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Reference racial divisions;   

The problem is that there's no easy fix for the human condition. 

The ancient, primordial divisions that are in our DNA from birth hard-wire us into "us against them" tribal, warring camps.  My tribe versus your tribe. This nation is superior to that nation. My team is better than your team. People with my skin tones are awesome, and people with your skin tones and hair colour are inferior.  

And government cannot, will not, and should never endeavor to 'pass a law' that will magically make things all better. 
To try and do so is folly, and amounts to so much inconsequential pandering in the end.

Should we all aspire to learn  from history, and vow to never let what happened with our forefathers ever happen again?


Should we all study the words and teachings of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, and see what we can learn from that, in order to make ourselves into better and more united communities and nations?

Yes, of course. 

But you can't legislate it. 

And further, you can't crawl into each and every household around the world and influence how parents (and single parents, and mee-maws) are raising their kids.  Or not properly raising their kids, in most cases. 


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19 hours ago, rct said:

Anything to distract the masses from the single real problem we have, and that is that the haves are having exponentially more while the have nots are not having exponentially more.  If the ignorant, mouth breathing masses could ever get their heads out of their own cultural, political, and social butts and see what is happening and how it is being screwed into them, we would have not "civil war" or "Red vs Blue" war or race war, we'd have heads on pikes like the French did, the Russians later.  There is nothing in this country but haves keeping what they have and getting more while convincing have nots that it all could be a lot worse.  The have nots buy that, and immediately turn to more pressing hatred like politics and race and culture.  It's depressing.




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This place isn't always good for Gibson.  All the rednecks, numbskulls and trash dominate the lounge discussions and it's not nearly representative of the membership, and surely not representative of the type of people who buy Gibson guitars.

I've been here for a long time and these disaffected losers come and go, arriving with all their baggage, then making trouble and leaving.  They gladly throw themselves in as grist in somebody else's mill, and wonder why they're not happy.  They constantly grind their axes to mask their pain and regrets.  Then they leave 'cause they don't get any relief.


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3 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

After all of the things implemented above we still have extreme racism and discrimination excluding many from “equal opportunity” simply because of the color of their skin or what religion they practice. Yes we still have people standing alongside of the road wearing swastikas and yelling at certain people that they should be executed because they are not like them. We still have banks denying service to certain people because of their skin color. “Your black and you shouldn’t have this much money”.  Both of these just happened in the last week. What more do they want? Hmmmm.

We need to stop teaching our kids at such early ages that their religion is better than others or they are better beings because of their skin color. If your parents were racist or discriminatory  there’s a good chance you will be too. Your not born with these ideals, they are taught. Some might call it indoctrination! Remember the picture of a Muslim extremist years ago holding up a baby strapped with explosives? That is no different than the religious  /racist indoctrination the we teach our own kids to this day right out of the womb.



 It is illegal to deny banking service to 'certain people because of their skin color'.  Those people have a legion of organizations they can go to, from the local media to Al Sharpton to the DoJ.   Anyone who made such an ALLEGED statement would be fired quicker than Donald Sterling had to sell his NBA team.      I've come not to believe anecdotal, accusatory allegations -  ever since sitting in front of my TV and watching partisan Senators roast Kavanaugh for days on end.  

You keep coming back to "The US is an extreme racist country."   Though you pay lip service to 'Yeah other countries too.',  but you state what we US parents teach our kids  is THE SAME as a Muslim terrorist holding a baby strapped with explosives.    That statement was a 'Kavanaugh' moment for me.   Or should I say -  for you.    

 I don't know any parents "who teach our own kids religious/racist indoctrination right out of the womb to this day"    And I doubt you do either.    I bet you read it somewhere. 


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26 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Yeah.  That's what he's saying.  

I was born white. Chances are if your parents are white, your gonna be white too. Is there a law against it? AOC probably wants to make one. I’ve been told I have white privilege. Well since I was 16 or so every day of my life I’ve had to go to work to EARN a living, not get handed one. Where is my privilege, and I chose to serve my country for 23 years in not 1 but 2 branches of the service. Ever travel outside this country? Lots of people from other countries don’t like  up just because we are Americans, yet those same people who do not like us want to live here . . . Why Neil Young why?

