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WTH did you do today?

Mr. Gibson

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Today was a  meloncholy day for me.  My mom and dad's house is now owned by someone else.  They start moving-in on Tuesday.  I went up there earlier this evening to leave them all the keys and the garage door openers.  I sat on the floor where my dad's recliner was and just talked out loud for a few minutes.  My mom's recliner used to set right next to his.  I never expected the stress that accompanied selling my parent's home.  It sold pretty quickly and the paperwork is handled by others, so all I had to do was sign my name several times, but the process takes 4-5 weeks and that gives you a lot of time to visit the house and your memories.  I think I said something in another thread about it being like the Bob Seger song, "Turn the Page," and that's what I've done.  I'm sure my memories will conjure-up a song about the house or my folks.  I can see their house from our driveway.  It's250-300ft up the street....lol.....Anyway, time marches on and I'll continue marching with it......and keeping an out out for a J200.

Edited by MissouriPicker
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6 hours ago, MissouriPicker said:

Today was a  meloncholy day for me.  My mom and dad's house is now owned by someone else.  They start moving-in on Tuesday.  I went up there earlier this evening to leave them all the keys and the garage door openers.  I sat on the floor where my dad's recliner was and just talked out loud for a few minutes.  My mom's recliner used to set right next to his.  I never expected the stress that accompanied selling my parent's home.  It sold pretty quickly and the paperwork is handled by others, so all I had to do was sign my name several times, but the process takes 4-5 weeks and that gives you a lot of time to visit the house and your memories.  I think I said something in another thread about it being like the Bob Seger song, "Turn the Page," and that's what I've done.  I'm sure my memories will conjure-up a song about the house or my folks.  I can see their house from our driveway.  It's250-300ft up the street....lol.....Anyway, time marches on and I'll continue marching with it......and keeping an out out for a J200.

Hey MP - best to you, it's tough.  Hope the memories bring song or two.

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6 hours ago, MissouriPicker said:

Today was a  meloncholy day for me.  My mom and dad's house is now owned by someone else.  They start moving-in on Tuesday.  I went up there earlier this evening to leave them all the keys and the garage door openers.  I sat on the floor where my dad's recliner was and just talked out loud for a few minutes.  My mom's recliner used to set right next to his.  I never expected the stress that accompanied selling my parent's home.  It sold pretty quickly and the paperwork is handled by others, so all I had to do was sign my name several times, but the process takes 4-5 weeks and that gives you a lot of time to visit the house and your memories.  I think I said something in another thread about it being like the Bob Seger song, "Turn the Page," and that's what I've done.  I'm sure my memories will conjure-up a song about the house or my folks.  I can see their house from our driveway.  It's250-300ft up the street....lol.....Anyway, time marches on and I'll continue marching with it......and keeping an out out for a J200.

Ouch. I can imagine - my Dad's getting older, and still lives in the house I grew up in. I love visiting.

He's in perfect health (I hope - he avoids doctors like the plague) so hopefully he'll be around for a long time.

Edited by Pinch
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Among other things, played my 2017 Tribute. I  wonder if I'll ever buy a 2k or more Les Paul. Sure, they look cooler. But damn, the Tribute sounds amazing.

I forget if I asked, does anyone have experience with Burstbucker '61s in a Les Paul, like on the 2019 Classic? Altogether diff beast than BB Pros   (not a big fan)?

Bit wary of AlNiCo V after BB Pros.

Edited by Pinch
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20 hours ago, Pinch said:

Among other things, played my 2017 Tribute. I  wonder if I'll ever buy a 2k or more Les Paul. Sure, they look cooler. But damn, the Tribute sounds amazing.

I forget if I asked, does anyone have experience with Burstbucker '61s in a Les Paul, like on the 2019 Classic? Altogether diff beast than BB Pros   (not a big fan)?

Bit wary of AlNiCo V after BB Pros.

The last LP I had was a Trad Pro II. I bought the body and neck for $1400 and parted the rest. I scored killer Lindy pups for $60 each and I think the whole thing was well under 2k.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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Well, I started this day by waking up and getting out of bed right before 2:00 a.m. 

I think it's probably the steroids that have me up and about early. 

Rewind to three days ago, and I was trimming limbs and vines down by my creek, and I stepped into a ground nest (and resulting massive swarm) of yellow-jackets. 
Got attacked mercilessly, and ended up with around 40+ stings, mostly on my lower legs. 
The wife and I pulled 37 stingers out of me before we stopped counting. 

It was agony. 
I was on fire, and foolishly waited until twelve hours later to drive myself to the Emergency Room for a shot of steroids and some pain pills. 
Lost a few night's sleep in the process. 

It's taken a few days, but the pain and swelling have subsided, and I simply have to finish up the z-pack of steroids. 
Planning on going back to work today, but I'll be a walking zombie, most likely. 

Modern medicine. 
It's a double-edged sword, I reckon. 


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1 hour ago, sparquelito said:

Well, I started this day by waking up and getting out of bed right before 2:00 a.m. 

I think it's probably the steroids that have me up and about early. 

Rewind to three days ago, and I was trimming limbs and vines down by my creek, and I stepped into a ground nest (and resulting massive swarm) of yellow-jackets. 
Got attacked mercilessly, and ended up with around 40+ stings, mostly on my lower legs. 
The wife and I pulled 37 stingers out of me before we stopped counting. 

