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Some very different takes from Gibson with their USA made, more accessible $$$ guitars. Just got an email announcement, and this is the page I landed on when clicking.

Just a quick marketing related note of my first impression. For the first time for me, I was given the impression that it was not just a cheapo version of the real thing kind of vibe. Maybe copying some others in the marketplace, yes. But this looks like a nice separation for them. I hope it all works out for them.

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Good to see Gibson offering some acoustics at a lower price point which will allow more people to try them.  

Sound port guitars are complicated though and I'm pretty sure what you as a player will hear coming from these guitars is not what your audience will hear.  First, a sound port is really only effective when the instrument is played unplugged.  Plugged in everyone will hear what the pickup produces and the sound from an under saddle pickup is never the same as the actual acoustic sound of the guitar.

With a regular guitar with just a center sound hole, all the air comes out from that sound hole.  With a sound port added a portion of the air comes out the port, and the amount coming out of the center sound hole is reduced.  With the design Gibson is using the player will get to hear what comes out of both holes because the sound port is pointed up at the player's left ear.  But the audience isn't going to hear the same thing because what comes out the sound port is not being projected toward them, and what comes out the center hole has been reduced by the amount coming out the port.

Taylor came out with a sound port guitar about two years ago and I bought one.  Their design has the sound port in a cut away and the guitar sounds amazingly good if you are sitting out in front of it.  But the player never gets to hear that sound because the port points sort of down and away from you.  Because I couldn't hear what the combination of center sound hole and port were doing I tended to over play it.

So it's a trade off - with Gibson's design the player gets to hear it, but the audience doesn't.  You'll think your guitar sounds great, but the audience won't hear the same thing.  With the Taylor design it sounds wonderful to the audience but the player doesn't hear the same thing.  So I'd say you have to try these in person and make sure you have someone else play it while you sit out front and listen.  Then you have to decide if you are buying and playing the guitar just for your own enjoyment of the sound or if you want an audience to have the best experience.


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I've been waiting for one of these ever since I saw them on a video from Japan earlier in the year, maybe last year...

I've been wanting a backup guitar for gigging and and have always wanted a Gibson.  So I jumped on the Sweetwater email I received this morning.  Ordered a G-00.  The soundport is nice but not the reason for my order.  I just wanted a comfortable player that sounds good and I can gig with.    I'll  hopefully have it on Thursday, gig on Friday.  Fingers crossed.

Edited by jricc
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it seems like it was a good idea someone had in lockdown of like "all these people are just at home playing for themselves- they don't need to project outward, they just need to hear themselves play!" and then with r&d they're finally out just in time to be pretty much (and hopefully!) irrelevant to that purpose

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Very futuristic - I'd like to try one and look forward to hear how it blends with the vocal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            May be a landslide waiting. . 

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21 hours ago, Larsongs said:

I’ve been playing Acoustic Guitars for many many years & never had a problem hearing them….  

My first thought as well.

But you know the Gibson Marketing Department mantra,"If we build it, they will buy".

I expect that they'll bring out a line of J-45 variants with different shaped side sound ports so the fans can all race to see who can own the whole set first.


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I went to Nashville for the Eric Clapton show Tuesday and visited the Gibson Garage.  I was shocked when they had all four versions sitting on stands.  I tried to play all four but it was busy and there was one young  kid playing loudly non stop.  The feel was good but could not hear at all.  the acoustic room is small so it does not take much to drown out everyone else.  but I was excited to see them.  I still have a g45  I personally like the line.

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Here is the definition of exclusive - an item produced by only one source. So keep eating what their feeding ya.


Look Taylor does it too, and did it before Gibson did if I am not mistaken.


McKnight does it too. Who ever they are? I guess they will be sued by Gibson pretty soon and they didn't get the memo of who the "C-ock of of the walk" is and that they got all the lawyers and are not afraid to litigate with them.


As mentioned in the OP,  Breedlove does it as well, so exclusive my a-ss. 


I can't find any Martin's with it and I have never seen one on their website. Dogs playing poker and David Croz on the tops of guitars yes, but a Martin with 2 holes nope. Except Willie's Trigger which was done with years of play and wear.

Later B-itches

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Agree w/JVi that is would make dropped pick retrieval easier.

But, I'd be concerned this extra hole would allow air to move more freely in, out and through and cause fluctuations in humidity and dryness.      And I'd be concerned that the strings I am partial to might not sound the same.     Worst of all, I'm not sure I actually want to hear how I sound.

Usually, when I do want to hear how I sound - I just flip the guitar over so the sound hole is facing me.  

Seriously - this is the kind of marketing ca ca  I would expect of a company being run by a former Levis Lifestyle Guru. 

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After having a look at pics on Gibson webpage on these I noticed the sound port is surrounded by black plastic / rubber?  Would have looked nicer left plain wood.  Looking inside i see that the kerfling is solid, not ribbed.   Wonder why this is?   How does it differ with side thickness from regular L00 or other models?

Neck profile is like a low oval shape or flatter than what i'm used to.

Oh well, i am old school.  Guess i'll be keeping my trusty WM45.

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