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Lost a good friend early this morning


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I posted about 6 or 7 months ago about a good friend of mine who had just found out he had pancreatic cancer. At that time they told him he had on the outside 9 months if he did chemo and was lucky.

The chemo made him so sick that he only did 3 or 4 treatments.

He said the pain from the cancer was unbearable, but all they could do for him to help with the pain is put him on a morphine drip.

This past Sat. he fell and cut his ear so bad they had to rush him to the hospital because they could not stop the bleeding from the cut on his ear.

He was released from the hospital Sat. evening, and spent Sunday with his family at home.

Sadly, early this morning he lost his battle with the cancer.

He was at home with his wife and only daughter when he passed away.

Just a great guy, would help any one at any time,even if it meant he put his things on the back burner.

He will surely be missed.

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I am sorry to hear this - condolences.


......And it always seems to be the good guys; a friend from my last job is now struggling with cancer, he is younger than me (in his mid 50s) and the prognosis is not great either.


Cancer is a thief.

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I never know what to say at a time like this. I went through it a few years back and I often ask myself "what words would I have found comforting from someone?" and I don't have an answer.


If you have any stories about him, fell free to share them when you feel like it. He must have been a dear friend to you.

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I'm sorry for your loss sounds so useless right now, but that's all I got brc, Cancer is a beast I know all too well.


We lost a brother in-law in 1996, he was 34, and left two young kids behind, My wife had bladder cancer in 09, knock on wood, she has survived this and has been cancer free since. Two other of her brothers are all survivors from battles with colon cancer, and one these guys is just recovering from a re-occurrence (he's 45, first time was 35) had surgery this last fall and is just now getting back in his rhythm.


Most recently our niece who's in her early 30s with a 3 year old son, is now recovering from cancer surgery (Thyroid) and is about to go in for treatments (radiation which is never a good process).


Family genetic defects can be a real drag.


hang in there, all you can do is offer his family support, he's now in a better place.

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Yeah.. theres not a lot one can say.. But sorry for your loss.. At least he was with his family at the time... that's something.


All you can really do is try to remember the good times...


take care...

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Thanks every one for the kind words.

He really was one of the friends that any one would be happy to be called his friend

We use to joke with each other before he found out he had cancer, one which one of us would "go" first.

He always told me that he would be here long after me because of my issues, I am a cancer survivor, five back surgeries,spinal fusion, stroke, lung surgery, plus a heart attack.

It was kind of funny, but we both wound up in the hospital. ( different rooms) when I had my spinal fusion.

He would cruise down to see me holding his medication rack with his tubes still in, and his bare arse flapping under his hospital gown.

He said "hell, the nurses have seen it all already so why try and cover his butt now"

I will sure miss him.

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So sorry for your loss, Brc.


Cancer is always bad, but pancreatic cancer seems to be extremely mean. An aunt and a pal of mine succumbed to it in the past, and it was nothing but terrible.


May you be able to save your memories of better days.

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