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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If you look at the realities of US history, there have been struggles between the haves and have-nots from our very beginning, but it has been particularly true just before the war between the states (or as southerners like to call it, the war of northern aggression on the south). Some believed that giving the vote to the poor, non-property owners and Blacks would result in too much monetary power in the hands of the government, who in turn would use taxes to benefit have-nots... their perception of socialism... instead of benefiting private enterprise and wealthy property owners.

Certainly, there has been legislation to benefit Blacks to try to level the playing field, and it remains debatable as to how effective or fair that has been, or how much legislation has actually been a detriment to those it is intended to benefit or those it has discriminated against.  There is little doubt that that legislation has generally benefitted those it was intended to help.

I find it interesting that fortyyears and txogre chose Blacks and Black policy to attack while there are so many other policies and activities to complain about. I suppose critical race theory upsets people because whites feel that they're being  unfairly targeted. There is no doubt that the history being taught has been white washed to show the "best" sides of America. I think the goal of critical race theory is to teach all sides with an emphasis to cover ground that most history taught in public schools has traditionally eliminated. But the fact is, our history is riddled with events where have-nots of all races and ethnicities have been targets of oppression by the haves. We have been in a cultural war between the wealthy and the less fortunate in the history of western "civilization," and it amazes me that it gets framed as a race war. Love of money and power are the problems. Tribalism is the result. 

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34 minutes ago, jdgm said:

Even more excellent than it was on page 2.

Seriously a great read and thanks to the mods for letting this one continue.


I don't think anyone has gone to far yet and that why. Plus KSD posted and he is a mod, so if it needed shutting down it already would have been.

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1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:

 It is illegal to deny banking service to 'certain people because of their skin color'.  Those people have a legion of organizations they can go to, from the local media to Al Sharpton to the DoJ.   Anyone who made such an ALLEGED statement would be fired quicker than Donald Sterling had to sell his NBA team.      I've come not to believe anecdotal, accusatory allegations -  ever since sitting in front of my TV and watching partisan Senators roast Kavanaugh for days on end.  

You keep coming back to "The US is an extreme racist country."   Though you pay lip service to 'Yeah other countries too.',  but you state what we US parents teach our kids  is THE SAME as a Muslim terrorist holding a baby strapped with explosives.    That statement was a 'Kavanaugh' moment for me.   Or should I say -  for you.    

 I don't know any parents "who teach our own kids religious/racist indoctrination right out of the womb to this day"    And I doubt you do either.    I bet you read it somewhere. 


There was nothing “alleged” about it. It happened. Never did I say the “U.S. is an extreme racist country”. Quit making stuff up. Was the report and video of the Nazi’s lining the street in Florida alleged or did we really see it with our own eyes? Did the guy with the star on his license plate get harassed because of it or was that fake alleged news too? Must have been the fake news. There’s no extremists in the U.S. though. My bad! Some people just don’t get it.

When  your children were little did you take them to only one church to practice only one religion because that’s the one your parents taught you or did you take them to visit other religions? Do you know what indoctrination means?

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4 minutes ago, gdecant1 said:

There was nothing “alleged” about it. It happened. Never did I say the “U.S. is an extreme racist country”. Quit making stuff up. Was the report and video of the Nazi’s lining the street in Florida alleged or did we really see it with our own eyes? Did the guy with the star on his license plate get harassed because of it or was that fake alleged news too? Must have been the fake news. There’s no extremists in the U.S. though. My bad! Some people just don’t get it.

When  your children were little did you take them to only one church to practice only one religion because that’s the one your parents taught you or did you take them to visit other religions? Do you know what indoctrination means?

How about the nice people that threw rocks, bricks and cans of tuna fish (unopened of course) at the police officers over the summer. Nice white and black people trying to intentionally harm law enforcement. Wonder if any voted for Biden?

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1 hour ago, zigzag said:

If you look at the realities of US history, there have been struggles between the haves and have-nots from our very beginning, but it has been particularly true just before the war between the states (or as southerners like to call it, the war of northern aggression on the south). Some believed that giving the vote to the poor, non-property owners and Blacks would result in too much monetary power in the hands of the government, who in turn would use taxes to benefit have-nots... their perception of socialism... instead of benefiting private enterprise and wealthy property owners...

