

I prefer Mango/Strawberry/Pineapple flavored IPA over Coke.  (Tip of the Hat to DR.Pepper (( oh, the irony)) ).  And  I'd only use Coke to clean my paint brushes. (Plagiarized from RbSinTo - also from the Bourbon thread).     

Pepsi Please.    

Best beware 4YP,

If you put teeth in Coke, they will dissolve so maybe you'd be better off cleaning your brushes in Bourbon, as I suggested.


Edited by RBSinTo
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20 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

I stand corrected on the Coke myth, but still think cleaning paint brushes in Bourbon is a good idea.


I usually use gasoline to clean brushes.  Even at $2.99 a gallon it's still cheaper than bourbon.  Unless the bourbon you use is cheaper than that,  then cleaning paint brushes is probably all it's good for.  [wink]

5 hours ago, IanHenry said:

I don't drink either one, but I do use Coke to clean aluminium parts on my car, it's fantastic for that.

I would suspect it's the carbonation that does the cleaning, and not the caramel coloring or sugar( or artificial sweetener).  So in that case, you'd be better off using cleaner and less expensive club soda.  [wink]  :rolleyes:


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As kids we just grabbed a bottle of coke or root beer out of the soda machine for 10Cents. Now they want $5.00 for one.  Our son worked for Old Chicago restaurant and they told their employees to drink as much soda as they want for free. It only cost the company .1c. That's right. 1 penny for a glass.  Think of that when you pay $3 to $5 bucks for a glass the next time. 

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Today after our long walk in the forest with both grandkids, they wanted to eat at Chic Fillet.  Deb & I don't eat there but we did today. She had a coupon that got us a big savings so her and I had a Coke today.  I guess the Chic Fillet was Greyson's choice and tomorrow is Reagan's choice so I am told tomorrows lunch will be at Sonic.  Haha, Whatever so I guess its soda again for lunch tomorrow. I wonder where our outing will be?  I worked my butt off mowing the front and back and trimming about a hundred yards of hedges for this Lol.  We did have great fun today with the kids though. 

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7 hours ago, Retired said:

Today after our long walk in the forest with both grandkids, they wanted to eat at Chic Fillet.  Deb & I don't eat there but we did today. She had a coupon that got us a big savings so her and I had a Coke today.  I guess the Chic Fillet was Greyson's choice and tomorrow is Reagan's choice so I am told tomorrows lunch will be at Sonic.  Haha, Whatever so I guess its soda again for lunch tomorrow. I wonder where our outing will be?  I worked my butt off mowing the front and back and trimming about a hundred yards of hedges for this Lol.  We did have great fun today with the kids though. 

I’m calling it Chic (like the 70’s Disco band) Fillet from now on. 

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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