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Who on Earth would want a Guitar with a Neck Like this?


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eh.  Every few years someone does the super scalloped fingerboard thing in combination with some other gimmick.  Guitar players ignore them in droves and buy more Teles and Strats and Les Pauls.  Same as it ever was.


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...But it has the special metal on it I can't pronounce, so they must be good. I played a Yngwie Strat with the scalloped fretboard once. Until you get how to press down on the board properly,  you play everything sharp.

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While I’m not a diehard traditionalist and have embraced things like extended range guitars and basses, I find these guitars and basses  to be over the top.  Interesting concept though.

Edited by tx-ogre
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Weird - at first I didn't get it at all.  But thinking about it a little more, there is no fingerboard, you just press down and the strings only touch the frets.  Eliminates the question about how the fingerboard effects the tone!!  Like RCT said - just another gimmick.

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2 minutes ago, Twang Gang said:

Weird - at first I didn't get it at all.  But thinking about it a little more, there is no fingerboard, you just press down and the strings only touch the frets.  Eliminates the question about how the fingerboard effects the tone!!  Like RCT said - just another gimmick.


Yes, scalloped boards have been around since at least Blackmore in the early 70's.  Super light touch, string touches fret and nothing else, mostly classical type players.  I think his was scalloped from 12th up.  It's a thing, but it isn't really a sellable thing.  I had a good time at the Fender Fakktory with some Yngwie necks they were rushing out, they are scalloped.  It's odd, but if it is your thing it is your thing.  And every few years someone does it again, one was scalloped AND fan fretted I remember.

But put it on one of these hideous things and you are guaranteeing zero sales to the most conservative consumers on the planet, us.


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5 minutes ago, rct said:

But put it on one of these hideous things and you are guaranteeing zero sales to the most conservative consumers on the planet, us.


Zero sales across the board. No one's THAT liberal. 

I wish them luck, though. They'll need it. 

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Unattractive, at the very least. 

Interesting though. 

I would love to hold one and try it out, before I pass judgement. 


PS I do recall hearing a lot of these same comments back in the 1980's, when the Ned Steinberger guitars and basses first hit the scene. 

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