It was agony. 
I was on fire, and foolishly waited until twelve hours later to drive myself to the Emergency Room for a shot of steroids and some pain pills. 
Lost a few night's sleep in the process. 

It's taken a few days, but the pain and swelling have subsided, and I simply have to finish up the z-pack of steroids. 
Planning on going back to work today, but I'll be a walking zombie, most likely. 

Modern medicine. 
It's a double-edged sword, I reckon. 



sh1#! That's an ordeal and a half. 

I know about sleep deprivation, but never been stung like that. My ladyfriend had a wasps nest gassed a week ago, but we knew where that one was.

Hope you recover before too much longer Spar.

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17 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

The last LP I had was a Trade Pro II. I bought the body and neck for $1400 and parted the rest. I scored killer Lindy pups for $60 each and I think the whole thing was well under 2k.

And the Classic has Quick Connect, so you can't just slap on just any AlNiCo II pups... so to make the Classic sound classic it'll set you back the same amount of  $ as a Standard... which has ultra-modern weight relief, which... should the Standard really be that weight-DEPRIVED... not IMHO...

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4 hours ago, SteveFord said:

Holy crap, you're lucky to have lived through that one.

Stop doing that.

Today I am going to file a police report on that missing Les Paul and work all day.  What fun.

I think in one post you mentioned it was insured. What and ordeal. Can you stop payment with your bank? 

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Today has been pretty good (as most days are).   Got a call from my seven-year gig and they want to get things going again next Wednesday.  They are good people and I drove over to talk with them.   I enjoyed the Music in The Park venues, but this coffeehouse is like a second home for me.

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The local indoor pool opened again this week. I have to pre-book online and it's limited to 45 minutes, which is enough for me at the moment considering how out of condition I am.   Have been every day this week - Tuesday was particularly hard work - and yesterday I had the whole pool to myself for 45 minutes.  That was good.  

I have a steep, high bank in my garden and I've been trying to get somewhere with making some steps up it.  In the hot dry weather it was incredibly hard to dig as my soil is all rubble and stones. But I dug and excavated etc and banged in some steel uprights (after taking pic below) which were in tight and didn't move.  Except that after 2 days of heavy rain this week they have come loose in the soaking wet ground and I've realised that my plan to make concrete steps in frames up the bank just won't work, as a week of that level of rain (which we are bound to have later in the year, it's the new norm) would very likely erode the soil beneath and bring the whole lot down.  I have zero building and carpentry skills so have got to consider what I am going to do.  I don't care if it's a lash-up, if it works. It has occupied me for most of the summer and I'm pissed off with it at the moment; but glad I realised now - instead of after building it.   I've improved the sides of the bits I've done so far, after taking this pic. I'll probably end up using reclaimed planking.  The big pile of soil on the right is less than half of what I've dug out, there's a much larger pile out of sight up top.



Edited by jdgm
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Rabs -   that piece of wood is beautiful.  I'm currently working with a small piece of spalted pecan. Knife handle.  Oil stain really makes it POP !  

With that owl -   I'm seeing a custom J-45 with that as the back!   Never heard of beech being used as a tone  wood.  

Today, I'm hoping the index finger I stabbed with a scissor will be 'healed' enough to play.  Sometimes I'll go a day, maybe even 2 without picking up a guitar. But when I know I  CAN'T - it is very disturbing.   Makes me want to break house arrest !  

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Damn, I got out  and took the dog for a ride, then went to the grocery store , now I am totally worn out, COVED is still hanging on, and at this point I am  not contagious, the fever had broken two days ago.  So just going out and doing an errand totally wore me out. But getting better, there is a lot of crap that continues to hang on, but at least I am not in the hospital.

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6 minutes ago, pappy said:

Damn, I got out  and took the dog for a ride, then went to the grocery store , now I am totally worn out, COVED is still hanging on, and at this point I am  not contagious, the fever had broken two days ago.  So just going out and doing an errand totally wore me out. But getting better, there is a lot of crap that continues to hang on, but at least I am not in the hospital.

Hang in there Pappy, keep on truck'n...

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21 minutes ago, pappy said:

Damn, I got out  and took the dog for a ride, then went to the grocery store , now I am totally worn out, COVED is still hanging on, and at this point I am  not contagious, the fever had broken two days ago.  So just going out and doing an errand totally wore me out. But getting better, there is a lot of crap that continues to hang on, but at least I am not in the hospital.

You'll be back to normal before you know it.

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10 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

Rabs -   that piece of wood is beautiful.  I'm currently working with a small piece of spalted pecan. Knife handle.  Oil stain really makes it POP !  

With that owl -   I'm seeing a custom J-45 with that as the back!   Never heard of beech being used as a tone  wood.  

Today, I'm hoping the index finger I stabbed with a scissor will be 'healed' enough to play.  Sometimes I'll go a day, maybe even 2 without picking up a guitar. But when I know I  CAN'T - it is very disturbing.   Makes me want to break house arrest !  

Yes it is  🙂   We sell all sorts of wood and you are right. When you get that sort of contrast in wood the light and dark bits really pop when oiled.. 

I did a Beech guitar once and I have sold several Beech body blanks on ebay. Its a fine "tonewood", just not traditional. Its certainly a nice hardness level.



We also currently have some lovely English Walnut that I have just started cleaning up after air drying.



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