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Did you ever sleep in school?


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I sleep in my study hall classes, most of the time its only a class of like 5 people that i don't know.

Since i'm a senior now i have 4 study hall classes, and none of them will allow me to go home due to classes the next period.

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During study halls, yes, I used to sleep in school. It was more useful to me to sleep in school and end the day awake enough (just barely) to do my homework later, at home. Anxiety and depression (at that point both of them undiagnosed) made it hard for me to sleep at nights, so I took what I could get, sleep-wise.


Now that I'm in college, school and home are one, and I scarcely need to worry about being tired during class. If I want to, I can nap between classes whenever I'd like, and I often do because it prevents me from sleeping during class.

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I sleep in my study hall classes, most of the time its only a class of like 5 people that i don't know.

Since i'm a senior now i have 4 study hall classes, and none of them will allow me to go home due to classes the next period.


Back in the late 80s i used to sleep in my first period science/chemistry classes. The teacher was annoyed by me because i could not pay attention all week and study a single night and still pass, that is until he busted me with the occasional pop quiz..

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Not intentionally....I've been put to sleep, by some very boring lectures,

in college, though. Mostly in "required" classes, that had little (real)

interest, for me. You know, those with 300+ students, in one auditorium

class room. ;>b





i know, all too well. Those were the WORST. the joys of a "liberal arts" education. :)

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Q: did I sleep in school?

A: yes, almost every time I bothered to show up, which wasn't often.

I had 72 absences in 9th grade, failed EVERY class, Aced my semester tests and was "transferred" with D- in each class to 10th grade because the 9th grade teachers didn't want to put up w/me again.(2 of them literally had nervous breakdowns during a class.)


My only real regret in life is not taking advantage of the education I was offered.

but oh mercy the fun I had as a teen !! [woot]

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Best thing school has ever taught me was how to sleep in uncomfortable positions. Generally I don't but if I'm really short on sleep I can't help it.



I learned to sleep standing up as did most of my friends (military school - no penalty for standing up but big trouble for falling asleep at your desk). I had friends that learned to sleep with their eyes open.

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I sleep in my study hall classes, most of the time its only a class of like 5 people that i don't know.

Since i'm a senior now i have 4 study hall classes, and none of them will allow me to go home due to classes the next period.


I sleep at school sometimes. Most of my classes this year are easy do nothing classes anyway.


Quick Question:

I thought you were a year younger than me, how is that your a senior? You start school a year early? Skipped a grade?


I'm a senior this year too. It sucks that you don't get to go home early. How many periods does your school have? Mine has 7 one hour periods and I get an off period so I get to go home an hour early.


One more question: Are you driving to school yet?

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I slept from time to time in my High School English class. I would hold the book on my lap as I had my head down on the table. Looked like I was reading as we read aloud in class. The irony is that I was always so tired from staying up till 4 am reading books at home!


I also slept in Spanish class. Right out in the open. I remember once a classmate shaking me to wake me up. Half the class had already cleared out at the end of the period.

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