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WTH did you do today?

Mr. Gibson

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On 7/11/2021 at 2:34 PM, mihcmac said:

The Phallic looking flower is an Anthurium, they grow really well here.

Thanks, I wrote down the name. You never see them here of course and I will tell my Mom what they are.  Knowing her, They will still be Little Boy Flowers Lol.  I think you can guess why? 

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Deb & I watched our 2 grandkids from 8:30 to 4:00. We took both to their first tennis ball lessons, which was an hour.  Then went home, and out to Sonic to feed them. That's where they wanted to go. Came home to watch, Jungle Book 2.  I never knew that they made a 2nd one. Then for more entertainment, I had them both come outside to the table and had them clean all 138  sockets I had Lol.  Greyson did the Standard set while Reagan did the Metrics. They had a ball!  See? "You don't Have to buy little kids lots of toys to have a great time. "  

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Too funny...

I took my kids to all the Disney movies in the 90's.  They loved them, I fell asleep during every one.  They could never understand why I couldn't hold a conversation with them about the movie on the way home.  You and the wife enjoy the grandchildren and don't forget to spoil them!

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I have been playing my red 56 LP Std (also comes as a Goldtop) its fat neck is a bit challenging, but sustain, precision and light touch are incredible. But have to work hard making my other guitars such an ease to play.  😀


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Broke my high E on my Wilshire yesterday, fortunately I had my Junior DC as a backup and it was extraordinary. Something about the wraparound bridge seems to make the notes ring-out even more with that solid piece of steel. We had a new lady singer that seemed to know are songs pretty damn well, so that was good.

I just got through mowing the back half of my new lawn, so I'm a little fried. Hasta luego...

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Went up to GC today.  First time there I think since around last New Year’s.  Just don’t buy much there anymore.  One Gibson, a 2018 J45 Rosewood, 5 Martins, and a shitload of Taylors in their high dollar room..  Seems like most music gear is getting more expensive, at least at GC.   Anyway, I needed a new music stand and harmonica holder.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Mr. Gibson said:

Some how I got the end of my mower sickle in a culvert, had a mile of walking home to get my pickup in 100 degree heat to pull it over 6 inches to get it out.  

You gotta be careful with those some how's, glad you're all right.

I just got through push mowing my backyard with my Briggs, lawns grow really fast here all year around, Its big enough that I could justify a rider.

I'm going to make some SG noise now.

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I'm gonna cheat. This was yesterday.

Preparing to take Cherry home from mine. She's recovering from a spinal fracture (yes close run thing & out of hospital about a week) and in a neck brace. I pack food and personals into bags & load the car up ready. When I get in she has a vertigo attack. So bring everything back inside & settle her down as best I can. She absolutely must not have another fall. 

This morning: Just about to wake her and hoping for the best.

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2 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

I'm gonna cheat. This was yesterday.

Preparing to take Cherry home from mine. She's recovering from a spinal fracture (yes close run thing & out of hospital about a week) and in a neck brace. I pack food and personals into bags & load the car up ready. When I get in she has a vertigo attack. So bring everything back inside & settle her down as best I can. She absolutely must not have another fall. 

This morning: Just about to wake her and hoping for the best.

good luck

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Jazz group rehearsal today.  I leave home at 12.30 and drive 25 miles then in the sax player's car the rest of the way.  2-hour rehearsal then the whole journey back during rush hour so I get in at 5.30.   Phew - but worth it; I get to have a play.  That's why I've still got the gear.

Blues band may be doing farewell gig(s) in Southampton soon.  Will take big amp, might even go stereo;  I have a Korg G4.



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Played my White 61 style SG Special at my Saturday jam, its always fun to play, although the G string was sticking at the nut a little. Slamming my StetsBar was able to bring it back, I gonna have to work on the nut today..

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Did something today I havent done in a long time.. Went to the sea side with my family.. Called Southend...  Not exactly Miami beach 😄 but it was a nice day..  Had some fish and chips for lunch of course..

And took this picture with my niece and nephew in it.


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Today,  as pretty much every day for the past 2 weeks - I've been spending time training our new dog.  Usually 3 short sessions each day.  He's a 3 year old German Shepherd  'rescue'.   He weighs around 85 lbs and, inspire of his sweet, lap dog, disposition - looks fierce enough to scare most anyone.  I need to get him to realize I walk him, and not visa versa.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well my SG Classic was amazing yesterday at my weekend jam. The SG is running head to head with my slightly more expensive Wilshire. Both equipped with 2 piece mahogany bodies, almost the same electronics and hardware they sound very similar. Their necks are very fast one with a 60's SlimTaper and  other with a  very comfortable thin Medium C taper. Anyway,  the point is,  trying to decide which one to play is getting more difficult. The only real difference being, which of their really fast necks should I try...

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I did a bunch of gardening, after brunch with the in-laws. 

Rode the bicycle for about an hour, and then did some tinkering on a  Cort G series that I picked up used recently from a pawn shop, for $140.    A G255.

Very interesting and good-sounding guitar!!

(And thankfully no dings or chips.)

Some previous owner pulled the EMG pickups out of it, and installed some conventional passive ones.
Works for me.
Well, except for the bright white pickup covers he had on the single coils, and the stark white appearance of the bridge pickup.

I took the SS covers off today, and then distressed and then added a semi-chrome cover over the bridge pickup.

In the end, a good investment.
I especially like the Wilkinson bridge and the roller nut.




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Nice Cort, enjoy...

Quite a few Epiphones were built at the Cort factory in Indonesia like my 97 Junior DC, Cort does build a lot at headquarters in Korea .


and my Indonesian Cort Built G&L 


I think Eddie had something to do with getting Indonesia going..

I just finished mowing the back...

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