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After always playing Gibson's and saying that I'd never get a Fender, I suddenly got a yearning for a Stratocaster, so I went out and tried a few. I eventually decided that I liked the made in Mexico Player Strat which is the cheapest one in the Fender range.

I'm particularly impressed by the build quality and playability,  it's perfectly set up straight from the shop and it shocks me to say it, but the quality is flawless and better than my Custom shop R8!

I can't ever see me gigging it, I'll stick with what I'm used to live.


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Many congrats. I'm another who, having tried out a dozen or so Strats from all price-points, came home with a MIM one. It, too, was flawless in both build and setup.

You should definitely consider gigging with it, though, Ian! Why on Earth not?......That's what it's FOR!!!...................[smile]...............


EDIT : Nice to see you got a Moggy in the snap......

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I like that finish Ian,  looks great.

I can't ever see me gigging it, I'll stick with what I'm used to live.

never say never!  These are so different from what you're used to from the LP, but in some  songs, they are just the thing!  You'd need to do a quick tweak or two on your amp, drop some of the treble usually,, but you'll get used to that quick enough.   I have a few strats and a tele, but I do gravitate more to my LPs and SGs, but I would miss not having a Fender.

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1 hour ago, IanHenry said:

 I eventually decided that I liked the made in Mexico Player Strat which is the cheapest one in the Fender range.



That is an awesome color! The Player series are nice and they are not the cheapest that Fender has to offer.  You can pick up a MIM Standard Strat a couple hundred buck less

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7 minutes ago, FZ Fan said:

Its not Multi-vitamin piss yellow?


No, Multi-Vitamin Piss Yellow was a Limited Edition Guitar Center Exclusive.  It' s not Vintage White either, it's Buttercream.  Little more Yellow than Vintage White.

And you'd better gig that thing Ian!  Shame to walk past that for something else.  Take both!


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I'm usually a Gibson guy too but I've taken my Strat as well and thankful I did when we played a wedding reception. I broke a string playing Midnight Rider (I have no idea how) right at the lead part. I squeaked through but took my Strat as my 2nd guitar that day and it fit in quite well with the music we were playing that day. Changed string during break and used the Les Paul Traditional for the rest of the day. I tend to take at least two guitars with me just in case.

And I must add that I love the color of that guitar. Looks old and the MIM Fenders I've played have been quality guitars.

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a very good choice,  imo


i will say this about strats:

i have one. it's a  hot rod.   truth is, it's a more versatile guitar than my les paul.   it sounds better, and plays  great.  i play the lp more because it's more comfortable.  but the strat is a better all around guitar. 

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Very nice! I bought one about 6 months ago and found it to be superb. I love the pickups and the quality is excellent. I think the Players are one of the best guitars you can buy for the money. I did a few minor mods to mine...

I put in a new bridge that has a larger block, stainless steel saddles and a push in trem arm...



Locking tuners...


A string tree from an American Standard just for looks (you know, no bent steel saddles-no bent steel string tree)


Schaller strap locks...


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Congrats - nice looking Strat.  I bought a MIM a few months ago and have had a lot of fun with it.  I do take it to gigs, and play it approximately half the time.  My group is a cover band and the songs that were played with a Strat originally just sound more accurate playing the same guitar as the recording.  You can do a lot with effects and amp models, but you can't make a LP sound like a Strat or vice versa.  I  thought the longer scale length might bother me, but I am finding it actually gives me a little more room for the old arthritic hands to move about.


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9 hours ago, merciful-evans said:


It's healthy to broaden horizons. It took me 30 years to get around to Gibsons.


Thought I was the only slow one on the block?  Twas, 47 years for me to get my first Gibson since I wanted one bad. 

Very nice Strat Ian.  Now there's another one I should break down and get someday.  Never owned or played a Strat or a Tel.  I have a Surf Green Jag,  about as close as I got. 

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