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How do you know you are getting old


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Good thread and strange because my wife and I had a pretty long conversation about this during dinner. but not as funny now that Im 50 my really big moments were


1. Going to professional sporting games and thinking the cheerleaders looked to young to be dressed like that.


2. Saturday night live and other comedy shows as well movies weren't funny anymore it was just stupid people doing ignorant thing to each other and laughing.


3. I stopped finding anything on TV that was even remotely worth watching or better than a book.


4. When the clothes I like to wear came back in to fashion. Not joke here last weekend a attractive young woman asked me where I got my leather jacket it's exactly what her 22 year old boyfriend is looking for to go with his new Raybans just like I was wearing. I smiled and said sorry my jacket was at least a decade older than her boyfriend and my ray bans were issued in the early 70's there not a remake or anniversary model. She was like wow there still very cool she grinned and said how about the cool boot's? I grinned back and I said Oxblood Red Doc Martin 1460 from London in 1979, on there fifth set of soles and second rebuild/replace at doc martins cost the for life series is hard to beat really. She grinned even bigger and said I had a cool RETRO style! i laughed because my wife earlier had told me I looked like a reject from the 70's. She just shook her head and told me I still looked like a reject even if the 20 year old blond thought I had style.


5. when it takes 10 minutes to get out of bed in the morning and then 20 minutes of wandering around drinking coffee to make it worth staying out of bed.


overall I have no complaints about getting old wish they would have warned me more about how much all the broken bones and injuries were gonna hurt as I aged I might have lived a little farther off the edge but probably not. I'm blessed got to retire at 50 and work for myself without financial worries which in today's world is something amazing. But I have noticed two thing in general about age and success. it's hard sometimes too understand what;s so funny now , I realized that about a year ago when I was at a bar and some guy snuck up on his buddy and smacked him in the nut's and they all laughed. If I did have a friend stupid enough to do that! he would not have laughed and neither would I. He would have been running for his life and I would have been trying to control the pain long enough to get a clear shot!


And to the young enjoy your lives and the things you work for, I miss the excitement of buying something and feeling great about it. I bought a truck today should be a big thing right. They gave me the key's I walked out and got in it and asked the wife what she felt like eating? when I was 25 I would have been jumping up and down and wanting to show all my friends my new truck! Now it was yep did it, you hungry and nothing else and I paid cash for the truck. that you to be exciting now I just hope the damn thing will run right and last at least five years which is how long the warranty lasts! If anyone cares it was a 2013 Toyota Tacoma club cab in dark gunmetal grey and 4x4 sweet ride actually

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When you see a hot 20-something chic walking down the street with her mother.... and your checking out the mother!


In highschool I only checked out the dads. The boys were so stupid looking. The dads were all...Die Hard-ish.


I know I'm getting old because my knees and knuckles know if its raining. The cold makes me ache all over.

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Back aches all the time. Twisted my thumb putting on deodorant. Ten year anniversary of bypass surgery next week.

Can't think good, don't care anymore, I'm a grouch and my future's all behind me now. Other than that, everything's great.


Now there's a guy who knows he's getting old and is dealing with it! "Twisted my thumb putting on deodorant" - that is just magnificent for a guitar player, I salute you sir!! =D>

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I went through the whole age thing much younger than most I think.

Everyone said hitting 50 was depressing. For me that was a piece of cake.

But I will never forget the day I found myself standing in Walmart, pricing out nose hair trimmers....


That was a bad day.

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All great answers...y'all!


I'll just add a few:


When (if ever), you realize that "sex" isn't as important, as it once was.

Having a good "BM" is more important, than it should be.

When you'd rather have (iced) geen tea w/Stevia, than a brewski...because

the side effects, of too much Iced Green Tea, are so much easier to deal

with, than too much "Brewski!" ;>)

When you don't like to smoke (or breath smoke) from ANYthing!

When "Acid," means acid reflux, or something else, you need an "antacid" for.

When "drugs" are by perscription, to help make you "normal" again.


When you play your guitar(s) better, than you ever have, and the 10 year old,

at Guitar Center still "smokes you!" But..You don't (really) care! LOL


Etc., etc., etc.! [biggrin]



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