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Just been made redundant.

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest Farnsbarns

After a really bad year last year with my health and other problems I was looking forward to a great 2018. That is, until last Tuesday when I received a very suspicious email about a meeting to be held this morning. I immediately thought it was going to be redundancy and my fear was confirmed this morning.


I am officially unemployed.

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Commiserations. Happened to me at end 2014.


I hope - as others have said - you have got some sort of settlement which will tide you over.

Please let me know if there is anything I could do to help.

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So sorry to hear that.


It happened to me in the early 1980s. It was my attempt at being normal. I had 5 year in and they let everyone up to 15 go.


I went back to playing music full time and haven't had a single regret.


I truly hope that you find something that not only takes care of your bills, but fills your spirit as well.



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My sympathies Farns.


As per others have said I hope you will be provided some "buffer" in terms of settlement but I am aware that the terms of redundancy (in the UK) can indeed be very mean even if you have many years under your belt.


For the last 16 years I have worked for myself which if possible is always the best hedge against the vagaries of others although - of course - ultimately I am at the mercy of my customers. My insurance against this is my qualifications as a professional (social work and psychotherapy) and there is no shortage of work for me out there.


Do you have other strings to your bow?

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Farns, I'm retired now, but in my 38 year long career as a hospital financial manager - I was' Laid Off ' FOUR times! Starting with the Presidential Campaigns of Bush Sr VS Bill Clinton both touting 'healthcare reform' resulted in the hospital industry (not doctors, not drugs, hospitals) being targeted with arbitrary cutbacks in Medicare and Medicaid payment levels. The result was closure of some hospitals and downsizing at all the rest. Certain jobs were cut back around 50%. Others, like nurses, were untouched.

Anyway - my point is - if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time - it has nothing to do with you. It's like someone dropping a piano on you as you walk down the sidewalk.

Each and every time it happened to me - I wound up in a much better place, with a better job.

Just keep a positive attitude.

One time I went 10 months looking for something. Another time - it only took a couple of weeks.

It made me, and my family stronger. I am glad it happened.

Good Luck.

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Best of luck with everything Farns. About 3 months ago I was made redundant for the 2nd time in 2 years. I had primarily been working in the NHS sector and well we all know how stable that is currently.

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Life sure can throw us curve ballsand it can be very harsh. Back in 2004 my colon burst from a bad bout of diverticulitis. I was in the ICU for over a week, almost didn't make it. When they wheeled me out of the ICU into a regular room, a coworker informed me that I was losing my job do to the company closing the office. Needless to say it was the worse time of my life. I rebound and bout several Gibbys and Fenders since then.

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Life sure can throw us curve ballsand it can be very harsh. Back in 2004 my colon burst from a bad bout of diverticulitis. I was in the ICU for over a week, almost didn't make it. When they wheeled me out of the ICU into a regular room, a coworker informed me that I was losing my job do to the company closing the office. Needless to say it was the worse time of my life. I rebound and bout several Gibbys and Fenders since then.


I think I have demonstrated epic restraint in the face of this comedy goldmine from you. I will save all 34 stupid posts for another thread sometime.



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Ahh man.. Sorry to hear that.. Been there myself way too many times (9 I think)...


Its why in the end I decided to try and start my own business as I was fed up of it all...


Life is funny like that sometimes.. Something bad happens that can lead to something good.. See it as an opportunity to do something even better than you were doing. Just get your CV out there as quickly as you can don't wait about.

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