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One door closes, another is opening. Hello retirement!

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Today is my last day of working full time.   As of Monday, I am officially retired. 

I won't deny there is a little bit of anxiety over the transition even though I know we'll be fine.  We've been planning this for a long time now.

I'm feeling like a truck load of bricks are coming off my shoulders.  

Off to the next chapter!  whatever that is.

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I'm glad for you. 

I found it felt odd at first. It felt like a holiday. I had a smile on my face nearly all the time and I kept busy. Now most every job (house & garden renovation, finance etc) has been completed, I still feel it important to keep busy. But those rare days of doing nothing feel great too. 

Good luck & enjoy your hard won retirement to the full.

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Been retired for 12 years now.  I still find things that need to get done.  A few days ago, I spent half the day cleaning out the dryer vent. Found a kit on Amazon with brushes and tent rod like extensions you stick up the hole in the wall like a colonoscopy - till you get to the chimney cap on your roof.  (Found a big clump of lint on the lawn yesterday.)  Tube you attach to your vacuum to suck out lint from inside the dryer. Etc.   I realized that for the 38 years I was 'working for the man',  I had never done things like this.  Necessary repairs - replacing starters in our cars, etc. but not the 'preventive maintenance' things.  Ms. Blast will probably be dragging you to Sherwin Williams tomorrow.   It's a whole, new way of life.  Free at last! 

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Congratulations, Kidblast. 

I pulled the pin a year and a half ago, and I never once looked back. 
It's very nice to wake up each morning with no particular plans, no commute to suffer through, and the freedom to recreate, relax, have fun, do some gardening, and take naps if I want to. 

You're going to love it, good sir. 



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To all, thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement and some of your own experiences with being retired.

I'm sitting here, kind of basking in the afterglow of shutting that laptop off for the last time.

I've already removed all traces of where my "Work" area was,  The laptop goes back on Monday.

Tonight a celebratory dinner with the love of my life, and my son and his fam, then back here for cocktails and the usual Friday shenanigans!


I'm gonna be ok!

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Congrats.  I retired at the end of 2011 and highly recommend it to everyone.  When asked if I regretted retiring so young, my response has always been:  “Not for a minute.”  Enjoy your retirement.

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Congrats, Kid!  You’re going to love it.  I’ve been retired twelve years and I’m busier than I’ve ever been, but the difference is that most of the things I do are things I enjoy.  I do things at a more relaxed pace.  I love playing music and I’ll do it forever.  Life is good!  Buy that guitar!  Go on that trip!  Sit on the porch with your wife and a good cup of coffee……..Enjoy!

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Posted (edited)

Naps, yep,  

Plan to stay Active  Check!


12 hours ago, SteveFord said:

I guess that Gold Top was the retirement gift.

Beats the hell out of a wristwatch, that's for sure.

YEP! Who needs a wrist watch,  in three weeks I won't even know what day it is!  😀

Larry, guitar! Yep again!

and here is just the guitar that you speak of.  Arrived last Friday and it's perfect.




Again, thanks for all your kind words and encouragement boys.   I'm hoping my wife is following me in September  At least that is the plan

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seems to be a common thread here.    When I first retired 4 years ago, I did all the jobs I never had time to do, took about 3 weeks to clean out and repaint the garage…..put all our thousands of photos in books, ( I think there are more than 20 books);  cleaned out the closet in the music room, etc…etc…etc.

Anyone who knows me knows that I REALLY loved my job…..53 years in the same industry working with the same people, and 39 years with the same company, and of course, 30 years doing the same job…….but…..retirement is the BEST!

You’re gonna love it!

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Thanks Rob!!  47 years in IT,   it used to be a good career,

but America loves it's cheap labor,  and that eventually put an end to it.

Enter India -  Exit IT as a place to build a good career.   

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Congrats on retirement and beautiful LP.

For the 1st few months I found myself thinking "how did I ever have time to work?" And the mistake I made was perhaps to play too hard, especially when the pandemic started. I finally didn't have to take orders to get money for that 1st time in my life....of course now I've finally realised what is important and worth pursuing and what isn't. 

Take care, enjoy and don't overdo it like I did. It's more about having the time and using it wisely than taking every opportunity to take things to the limit....fun though that has been!


All the best.

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On 6/28/2024 at 5:36 AM, kidblast said:

Today is my last day of working full time.   As of Monday, I am officially retired. 

I won't deny there is a little bit of anxiety over the transition even though I know we'll be fine.  We've been planning this for a long time now.

I'm feeling like a truck load of bricks are coming off my shoulders.  

Off to the next chapter!  whatever that is.

Congratulations Ray. I looked forward to it for years and then when the day came I was celebrating all the way home.  Then it hit me. Over half my life is gone! What am I cheering about? I don't miss anything though from work 

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