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How was your weekend?


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It was a long holiday weekend here in Valencia. Saw some great fireworks Friday night. Valencia is famous for fireworks, they do fireworks here for any reason at all... As a matter of fact many of the big events around the world use fireworks from Valencia, Olympic games, New Years celebrations....etc. Saturday we had a parade go by the house so I had people over to watch it. The parade was Los Moros and Cristianos (the Moors and the Christians) that celebrates the liberation of Valencia from the Moors in the 1200's.... Here are a couple YouTube video's to give you and idea of what goes on... Chanman would love this!!



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We were up at 6 AM for the Walnut City parade... Our girls softball team marched in it. Finished at 1:30 PM. Piled two of my daughter buddies in the car and taxi'd them off to the Chino mall so they could watch a movie.... I found a shady spot in the parking lot and knocked out for about 3 hours. Next took them to cold stones creamery... I went to Starbucks next store.... Dropped the monsters off, and my daughter and I made it home at about 8:30PM...


Today it's off to the batting cages

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How WAS my weekend? Heck, it's just barely half over. I've had Friday and Saturday off, and I've still got the rest of today and all of tomorrow. Right now, I'm watching the Rays and the Rangers....


Duane v, take some rips for me.


Daveinspain, hasta luego. I'm signing off and going to the park and enjoy the weather.

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most excellent! I received and installed my Throbak SLE-101 Ltd pickups in my R9 and then rocked out with the band for hours on Friday night. Since the wife and child are out of town, I spent Saturday relaxing and playing my guitars. Today I took my Colt AR, AK, M1 Garand and new-to-me Norinco SKS to the range and practiced for the zombie apocalypse.


a most excellent weekend, indeed. [thumbup]

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I jammed with a friend of mine and a few of his buddys. First time I've jammed outside of my Band in 2 years, it felt Great to just let loose and go with what was happening.


Outside of that...... [sleep][bored]


I jam with a bunch of old guys who play country every last sunday of the month. Really helps with chordy songs I do outside of it.

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most excellent! I received and installed my Throbak SLE-101 Ltd pickups in my R9 and then rocked out with the band for hours on Friday night. Since the wife and child are out of town, I spent Saturday relaxing and playing my guitars. Today I took my Colt AR, AK, M1 Garand and new-to-me Norinco SKS to the range and practiced for the zombie apocalypse.


a most excellent weekend, indeed. [thumbup]


I'd agree with you on that.

New guitar parts?

Tinkering with installation?

Rocking out?

Shooting range?


Perfect weekend?


Oh yea!

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I jam with a bunch of old guys who play country every last sunday of the month. Really helps with chordy songs I do outside of it.

[thumbup] Heck yeah, playing with others outside of your natural comfort zone can only improve your own thing. I love jammin' country, it's fun music to play.

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Spent the weekend recording at old RCA Studio B in Nashville. This is the studio where much of the Elvis, Everly Brothers, Roy Orbision and others were cut. We cut 6 sides doing it as old school as possible. Used no pro tools or auto tuning of any kind, very little seperation, and recorded and mixed straight to analog. In over 20 years of recording, it was the most fun I've ever had in the studio. [thumbup]

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I spent the weekend with spiders, mice and mosquitoes cleaning out a storage shed in which I had accumulated 20 years worth of salvaged "vintage" construction materials and fixtures.


Anybody need a pink bathtub, pea green pedestal sink, or purple toilet?. Sorry I already gave away the pink swirl vanity top.

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Started off great, got a little hairy, then ended with a bang.


Went to see an Eagles Tribute Band Friday night (they were awesome), but my wife didn't enjoy it so much, she gets a little bored with music, music, music, all the time, which is just about what it is in my house with me and my twin sons' always playing guitars or listening and watching music etc... that was the hairy part.


Made up for it with her and I alone at the local wineries all day Sunday. Sitting there drinking wine (listening to a small "band"), basically them singing along with songs, with a keyboard & drum machine, (kind of a joke to me), but at least it was music. She tolerated that because it was just her and I without the kids. A little break from the norm...


I did manage to play my guitar most of the day Saturday with my sons while she was getting her nails done at the mall.


So overall, not too bad.

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Spent Sunday at a charity event for a friends of ours. Their son Jake stopped breathing and was rushed to the ER. He was revived but because of the lack of oxygen was given little chance of leading a normal life by doctors. We never stopped praying or believing and slowly young Jake is recovering. Here's a link about his story from the papers.



Almost 300 bikers participated and many more came for the dinner. Huge success! Great to know there are still people with a heart out there.





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Went to see Van Morrison at an outdoor venue. I must say the whole experience was a disappointment and I'm not someone who is usually disappointed, especially when it comes to anything relating to music.

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