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Healing with a new guitar


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Been a long time since I've posted here. My wife passed away last summer and I have been in the depths of depression and hell. Seeing some light.

I was born in 1960 and have always wanted a 1960 RI. I'm a Jimmy Page wanna be. I put an order in for one last year and it came yesterday to Instrumental Music, Thousand Oaks. Plays and sounds like a dream. I was happy to wake up this morning. Playing through a Yamaha Class D desktop amp.
















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My condolences to you.. Sorry about your Wifes passing.. You do need to something to ease your pain.. That is a beautiful Guitar!! You can write many songs with it for sure..  Great therapy.

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so sorry for the loss of your wife. Wow.  You've had some rough times over the last few years with the fire, rebuilding and now her passing.  I'm so sorry for you. My condolences to you and yours. Would it be alright to call you.  I believe I still have your number.

You still in the Agoura Hills area?

That's a beautiful guitar. 

Instrumental music. I was in there two or three months ago.  Playing the Martin D-35 Johnny Cash they had there.

I watched that video.  You look good Phil.  


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9 hours ago, Tman said:

My wife passed away last summer and I have been in the depths of depression and hell.

I am so sorry brother. I just spent an hour or so fighting back tears responding to John Shiflet (forum member) who lost his spouse 18 months ago. It's been 13 months for my dad, (and I), since he became a widower and I lost my mom. Here is a bit of what I wrote to John that may benefit you.

 "...my father became a widower 13 months ago. She did everything for him, save for making money, which thankfully he was very good at. She passed from Frontal Lobe Dementia, so she had been in a Palliative care facility for just under three years prior to her death. He literally had never done laundry, made a bed, run a vacuum, clean a toilet or shower,  or 99% of the other indoor household tasks required as a single adult homeowner.  Fortunately, I live just under an hour away from him , (and I am retired), so I have been able to help him out. I go to his house at least once a week and help him clean, dust, vacuum, mop floors, do maintenance, keep his PC running, and or anything else he may need...  ....He has a big house in Barrington Hills, Illinois. Just vacuuming the entire house takes around 2 1/2 to 3 hours. There are 5 and a half bathrooms that need to be kept clean as well, that the hard, iron laden Well water does a number on if you don't  . Without my support, and the support of his wonderful friends, I don't know  how he would have survived. At 82, he's and old dog resistant to learning new tricks, but he is doing his own laundry and learned how to make a bed!! Thank goodness for small miracles.

I write this in hopes that you have a similar type of support group. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me, either by Personal Message, or on this thread.  Even if you have a support group, I am available if you need a shoulder to lean on, or just someone to talk to. There are also a myriad of support groups for those who have lost their spouses. My father has benefited massively from the group he joined 2 years ago for loved ones with, (or have passed from), terminal dementia. I can connect you with one of these support groups in your area, if you haven't already joined one."

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  It may surprise you how many people, even strangers, whom will not hesitate to bend over backwards for you in your time of need, (and after). 



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I am glad you are coming out of the fog.  That is the only way I can describe the mental anguish - it is real but you can't touch it. Can't escape it - it surrounds you, covers you.    BUT it will lift and the sun will shine again.  Absolutely.  You have to realize that you can make it happen though.   And your wife would want you to.  Just like she'd want you to smile every time you pick up that JP.   

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Oh, Phillip...this just breaks my heart!

I'm so sorry to hear about your wife.....may she Rest In Peace, and my you find peace also.

God Bless you and your family.

Edited by DanvillRob
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So sorry to hear about your loss Phillip but I'm so glad to hear that you've found a way to bring joy back into your life with your new Les Paul.

Best wishes for your future and so glad to see you back.

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Like everyone else here, I'm sorry for your loss.

I know, in the scheme of things, they don't compare. But that is a beautiful guitar you have. Hopefully you will have a happy memory every time you play it.. 

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Thank you everyone for your words of kindness, sympathy, empathy, and support. It used to be hour by hour then day by day and now I'm starting to be able to do a lot of normal things. It will never be normal but I realize life is worth living and I still have a lot I want to do. Playing this LP is way up there. Thanks again. Phillip

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I am sorry for your loss. 

My goodness.....I thought I wasn't seeing correct as there is another man on here who has lost his wife too.....I cannot imagine. 



But your guitar sure looks nice though!!!



And I hope you do put your emotions and feelings into it to help you get through your loss. 



Of course.....nothing will replace your loved one ever......it only takes the pain away for a little while. 


Good luck




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On 4/13/2024 at 1:10 PM, Tman said:

Been a long time since I've posted here. My wife passed away last summer and I have been in the depths of depression and hell. Seeing some light.

I was born in 1960 and have always wanted a 1960 RI. I'm a Jimmy Page wanna be. I put an order in for one last year and it came yesterday to Instrumental Music, Thousand Oaks. Plays and sounds like a dream. I was happy to wake up this morning. Playing through a Yamaha Class D desktop amp.

















So sorry about your sweeter half, I can't even begin to imagine. 

Glad your finding some healing through playing, what I have learn is we all grieve in different ways. But glad to hear you are seeing some light.... And it's okay to be depressed, moody and anxious during your time of transition...... all perfectly normal.


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