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WTH did you do today?

Mr. Gibson

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10 hours ago, Retired said:

Do you get your hair cut a couple times a year like me too? My mustache constantly grows faster than the hairs on my head.

A couple of times a year maximum....I've got more hair growing out of my nose and ears than on my head these days......! [angry]

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Did a bit of playing and writing. I would have said it turned out pretty crap really, except it was done on my Standard. Thus, it's automatically excellent. 

Well... - ish.  It could have been. 

Edited by Pinch
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I decided to buy a hardshell case for my MIM Jazz bass as a BD present to me. I haven't played it very often, and I figured that doing something with it would motivate me to play it more. Since I keep all of my guitars in hard shell cases when not in use, I decided it would be good for that guitar, too, esp. since it usually just stands in a corner in its soft shell case, and it could easily get knocked over.

When I picked it up to fiddle with it, I noticed that there seemed to be too much relief in the neck, and the action seemed high, so I did a truss rod adjustment, lowered the saddle heights just a bit, and adjusted the intonation. I think lowering the action will motivate me some. It plays great now.

Anyway, the case is on backorder with Sweetwater since supply has dwindled with the virus, but I expect it to ship sometime this week 

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So far, this morning, I went to the doctor to get my semi-annual blood work results.  My doctor told me (again) that my cholesterol is too high.  My cholesterol has always been high.  My cholesterol is higher than my SAT scores.

Anyway, after that, I went across the street to my favorite breakfast spot and loaded up on more cholesterol.  I have to make sure I get my minimum daily adult requirement for cholesterol, fat, grease, and caffeine.

Then I went home and repaired my fence gate.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Natural said:

So far, this morning, I went to the doctor to get my semi-annual blood work results.  My doctor told me (again) that my cholesterol is too high.  My cholesterol has always been high.  My cholesterol is higher than my SAT scores.

Anyway, after that, I went across the street to my favorite breakfast spot and loaded up on more cholesterol.  I have to make sure I get my minimum daily adult requirement for cholesterol, fat, grease, and caffeine.

Then I went home and repaired my fence gate.

Oh yeah... Cholesterol. Mine wasn't great last time either. We'll see come summer. 

You stop drinking whiskey and the whole damn body falls apart. I'm living proof. 

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Went for a 6.7 mile hike with my son in a city park -  600 or 700 acres.  Got a little lost or it would have been only 4 miles.  Been to dozens of National, State, County and City parks. This one had horrible signage. Spaghetti-like trails.  Mostly wooded.  We easily brushed off 30 or 40 caterpillars off ourselves. Each.  Hanging by threads from the trees.  And when they get on you - they climb UP !  Some had scary looking spikes.  Pretty sure they leave a mark.  

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13 hours ago, jdgm said:

A couple of times a year maximum....I've got more hair growing out of my nose and ears than on my head these days......! [angry]

Haha, well you're not alone John. I trim all those areas every few days. My eyebrows too! 

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10 hours ago, Mr. Natural said:

So far, this morning, I went to the doctor to get my semi-annual blood work results.  My doctor told me (again) that my cholesterol is too high.  My cholesterol has always been high.  My cholesterol is higher than my SAT scores.

Anyway, after that, I went across the street to my favorite breakfast spot and loaded up on more cholesterol.  I have to make sure I get my minimum daily adult requirement for cholesterol, fat, grease, and caffeine.

Then I went home and repaired my fence gate.

Welcome to the club! Mine put me on cholesterol pills about 4 or 5 years ago and won't take me off now.  They must get a kickback from the pharmacist for every patient they stick on meds? Once on them, your'e on them for life! Haha. 

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Yeah, go figure.  Since my "mini" stroke in '14 my diet has consisted of fat free skim milk, cholesterol free, lite this and that and I  STILL gotta take them damn pills.  [mad]  Hell, I even found fat free half and half  to put in my "half caf" coffee.


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20 hours ago, SteveFord said:

Hey, Mr. Natural,

Don't ignore that. 

I did, had a heart attack and blacked out while riding a motorcycle.

Yeah, Steve, I really don't ignore it as much as I let on.  I've been taking my Lipitor "religiously" for over 20 years.  I eat better (most of the time) than I did when I was younger, and I'm 20 pounds lighter than I was 20 years ago.  During the warmer months I get a little more exercise outside, and even during the cooler months I've got one of those Gazelle gliders that I get on nearly every evening.  I go to the doctor three times a year to get my cholesterol checked.  My cholesterol is still too high, but really, not by much, and it's much lower than it was over 20 years ago. 

I retired almost three years ago, so I've got more time to exercise than I did when I was working, but on the down side, I've also got more time to drink than I did when I was working (my doctor also checks my liver enzymes three times a year; they're good).

So, anyway, whenever y'all hear me going on about some medical condition (like my cholesterol being higher than my SAT scores), I'm really just full of sh!t.

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10 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Yeah, go figure.  Since my "mini" stroke in '14 my diet has consisted of fat free skim milk, cholesterol free, lite this and that and I  STILL gotta take them damn pills.  [mad]  Hell, I even found fat free half and half  to put in my "half caf" coffee.


What about that almond or coconut milk? Isn't that supposed to be healthy for you? I started that and got used to it and its pretty good now. 

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It felt like snow today and, of course, I spent most of it riding a motorcycle.

Note to self: if you get a mile from home and think that you're under dressed, turn around and put on your cold weather riding suit instead of hoping it'll warm up.


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I got blues skies and coffee, gotta decide which guitars to take to my jam today. Just put new strings on my red LP, so it will most likely go for the ride. It may kill my back after while, but is so much fun to play. Hmm better take a lightweight as a backup..

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Went to an 8am  girls soccer match.  Froze our butts off.  I don't care what the poets say - April is the cruelest month.   Weird watching 9 year old girls standing in a crowd kicking the ball back and forth, often in the wrong direction.  Occasionally it would squirt out, but they'd all gather around it again.  Some seemed to think they got partial credit for kicking it out of bounds.  Took the rest of the day to get warm again.   Good Times !   

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freezing butts in Texas, heat wave  in BC with fires starting ? Again this morn  I watched a  beauty sunrise  and listened to owls as the deer, bears , cougars and racoons  ( all here in my little island town ) went home to sleep as I hoped for better times to come. "it was the best of times and the worst of times" seems like a line from some where . Hope you all find a smile today....jim

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8 minutes ago, jvi said:

freezing butts in Texas, heat wave  in BC with fires starting ? Again this morn  I watched a  beauty sunrise  and listened to owls as the deer, bears , cougars and racoons  ( all here in my little island town ) went home to sleep as I hoped for better times to come. "it was the best of times and the worst of times" seems like a line from some where . Hope you all find a smile today....jim

Is the Sticky Wicket still in Victoria? 

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18 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Is the Sticky Wicket still in Victoria? 

yep, no dinning or drinking right now and Vic is hurting from lack of visitors, When this crap is over come up and enjoy cause we depend on our USA friends to keep the economy going. I will buy you a round and some appies .

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I got up at 4:45 and had my coffee with a sweet creamers and a bit of German brandy.
Stir-fried some turkey burger for my breakfast this morning, with portabella mushrooms, Vidalia onion, egg, and cheddar. 

By ten thirty a.m. I'll be out mowing the property, and then after a nice hot bath, my wife and I will be off to a late lunch at my in-laws. 

Somewhere between or after, I'll be playing my Firebird Zero. 

It just seems like a Pelham Blue sort of day. 




Sophie the Boxer is having none of it. 


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