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Happy New Year


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Wishing everyone a very happy new year...! I hope 2015 brings you all good health, lots of love and major prosperity... [thumbup]


And a very Happy New Year 2015 to you Dave - Best Wishes!


I'll settle for any out of the 3....well hey, I'm grateful for anything right now.....

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Happy New Years to all hear on this great forum...I have had a great year learning about guitars and trying to learn to play....There are some great people on here and I have learned a lot from you I appreciate you sharing the information and being patient with my rather elementary questions. Looking forward to 2015 and I hope that this year brings each and everyone of you exactly what you want, need and deserve...Rock on.

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The Strat and the Les Paul were on the stands today, and got some quality volume time, and that means new year wishes to all of you, may you have Green Grass and High Tides Forever.



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