It is also very important to recall and understand that the wealth being generated in the north was industrial.  The great industrialists saw the south as having a distinct advantage on the labor side of business.  America had a choice, allow the north to also supply it's own rapidly growing labor needs with slavery, or stop the south so nobody had slavery.  Time and time again our problems, our true problems, are masked by things that rile the masses and cause them to disbelieve that which is right there in front of them.  You can look at the civil war as ending slavery, or you can look at the civil war as leveling the playing field for slavery for all, that is, all uneducated, unskilled labor is paid as low as possible, everywhere.  Today we have done nothing  more than re-define "uneducated" and "unskilled" to fit current base labor needs.


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7 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I don't think anyone has gone to far yet and that why. Plus KSD posted and he is a mod, so if it needed shutting down it already would have been.

Yep. Ain't touching this if I don't need to.

No resolving this. But it makes for catharsis sometimes.

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5 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

How about the nice people that threw rocks, bricks and cans of tuna fish (unopened of course) at the police officers over the summer. Nice white and black people trying to intentionally harm law enforcement. Wonder if any voted for Biden?

Extremists are everywhere.

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20 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

How about the nice people that threw rocks, bricks and cans of tuna fish (unopened of course) at the police officers over the summer. Nice white and black people trying to intentionally harm law enforcement.

Not condoning that behavior at all, and they should be prosecuted. But look at their reasons... a reaction to unnecessary force against black men resulting in the repeated deaths of unarmed black men. No matter how you frame it, that is just wrong. If you want to compare that to the riot on the capitol, rioters were trying to change the results of a popular democratic and electoral college vote based on the lies of a corrupt, authoritarian president. That was a seditionist insurrection against fairly elected new president and administration. Court after court, recount after recount has confirmed that. If you believe otherwise, you are being scammed.

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2 minutes ago, zigzag said:

Not condoning that behavior at all. But look at their reasons... a reaction to unnecessary force against black men resulting in the repeated deaths of unarmed black men. No matter how you frame it, that is just wrong. If you want to compare that to the riot on the capitol, rioters were trying to change the results of a popular democratic and electoral college vote based on the lies of an authoritarian president. That was a seditionist insurrection against fairly elected new president and administration. Court after court, recount after recount has confirmed that. If you believe otherwise, you are being scammed.

“You are being scammed” could also be replaced with “you have been indoctrinated”😁

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We had the Native Americans protesting the pipeline here screaming “ Water is life” as all the debris from their campsite was running into the water they swore to protect from the white devils. When they left, the white devils had to clean up their tons of debris and one body they left in their sacred water.  Jesse Jackasss and others stopped here to stir the pot and then left because they could see it was all bull sh1t.

Remember the commercial when the Native American cried when he saw the garbage the white devils threw out and was blowing all over? Bull sh1t again. You drive out to reservation here and there’s more garbage in the fields than in a landfill. Painful truth.

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6 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

If Biden were to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court without having made it a campaign promise with the outward appearance of affirmative action or reverse discrimination, it would be a lot less of a hot topic.

Point taken. How about in the name of diversity?

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1 minute ago, zigzag said:

Not condoning that behavior at all. But look at their reasons... a reaction to unnecessary force against black men resulting in the repeated deaths of unarmed black men. No matter how you frame it, that is just wrong. If you want to compare that to the riot on the capitol, rioters were trying to change the results of a popular democratic and electoral college vote based on the lies of an authoritarian president. That was a seditionist insurrection against fairly elected new president and administration. Court after court, recount after recount has confirmed that. If you believe otherwise, you are being scammed.

Our government has never lied to us, I believe that. Its not okay for cops to be judge, jury and executioner. That is absolutely wrong. Are gang members going to care who they gun down for their piece of turf? That is what our cops are some time up against and bad people committing crimes. A bullet will kill a white person just as quick as anyone else. When I lived in the SF Bay Area I never went to downtown Oakland after dark or even in the daylight. Why? 

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6 minutes ago, zigzag said:

Point taken. How about in the name of diversity?

How about the best most qualified person for the job? Not we have to employ 2 whites, 3 blacks, a Hispanic and 2 transsexuals' to check boxes.

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